Martial Inverse

Chapter eight hundred and sixtieth use martial arts to defy the sky

"What's going on?" "What happened just now?" The surviving fairy gods were all dumbfounded and stunned, and the demon kings who could have controlled their destiny. Today, none of them are gone. Not even a trace was left. Swish! Just when everyone was stupefied, a figure suddenly walked out of the void. A layer of fairy light shrouded him. At this moment, he is holy and beautiful. Just like the father of the gods, people can't help but want to worship him. This invincible temperament is terrifying. "Feng Hao!" Suddenly, someone shouted. Wow! Then, the whole crowd burst into an uproar, unable to control themselves. Who is Fenghao? The blockbuster No. 1 middle god in the Baizong Grand Competition. After that, he became the new emperor of Xuanxian Ancestral Realm. His appearance directly opened the prelude to the era of Emperor Zong. The name of Fenghao seems to be known to everyone. It was Sun Wukong who spoke, and he greeted him first, followed by Bull Demon King, Yang Jian, Big Black Dog, Ju Yi, Demon Dragon, the Four Great Ancient Immortals... They stepped forward to greet them. Such is the general who welcomes the triumphant return. Seeing this scene, many gods were shocked, but they did not dare to approach rashly because they were not familiar with it. However, this does not prevent them from admiring Feng Hao. "Long live the Fenghuang!" I don't know,

Someone yelled.

"Long live the Wind Emperor!"

"Long live the Wind Emperor!"

Immediately, the surviving immortals in the city all shouted in unison, this is their heartfelt words.

If it weren't for Feng Hao, they would have fallen here a long time ago, and they would never be reborn forever.

Feng Hao is their savior.

I can't help myself.

Feng Hao smiled bitterly, long live?

Doesn't this call him short-lived? Since becoming the Lord of the Great Thousand, even if he is in another world, he still lives the same life as the sky.

Long live only ten thousand years.

too little.

"You don't need to be like this, fellow immortals. Going to the abyss of the Heavenly Demon Realm, I happened to have an insight into the conspiracy of the Demon Race, so I put down the other emperors and rushed here without stopping. After all, it was still one step too late..."

Feng Hao felt guilty.

If the speed is faster, maybe one more person can be saved. No matter what, these people are the elite of the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm.

It is, the hope of a family.

It is unfortunate to die in a foreign country.

Many immortals also fell silent, shaking their heads and sighing, this is fate, and there is no one to blame.

However, Feng Hao came in time, and those who survived should know how to be grateful.

Therefore, all the gods still treated Feng Hao with courtesy and sincerity.

"Fellow daoists, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time, how about going to the Demon Abyss with me?"

Feng Hao felt that the outside was too dangerous.

Now there are five Demon Emperors, maybe, soon there will be ten, and he will also compete for the title of Emperor Sect for the Emerald God Sect.

Impossible to stay here long.

This return, on the one hand, to protect Monkey King and others, and on the other hand, to take advantage of the situation to save these powerful people from the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm.

Now that the crisis is temporarily lifted, Feng Hao needs to rush to the abyss of the Demon Realm immediately.

It is doomed that there is no way to continue to protect these disciples. It is the safest thing for them to stay in Fengzhou.

All the immortals looked at each other, then nodded resolutely and said, "Okay!"

Coincidentally, Luo Fan was also in the King Realm, he was the first to stand up and said, "Feng Hao, please!"

Feng Hao smiled slightly, enveloped by the power of Feng Zhou, and instantly brought Luo Fan into Feng Zhou.

"This guy, the progress is really fast!"

At that moment, Feng Hao immediately understood Luo Fan's power of heaven, and the speed of perfection was extremely fast.

It won't take long, and it will be great.

Feng Hao couldn't help feeling a little moved in his heart, the king is coming, soon, soon...

Seeing Luo Fan taking the lead, the disciples of various sects also expressed their willingness to follow Feng Hao to the abyss of the Heavenly Demon Realm.

Afterwards, wherever the power of Feng Zhou went, the remaining two thousand people were all taken into Feng Zhou by Feng Hao.

Monkey King and Bull Demon King are no exception.


In the universe, the sacred tree of life bred more and more ancient creatures.

The scope is also getting wider.

Feng Zhou seems to have completed a certain virtuous circle, the way of heaven came into being, and the demon god Chi You and Yao Shuai were separated from the worries of others, and they benefited a lot from this.

If they leave Feng Zhou, as long as Feng Hao does not cut off contact, they will at least have the cultivation base of a king in the Heavenly Demon Realm, or even the Immortal Demon Ancestral Realm.

They comprehended the way of the universe.

And their strength also brought Feng Hao a lot of improvement in cultivation.

More than 2,000 people entered the universe and were attracted by the scene in front of them, which seemed like a fairyland on earth.

If not.

They couldn't sense their own cultivation, so they must think that this is a holy place for cultivation.

Feng Hao knows everything that happened in Feng Zhou.

At this time, he was rushing to the abyss of the Heavenly Demon Realm.

Feng Hao had a premonition that it would not be easy for Luo Tian and others to obtain the demon seed, maybe...

At this moment, he is encountering a catastrophe, maybe.

When Feng Hao came to the abyss of the Heavenly Demon Realm and walked out of Fengzhou, he found the volcano where the demon species was located.

Already erupted.

Hundreds of miles around, it is like a purgatory on earth, with magma forming rivers and the earth collapsing.

In the void, the nine god emperors fought with twenty demon emperors, and once they made a move, it was a move that would destroy the world.

The void shattered, lightning flashed and thunder thundered.

And that eyeball-shaped demon seed continuously released black demon energy, which was absorbed by those demon emperors.

Instead, he became more and more courageous.

Feng Hao glanced at the demon seed and thought to himself, this demon seed is the source of the demon's power, if it is destroyed, the cultivation base of these demon emperors may plummet.

after all.

These demon heads in the demon world, there are dozens of emperors, on this scale, if they invade the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm on a large scale and lead the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm, it is no less than a bag.

But these monsters didn't do that, so...


They rely on the power of the demons.


Feng Hao spread the wings of the Vermilion Bird behind him, like a god, his body was like lightning, and the stream of light filled the sky, and then he directly arrived at the crater.

That giant eyeball sensed Feng Hao's existence.

Turn slightly.

Then, streaks of black light shot towards Feng Hao.

Feng Hao sneered, all the black light on the wings of Suzaku, including the body, collapsed into smoke in the wings.


Feng Hao roared, his right sleeve burst, red lines appeared, and a unicorn phantom appeared behind him.

Step out, followed by the shadow of the dragon.

One step further, the white tiger lifted up the sky.

Majestic, like a long rainbow!


In the abyss of the Heavenly Demon Realm, the demonic energy collapsed, and wherever the wind and waves went, all things were turned into dust due to the power of the gods.

"This, this, this..."

In the distance, the nine emperors and the twenty demon emperors have forgotten to fight, and their eyes are wide-eyed at this moment.

Mouth slightly open.

Dumbfounded, he stared at the figure in the void.

It's like seeing the master of the world descending into the mortal world, with such divine power, even a half-step Taoist ancestor would not dare to compete with him for supremacy.

"Is this the full strength of me now? It's already two-tenths of my peak period..."

Feng Hao chuckled lightly, with the corners of his mouth raised.

After working hard for so long, the emperor will soon come to the world, so why should he pay attention to the mere demon emperor.

I, Fenghao.

Against the sky with martial arts!

Wu Ni \u0026lt;/p\u0026gt;

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