Martial Inverse

Chapter 855: Entrance to the Abyss

After everyone heard the words of the emperor of Luofu Shenzong, they immediately pondered.

At this time, the other emperor of the neutral Shenzong Huoyan Shenzong glanced across the crowd present and said, "My fellow immortals, what do you think?"


"Everything, follow the orders of all the immortal friends of the Divine Sect."

All the major immortal sects have no objection, as far as they are concerned, in such a dangerous place as the abyss of the Heavenly Devil Realm, even if the upper gods in the sect go, they must die.

It's better to stay in the city and kill all the demon clansmen without leaving him.

As for them, they seized the demon seeds in the abyss of the Heavenly Demon Realm.

After returning after the matter is completed, they can set off to return to the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm, which not only kills the vigor of the Heavenly Demon Clan, but also increases the self-confidence of the disciples in the sect.

He is also full of confidence in the massive crusade against the Heavenly Demon Realm in the future.

"Feng Hao, what do you think?"

The emperor of Huoyan Shenzong's eyes fell on Feng Hao, and his words also attracted everyone's attention.

They were amazed that such an existence as the Huoyan Shenzong had to seek Feng Hao's opinion instead of the opinions of other Shenzong emperors.

It can be seen how much Feng Hao, who has been famous in the ancestral world of Xuanxian, has a lot of weight in the hearts of the powerhouses of the gods.

The corners of Feng Hao's mouth curled up, and he nodded, "It's good, but... I'm afraid it's a bit inappropriate to go with these immortal kings. After all, there are many demons in the abyss of demons!"

Daoist Fan said: "It's not that I don't want to go, but the Abyss of Heavenly Demon. We practice the laws of Xuanxian Ancestral Realm, but we can't enter it. We really have more than enough energy but not enough energy. If we can enter the Abyss of Heavenly Demon, it would be great... Not to mention the position of Emperor Sect, if you can compete with the Demon Emperor of the Heavenly Demon Realm, that will be considered as fulfillment of a wish."


The other Emperors of Shenzong also expressed that they wanted to enter the abyss of the Heavenly Demon Realm.


The law doesn't allow it.

In fact, in their hearts, they also wished to enter the abyss and kill those demons who killed the disciples of the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm in the past.

in this way,

Only then can the hatred in my heart be relieved.

Feng Hao smiled, this is what he was waiting for.

In fact, Feng Haoda can use Feng Zhou to enter the Abyss of Heavenly Demon with the powerhouses of the King Realm of various sects.

But... this kind of behavior is not supported.

After all, none of the powerful emperors from other sects entered. If he entered as an emperor, even if he obtained the demon seed, he would inevitably be criticized by others.

So the best way, of course, is for all the emperors to go in, so that it seems fair.

In addition, Feng Hao also felt that just relying on the masters of the kings in various lands may not be able to successfully obtain the magic seed.

Inside, there are demon emperors and demon ancestors, and the king-level powerhouses are nothing but ants in the hands of these demon heads.

How can the light of rice grains compete with the bright moon in the sky?

"If I can bring you in, would fellow Taoists be willing to go in?" Feng Hao laughed.

"Of course!"

Daoist Fan said sternly: "If you can go in, then naturally you can't ask for it. My Daoist has long wanted to trouble these demons."

"What method do you have? Does it really work?"

The strong man of the Huoyan Sect frowned and said: "You know, if we forcefully pass through, I'm afraid I'll be out of my wits..."

If you want to force it through, you will be competing with the laws of heaven and earth in the Demon Realm.

However, with their cultivation base, they are still unable to reach the point where they can compete with the laws of the devil world, and it is not advisable to risk themselves.

In this case, don't be reckless.

The other sect emperors also started discussing one after another, and they were all shocked by Feng Hao's words.

If they can enter the abyss of the Heavenly Demon Realm, it will be a great thing, and the chances of obtaining the Demon Seed will also be high.

Secondly, if you can kill a few demon emperors, why not do it?

Feng Hao nodded and said: "Of course there is a method. After the repair is completed, we will go to the entrance of the abyss of the Heavenly Demon Realm. At that time, I will have my own means to enter the abyss of the Heavenly Demon Realm."

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

The eyes of all the Immortal Sect and Shenzong powerhouses flickered at that moment. They... have been waiting for this day for a long time.


The various powerhouses in the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm didn't take long to recuperate. When it was confirmed that there was no more army of demons coming here, the powerhouses of the king realm and the powerhouses of the emperor realm discussed the matter of going to the abyss of heavenly demons.

After the final discussion, each sect left five king-level powerhouses to sit in this magic city with the upper god.

The rest of the King Realm and Emperor Realm powerhouses will go to the entrance of the Demon Abyss.

This proposal was unanimously approved. After all, the emperors who lead the teams are also worried that if all the main forces enter the abyss.

Then if the disciples of high gods who stay here stay here, if they encounter a strong enemy, wouldn't they be completely annihilated.

And there are hundreds of strong people in the king realm guarding it, which will make people feel more at ease.

After the proposal was passed, Feng Hao explained the situation to Sun Wukong and others, that is, he set off for the entrance of the abyss of the Heavenly Demon Realm with the emperors of the Divine Sect and the powerful kings of the Immortal Sect.

Sun Wukong and others are still high gods now, it's not that Feng Hao doesn't want to take them in, but this trip is destined to be extremely dangerous.

And if they stay here and cooperate with Ju Yi's ominous power, then...there is a high probability that their safety will be guaranteed.

At the same time, the fight with the army of the Heavenly Demon Clan here will also allow Monkey King and others who have not used their fists for a long time to fight heartily.


Feng Hao didn't know where the abyss of the Heavenly Demon Realm was, but the several emperors of Shenzong who were traveling with him were somewhat familiar with the Heavenly Demon Realm.

Under their lead, hundreds of people reached the rolling mountains.

In a ring mountain range, Feng Hao in the void saw the entrance to the abyss of the Heavenly Demon Realm in the ring mountain.

It was a pitch-black hole, gushing out a huge amount of devilish energy all the time.


In the mountains, beast roars continued. Obviously, many monsters took root here, absorbing the magic energy gushing out of the abyss.

Seeing the devilish energy gushing out from the hole, Feng Hao wondered, did all the devilish energy in the Heavenly Demon Realm come from the abyss?

If the entrance to the abyss is blocked and there is no demon energy to spread, can the demon creatures living on the surface of the demon world continue to practice or become stronger?

I'm afraid it will be difficult!

Everyone ignored the roaring monsters, but looked at Feng Hao one after another.

"Fellow Daoist Feng Hao, I don't know what you can do to lead us into the abyss?"

At this moment, the emperor of Luofu Shenzong couldn't wait any longer, the huge entrance to the abyss exuding devilish energy.

For him, it was full of temptation.

Feng Hao looked at the crowd with a smile, and said: "This method is... If there is power coming later, don't resist, you will understand..."

"it is good!"

Luo Fu, Tian Xuan, Huo Yan and other Shenzong believe that Feng Hao will not harm them.

But... Luo Tian, ​​the suzerain of the Great Luo Shenzong, frowned.

There is a force coming?

In other words... Feng Hao will attack them, don't resist, what is the difference between that and death?

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