Martial Inverse

Chapter 851 Threat

"Sect Master Fenghao..."

Feng Hao, who was sitting on the back of the Tianma with the ten inner sect elders, couldn't help laughing when he thought of Li Chongyang putting on the suzerain hat before leaving.

In the beginning, the name of the sect master was just a joke by Taoist Baiyu, but unexpectedly... Li Chongyang announced it in front of all disciples of the sect.

His feelings for Yuhua Shenzong can't be said to be very deep, but people like Monkey King are tied to Yuhua Shenzong.

He protects Yuhua Shenzong only for Sun Wukong Bull Demon King Yang Jian and Ju Yi.

If they were not affected by the lifeline of the Yuhua Shenzong, they would have let the birds fly to the sky long ago, looking for a suitable place for their practice.

However, if you think about it carefully, being in the Ascension God Sect is pretty good!

At least the cultivation resources are sufficient, and there are not too many intrigues in the sect, and Sun Wukong and the others also have the body of Xuanxian.

"Sect Master Feng..."

At this time, an elder from the inner sect not far away interrupted Feng Hao's thoughts.

Feng Hao turned his head away: "Is Elder Li okay?"

Feng Hao, the elder of the Neizong, is not familiar with him, and he also knows that everyone calls him Elder Li, the strongest existence in the realm of kings.

Said to be a descendant of the great uncle Li Chongyang.

Elder Li rode the Tianma and landed beside Feng Hao, and then said: "Unexpectedly, Sect Master Feng has only entered Yuhua Shenzong for a few years, and now he has become a celebrity in the Xuanxian ancestor world, and even the suzerain of my Yuhua Shenzong."

Feng Hao chuckled and said, "It's just luck!"

"Luck is also a part of strength. I heard... when you ascended from the Golden Immortal Realm, how many artifacts did you have?"

Elder Li's voice was very soft, and at the same time, he used celestial power to isolate the conversation between him and Feng Hao.

Feng Hao frowned, looked deeply at this descendant of Li Chongyang, and said, "Who told Elder Li this?"

"Hehe, Sect Master Feng doesn't care who told me... Is there such a thing?"

Elder Li smiled, and the corner of his mouth raised a slight arc, as if everything was under his control,

Said: "Every man is innocent, but he is guilty. This is your secret!"

Feng Hao nodded: "Yes, but what does it have to do with Elder Li? Where did you get the news from?"

He brought the artifact from the Golden Immortal Realm, to be honest... Sun Wukong and the others did know, but it was impossible for them to tell outsiders.

He is very confident.

In addition to Sun Wukong and the others, there are also Taoist Lords of the Nine Realms and Immortal Emperor Qingyang of the Golden Immortal Realm.

But these people have nothing to do with Elder Li.

"As long as Sect Master Feng listens to my words, this matter will not spread. After all... Possessing a divine weapon is a big news in the world of Xuanxian ancestors, and it will drive those emperors or half-step ancestors crazy."

Elder Li smiled triumphantly, he was very excited.

With Feng Hao present this time, he is undoubtedly the one who obtained the demon seed, and he will be the great hero of Yuhua Emperor Sect.

Even... in the future, he can become the master of the Emperor Sect.


Feng Hao sneered twice, then raised his hand suddenly, Tianma stopped, and then the entire team of forty or fifty people stopped.

Elder Li was stunned for a moment: "Why don't you leave?"

Even the disciples of the Inner Sect, including the elders, looked at Feng Hao, who was leading the team, suspiciously.

Now they are all rushing to gather at the entrance of the Heavenly Demon Realm, all sects are waiting for their arrival, and every second counts.

There is nothing unusual here, why stop?

Just when everyone was wondering, Feng Hao suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed Elder Li's neck not far away, and lifted him up.


All the disciples and elders were shocked at that time.

what's the situation?

Swish! Swish! Swish!

At the same time, Monkey King, Bull Demon King, Yang Jian, Juyi, and Mo Shuai, the four ancient immortals rushed up one after another to protect Feng Hao.

This sudden scene also made those elders who were about to persuade them all give up this idea.

"Ahem... what are you doing?"

Elder Li was strangled to death by Feng Hao, he had no cultivation base of the King Realm, but at this moment he was struggling like a chicken.

Feng Hao said: "This is the first time and the last time. If you are not the elder of Yuhua Shenzong and a descendant of Li Chongyang, based on what you just said, this emperor will definitely take your life."


Feng Hao let go, and Elder Li's originally purple face suddenly returned to rosy, panting heavily.

He felt much better when the immortal energy entered his body.

"Yes... sorry!"

Elder Li was scared at that time. At that moment just now, he felt that he was going to die soon, and he panicked.

What he didn't understand was how brave Feng Hao was, daring to kill him in front of so many disciples of Yuhua Shenzong.

Could it be... Aren't you afraid of being accused of betraying the sect?


Feng Hao snorted coldly, and then drove the Tianma to move on.

An elder Li, to him, is like an ant on the ground, threatening him.

Even if it was Luo Tian, ​​the suzerain of the Great Luo Shenzong who threatened him just now, he dared to attack.

What is an elder in the King Realm?

A mouthful of saliva contains the Dao, and it can make his soul fly away.

Those who are emperors must not be bullied!

"Brother Feng, what did that old thing do?"

At this time, Monkey King asked through voice transmission, he, the Bull Demon King and others are now accompanying Feng Hao.

Prevent Xiao Xiao from coming over to disturb Feng Hao.

Feng Hao smiled lightly: "Then Elder Li threatened me, and I will obey his words from now on."

"I just killed him!"

The Bull Demon King just got angry. Whoever threatens Feng Hao is threatening his ancestors... No!

Doesn't that mean that Feng Hao is his ancestor?

The Bull Demon King shuddered, and his face turned red. Fortunately, he didn't say this sentence, otherwise he would become a laughing stock.

Monkey King said: "What qualifications does he have to threaten you? It's ridiculous."

Feng Hao said: "If I'm not mistaken, this Elder Li colluded with other members of the Shenzong, the most likely... is related to the Daluo Shenzong. I didn't kill him just now, just to see...who is he with? collusion."

Feng Hao narrowed his eyes.

He felt that Elder Li knew about this matter, most likely, he knew about it from Da Luo Shenzong.

Because Immortal Emperor Qingyang once said... the sect behind him is Daluo Shenzong, and he will come over during the sect celebration.

Even if there is no celebration for Da Luo Shenzong, then... Luo Tian must have the ability to go to the Golden Immortal Realm.

It's not hard to investigate him.

Sun Wukong said: "This Elder Li really deserves to die, as a descendant of Li Chongyang, he actually colluded with outsiders, my old grandson couldn't resist beating him to death with a stick."

"You little boy, don't worry about it!"

Feng Hao didn't take Li Chongyang to heart, he didn't kill the latter, he just wanted to know if Luo Tian told him about it.

The entrance to the Heavenly Demon Realm is located in a polar region in the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm, called the Immortal Demon Island, which is hundreds of thousands of miles away from the Yuhua Shenzong.

But this kind of distance can be reached in a few days for the fast-moving Pegasus...

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