Martial Inverse

Chapter 868: The Emperor’s Grand Ceremony


Now, not only Li Chongyang had nothing to say, but also the suzerain Cailian, the deputy suzerain Chu Tiannan, and the Taoist Baiyu.

Everyone choked on it.

Feng Hao doesn't ask for anything.

As long as there is a safe place to practice.

This is almost a state of wanting nothing. You must know that Feng Hao can be regarded as turning over for Yuhua Shenzong, becoming Emperor Zong and having power over the world.

If Feng Hao seizes this opportunity, he proposes to take charge of the Yuhua Emperor Sect.

Then, after all, he is in the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm, an existence under one person and above ten thousand people.

However, Feng Hao refused.

Feng Hao looked at Li Chongyang and the others with a smile, and said: "Don't be surprised, this is indeed the most sincere thought in my heart."

Taking charge of the Emperor Sect is too exhausting.

It's good to be a casual person at leisure.

Even on Earth, as the master of the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain dojo, he entrusted Yuanshi Tianzun with all matters inside and outside the dojo.


Just a hands-off shopkeeper.

Li Chongyang consulted repeatedly, finally sighed helplessly, and agreed to Feng Hao's request, promising him the best practice venue and resources.

"It's time to thank Master Uncle!"

Feng Hao cupped his hands, feeling extremely good.

Afterwards, he left the main hall.

His heart is not on power, and he has never been tempted in the slightest by the position of the emperor's master.

Rule the world?

It's not as good as being unparalleled in the world.


After Feng Hao left the main hall, his great-uncle Li Chongyang said solemnly, "Feng Hao, will be recorded in the annals of my Ascension God Sect's history, and will last forever."


Sovereign Cailian nodded.

Daoist Bai Yu said: "Speaking of a heart-rending word, the Ascension God Sect rises because of the wind, and is immortal because of the wind..."

"Well, this Daozu has never denied this point, so... whatever he wants, as long as the Yuhua Shenzong has it, I will offer it with both hands!"

Li Chongyang was decisive.

The Yuhua Shenzong was able to achieve what it is today, all thanks to Feng Hao's own efforts.

People must know how to be grateful.

Regardless of whether Feng Hao made a request or not, they must take the initiative to do it, this is their intention.


After Feng Hao returned to the main peak, he called Xiao Hei to Xiao Qiuqiu.

Two little guys, wearing headphones, came out shaking their heads.

"Hold the earth with your left hand, and the sky with your right hand.

The palm prints cracked, and there were lightning bolts from all directions.

Convert time into years in a hurry.

Three thousand lives, as you can't see..."


Ye Lan's mouth twitched slightly when he heard the two little guys singing softly from the earphones.

It's a good song about the left finger.

He also liked this song quite a bit. He didn't expect Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu to be so fascinated by it.

As soon as Feng Hao thought about it, the earphones fell directly.

Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu came back to their senses, and when they saw Feng Hao, they grinned, revealing two rows of neat teeth.

"Feng Hao, are you back so soon?" Xiao Hei asked.

Xiao Qiuqiu said: "This time you are in the hands of the demon ancestors of the Heavenly Demon Realm. You have taken away the demon seed, and let the Yuhua Shenzong become the emperor's capital. What benefits did they... give you?"

Feng Hao smiled and said: "Power is over the world, under one person, above ten thousand."


Xiao Qiuqiu looked astonished, and exclaimed: "Is it so powerful?"

But as soon as the words were spoken, Xiao Qiuqiu calmed down and said, "That's right, Lord of the Great Thousand, if you can't even guarantee the basic operations here, it's too stupid."


Feng Hao was speechless.

Later, Feng Hao also told Xiao Hei and Xiao Qiuqiu about his refusal to take charge of the Yuhua Shenzong and devote himself to cultivation.

The two little guys didn't say much.

Anyway, they support any decision Feng Hao makes.


As night falls, the night sky is full of stars.

Without the shining of the ten suns during the day, the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm returned to a trace of tranquility at night.

The breeze blows by.

Feng Hao stood on the top of the Inner Sovereign Peak, looking at the galaxy, the power of the wind universe and the power of the ancestral world merged, trying to move the stars.

The stars move.

The Xuanxian Ancestral Realm was wrinkled.

At this moment, many predators in the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm raised their heads one after another, and the demon king Xingchen sensed that Tianxing was showing signs of being shaken.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

In the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm, there is actually someone who can move the stars.

This supernatural power can be called shocking.



The vision didn't last long, the world returned to silence again, Feng Hao shook his head slightly, but he still couldn't perfectly integrate the power of the two realms.

It will still take some time to restore the ten-success power of the peak cultivation base.

However, turning on the stars is an excellent start.

Three days later.

Yuhua Shenzong has changed its appearance. The gate of Yuhua Shenzong, which was originally in the outer sect, has now become the four characters of Yuhua Emperorzong.

Mountain style.

Already has the style of Emperor Zong.

There are dragons climbing on the stone pillars, which are extremely powerful.

The climbing stone steps, like a dragon's spine, wind for hundreds of miles, reaching the depths of Neizong.

On this day, the Yuhua Emperor Sect was very lively and festive, with red lanterns hanging high, and the disciples in the sect were also dressed in red robes.

Everyone is like a bridegroom.

The Grand Ceremony of Emerging Shenzong's promotion to Emperor Zong is a major event in the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm.

Representatives of hundreds of sects gathered at Yuhua Shenzong, presenting congratulatory gifts and rosters, swearing allegiance to Emperor Zong, and building the great era of Emperor Zong together.

As for the Yuhua Shenzong, after becoming the Emperor Sect, the mission will also change, with the development plan of the Hundred Sects as the most important thing.

At the same time, Emperor Zong will also set up the Emperor Zong cabinet.

The members of the cabinet are selected by the nine gods to discuss and decide various major issues together.

Feng Hao put on a red robe sent by Taoist Master Bai Yu, a crown of flowers on his head, and golden silk cloud boots.

The waist is tied with a jade belt.

The whole person has a dusty temperament and is extremely noble.

It's like an emperor coming to the world.

Sun Wukong, Bull Demon King, Ju Yi and others, although not as well dressed as Feng Hao, are also dressed in red.

As the personnel who entered the Heavenly Demon Realm this time, they each had a golden lotus flower on their chests.

This is the natal object of the suzerain Cailian.

She personally embroidered dozens of sets, and it was her heart to put them on for disciples like Monkey King who returned in triumph.

In the inner and outer sects of Yuhua Shenzong, there are bursts of celestial music, and at the place where the inner and outer sects are connected, a floating island rises from the ground.

Hover in mid-air.

This is a huge fairy island that can accommodate ten thousand people.

The promotion ceremony of Yuhua Shenzong to Emperor Zong will be held on this floating island, and now the five core figures of Yuhua Shenzong have arrived.

At the same time, those disciples who had returned from the Heavenly Demon Realm greeted the representatives of the hundred sects participating in the grand ceremony at the mountain gate.

The etiquette is in place.

Master Uncle Li Chongyang, Taoist Bai Yu and others, even though they are high and powerful, are unavoidably nervous at this moment.

From then on, the Ascension Shenzong became the Emperor Sect.

heavy responsibility.

At the same time, it is not an easy task to establish prestige among the hundred sects.

In particular, Luo Tian of the Great Luo Shenzong can be regarded as their greatest enemy.

In today's main hall, it is still unknown whether Luo Tian will keep his own place and is willing to obey the destiny.

But no matter what, the ceremony ended and the dust fell.

there is no one.

With the power of one sect, it can counter the will of the other ninety-nine sects.

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