Martial Inverse

Chapter 863 Ascension Emperor Sect?

All the gods and gods witnessed Feng Hao's performance in the Heavenly Devil Realm with their own eyes, and they were in awe.

Electing the Yuhua Shenzong behind him as the Emperor Sect is also convinced, without any complaints.

Of course, this is only what some people think.

There are still some people who hold different opinions, especially Luo Tian, ​​who said sternly: "Only the sect that has obtained the demon seed can become the emperor sect, this is the default condition of the hundred sects...

If we go back this time and there are no demon seeds, then... we will choose a new plan. "

An emperor nodded and said, "What Sect Master Luo Tian said is absolutely true."

"Well, that's right, the Emperor's choice is related to the fate of Xuanxian's ancestral world, so it can't be sloppy."

Those who spoke were all allies of the Great Luo Shenzong. If Luo Tian spoke, they naturally couldn't lag behind.

Feng Hao just smiled, the demon seed was in his hand, but...he didn't intend to take it out now, he just wanted to see...

Which sects can be trusted by Yuhua Shenzong.

Who else knows how to be grateful.

It turns out that there are still a small number of people who can forget their benefactors in the blink of an eye.

Of course, Feng Hao never thought that the rescued people would be grateful to him. It is unrealistic, but it is a tried and tested way to test people's hearts.

"Feng Mou appreciates everyone's kindness, the most urgent thing is to go back to Xuanxian Ancestral Realm first..."

Feng Hao looked at the crowd with a smile and said: "As for the affiliation of Emperor Zong, let's talk about it when we go back!"

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

Everyone nodded, what else can they do?

Even the Demon Ancestors of the Heavenly Demon Realm have already taken action, and their cultivation is not enough.

If it weren't for Feng Hao's method, they might have hated them long ago.


Fengzhou passes through the abyss of the Demon Realm,

It appeared on the endless sea again, and the original channel has been closed and can only be reopened.

When it was confirmed that the demon ancestor of the heavenly demon world was not chasing him, Feng Hao and the other nine emperors all walked out of Feng Zhou.

Open the channel again.

Then, enter the channel.


In the blink of an eye, Feng Hao and the other nine emperors appeared in the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm.

At this time, the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm has a peaceful atmosphere, which is simply more beautiful than the Heavenly Demon Realm.

Feng Hao summoned all the gods and gods in Feng Zhou.

Nearly three thousand people.

Feng Hao stood together with the nine emperors and said, "Are we discussing the ownership of the Emperor's Sect now, or...go back to each sect first, take a rest, and agree on a date before deciding on the ownership of the Emperor's Sect?"

Luo Tian of the Great Luo Divine Sect saw that the emperors did not express anything, so he said, "Take a break, make an appointment, and then make a decision."

This trip to the Heavenly Demon Realm, Luo Tian preliminarily estimated that the loss was huge.

But now, no one got the demon seed, so he had to go back and discuss a suitable method according to the actual situation of the sect.

Luo Tian is determined to win the Emperor's choice.

Luo Tian opened his mouth, and those emperors who followed Luo Tian also opened their mouths to express their approval.

Then, some of the kings of the hundred sects also supported this proposal.

Feng Hao said: "Well, after seven days of rest, fellow Taoists will gather at the main peak of my Yuhua Shenzong to discuss the matter of belonging to the Emperor Sect, how about it?"

"Go to Ascension God Sect?"

"Why not the Great Luo Shenzong?"

Many immortal gods were puzzled, and they were used to it, as long as it involved major events in the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm.

Basically, they all gathered at Da Luo Shenzong.

As a result, the Great Luo Shenzong's reputation spread far and wide, except for the neutral Luofu and Huoyan Shenzong, everyone believed in the Great Luo Shenzong.

Secondly, the floating fairy island of Da Luo Shenzong has a unique advantage for holding the fairy meeting.

If things go on like this, everyone has also tacitly agreed that whenever there is an announcement of a major event, they will all gather at the Da Luo Shenzong.

Now, when they suddenly said that they were going to transform into the Shenzong, everyone had this kind of reaction.

The emperors of Huoyan Shenzong and Luofu Shenzong looked at each other, they glanced at Feng Hao, and seemed to realize something...

Luo Fu Huang said: "Okay, everything, Feng Huang, you have the final say."

The Huoyan Emperor smiled slightly, faced Feng Hao, cupped his hands and said: "Okay, I will see you in the Yuhua Shenzong in seven days."

call out! call out!

The emperors of Huoyan Shenzong and Luofu Shenzong left directly without giving other sects a chance to propose.

The disciples under their sect also followed their footsteps and left this place.

"It can only be this way!"

"However, Yuhua Shenzong now has a half-step Taoist ancestor and four emperors... and they are indeed qualified."

The other representatives of Shenzong and Xianzong also accepted this proposal, and then they all took their leave and left.

Luo Tian didn't stay, and left with his disciples.

On the other hand, Luo Fan, before leaving, looked at Feng Hao and said: "You are very powerful, won't be long before my Dao Dao is accomplished, and when the time comes, I will be ahead of you. Don't worry, I promise you, I will do it myself." do it."

Isn't it just to give Feng Hao a little complete Dao?

It's not difficult.

Luo Fan also left, and then, Feng Hao said goodbye to Master Fan of the Tianxuan Sect, and left with the disciples of the Yuhua Sect.


During this trip to the Heavenly Demon Realm, the disciples of the Ascension God Sect also suffered heavy losses. Of the ten kings, only six survived.

The upper god plus Sun Wukong and others, only thirty people survived in total.

Calculated, the Ascension Shenzong lost fourteen elites.

Compared to other Shenzongs, it is still acceptable, but it is a pity that those disciples have never seen the Ascension Shenzong...

The scene of achieving Emperor Zong.

Feng Hao felt the breath of the demon species in Feng Zhou, and the corner of his mouth raised a curve.

Who said that no one has obtained the magic seed?

Didn't he get it successfully?

"Presumably, Luo Tian is still trying to figure it out and formulate a new plan at this time, but... seven days later, the Yuhua Shenzong will be renamed Yuhua Emperorzong!"

Feng Hao smiled. For him who owns one world, this so-called Hundred Sects is a fair competition.

It's just like giving benefits.

Of course, this is also because of the audacity of Feng Haoyi, who dared to snatch the demon seed from the hands of the demon ancestor.

This kind of mentality is really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

At least, if there is a slight mistake, it may be a situation of eternal doom.


"I'm back! Sect Master Feng is back!"

The originally quiet mountains of Yuhua Shenzong suddenly became lively with the sound of this voice.

The sacred birds in the forest flew in groups, the beasts galloped, and many disciples rushed back to the sect together.

They have hope.

If they can achieve the qualifications of Emperor Zong by transforming into Shenzong this time, then their status in the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm will definitely increase.

And the resources enjoyed are by no means comparable to what they are now.

"Feng Hao, are you back?"

Taoist Master Baiyu heard that Feng Hao had returned, and when he was in agitated mood, he immediately greeted Deputy Sect Master Chu Tiannan and went to greet him in person.

Feng Hao's return also means that the competition for this trip to the Heavenly Demon Realm is over.

It's time to reveal who will win the position of Emperor Zong.

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