Martial Inverse

Chapter 865: Ascension Sect's Background

"Another one?"

Li Chongyang was stunned again, it's fine for Feng Hao to leave the customs today, how come so many predators from Shenzong come by coincidence.

In particular, in the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm, the Huoyan Shenzong, who has always remained neutral, has also come.

Moreover, it was not a small person who came.

It's the real predator, Sovereign Ouyang!


Chu Tiannan, Taoist Baiyu, and Suzerain Cailian gasped.

"Retire first, so that you can entertain..."

Li Chongyang also felt the importance of the matter, so he hurriedly made arrangements to entertain these divine sect predators.

After the elders stepped back.

Li Chongyang looked at Feng Hao, and said with a blank face: "This...what's going on?"

Feng Hao smiled wryly. He originally thought that if he went back to the main peak directly, the other elders and disciples of King Realm would tell Li Chongyang and the others that after seven days, hundreds of sects would gather in Yuhua Shenzong.

But apparently, Li Chongyang and others did not receive any news at all.

so that...

Messed up.

However, the Yuhua Shenzong is not a small sect after all, and soon, the disciples were sent out, and the order was directly approved by the suzerain.

Some delicacies that were originally treasured were also presented.

At the same time, a series of formations were activated, and immediately, fairy palaces that originally stood on the ground rose up one after another.

It seems that it has also become a suspended fairy palace.

The water of the waterfall comes from the sky.

Cranes dance.

A peaceful scene.

At this time, the Yuhua Shenzong had just acquired the aura of Dazong.

And Feng Hao, also the matter of the gathering of hundreds of sects,

He told Li Chongyang and others.

As for why.

Feng Hao smiled without saying a word.

But this smile made Li Chongyang, Baiyu Daoist and others feel a kind of unconcealable surprise and excitement in their hearts.

Could it be... related to the Emperor's affiliation?

"Report to suzerain, someone from Luofu Divine Sect..."




In just half an hour, dozens of sects arrived successively from the Ascension of the Divine Sect.

Li Chongyang and the others, after understanding the situation almost, waved their sleeves and said, "You guys, follow me to the gate of the sect to greet you. I have never entertained these immortal friends in the tens of thousands of years since I became the God Sect. Today, don't neglect everyone. .”

"Yes! Uncle Master!"

Daoist Baiyu, Chu Tiannan and the suzerain Cailian, including Feng Hao, also all left the main hall of the Immortal Palace.

When Feng Hao walked out of the main hall, he found that the main hall was suspended above the void, hundreds of meters above the ground.


Feng Hao looked at Daoist Baiyu beside him, and said, "What other big hand is there in Yuhua Shenzong, which I haven't seen before?"


Daoist Baiyu was stunned for a moment, touched his chin with his right hand, and pondered: "Actually, there is nothing grand, these are all basic formations..."

Feng Hao shuddered.

He has never seen the basic formation.


After that, Feng Hao, along with Li Chongyang, the half-step Taoist ancestor, waited quietly at the gate of the Inner Zong Mountain of the Yuhua Shenzong, waiting for the representatives of the various sects to come.

"Feng Hao!"

"Li Daozu!"

"Baiyu Daozu!"

"Sect Master Chu..."

"Sect Master Cailian!"

The first to arrive were the representatives of the Tianxuan Sect and the Huoyan Sect, followed by Luo Fu and the other major Sects.

After asking about their health, everyone was welcomed into the inner sect one after another.

At this time, Neizong also had a festive look, bursting with celestial music, like the sound of nature, to welcome the distinguished guests from afar.

Dozens of sect representatives, after coming to the Yuhua Shenzong, also kept themselves very law-abiding, and did not have any behavior beyond the rules.

They, in the Heavenly Demon Realm, have all received Feng Hao's life-saving grace, so they also feel a little reverence for the Yuhua Shenzong.

After all, Feng Hao is the person who transformed into Shenzong.

Moreover, Yuhua Shenzong still has a half-step Taoist ancestor, and no one dares to jump because of this alone.

When the representatives of the hundred sects came together, only Da Luo Shenzong was left. Not long after, Luo Tian came with his son Luo Fan, stepping on the auspicious clouds.


The arrival of Da Luo Shenzong also made the representatives of each sect smile.

As proud as Da Luo Shenzong, now he has bowed his head.

After all, this is the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm, and it is the first time that the immortal meeting is not held in Daluo Shenzong, which can be said to have broken the rules.

"Sect Master Luo came to the Yuhua Shenzong during his busy schedule, but we are far away from welcoming..."

Sovereign Chu Tiannan cupped his hands.

Luo Tianping looked ahead and said, "You're welcome, just come and have a look, and discuss the issue of the Emperor's sect by the way."


Leaving this sentence behind, Luo Tian took Luo Fan directly to the place where the other Shenzong representatives were.

From the beginning to the end, Yuhua Shenzong was never taken seriously.

Even in the face of his master uncle Li Chongyang, this tycoon of the Shenzong, still never lowered his head, it is really arrogant.


Li Chongyang smiled lightly, he didn't care about Luo Tian's behavior, as a half-step Taoist ancestor, he also wanted to be a landlord.

If you use power to overwhelm others, it will inevitably cause others to criticize you.

At this critical moment, Yuhua Shenzong needs to show courage.

The alligators of the gods and sects returned to their positions, Li Chongyang was high in the middle of the main hall of the floating island, and in front of the representatives of the hundred sects, there were all kinds of delicacies and delicacies.

It is also because of the temporary arrangement, otherwise, it will be more abundant.

But... the predators of the Shenzong who came to the Yuhua Shenzong today, obviously, their minds are not on tasting delicious food.

First of all, Li Chongyang thanked the representative of Baizong for coming, and such kind words as making the Ascension Shenzong flourish.

The representative of Baizong smiled.

But at this moment, Luo Tian of the Great Luo Shenzong said: "Stop talking nonsense, we are already very busy, and we came here today to discuss the ownership of the Emperor Sect?"


Li Chongyang frowned and did not speak.

Instead, pay attention to the reactions of representatives of other sects.

Representatives of these sects pondered for a moment, and then admonished them one after another, this time they came to Emeritus Shenzong.

It was also warmly invited by Feng Hao to discuss the issue of the ownership of the Emperor's sect again.

After all, during this trip to the Heavenly Demon Realm, Feng Hao indirectly saved the major sects, and everyone is willing to give Feng Hao this face.

But in the final analysis, they still came for the issue of the emperor's affiliation.

No one got the demon seed from the Heavenly Demon Realm, so they had to change the method.

"What Sect Master Luo said is very true. The era of the Emperor Sect has already begun. If the Emperor Sect is not launched for a long time, there may be changes..."

"Yeah, after all, this is the rule set by the World Lord."

Some representatives of the sect also became a little anxious.

Although the position of Emperor Sect may not necessarily belong to them, this does not prevent them from wanting to know which sect is the chosen one.

Can achieve the position of Emperor Zong.

At the same time, how much change can the Emperor Zong era bring to the Xuanxian ancestral world.

Li Chongyang nodded and said: "Yes, then... I would like to ask, is there any sect that won the demon seed during this trip to the Heavenly Demon Realm?

According to the rules, the one who gets the devil seed is the emperor's choice. "

Li Chongyang's eyes swept over everyone present, only to hear sighs one after another.

No one got the magic seed.

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