Martial Inverse

Chapter 875: The One-Strike Enemy

Outside the Haoran Zhengqi Cave, Feng Hao stood with his hands behind his back, watching the clouds rolling and relaxing, he took a deep breath, and endless immortal energy poured into his body.

A hearty feeling rushed to his heart, Feng Hao couldn't help closing his eyes, feeling the beauty of the moment.

"Feng Hao..."

Just at this moment, a voice sounded.

Daoist Baiyu, who was wearing a white robe, wiped the sweat from his forehead, put it in front of Feng Hao, and said anxiously: "My God, you are still here in a daze, what day is today, do you know?"

Feng Hao asked suspiciously: "Plan to destroy the sun?"

"I thought you forgot."

Daoist Baiyu rolled his eyes and said, "Now, the representatives of the Nine Great Divine Sects are all waiting for you in the main hall."

"Okay, I'll go right away."

Feng Hao didn't expect that several days had passed since he comprehended the Dao spar.

When I feel comprehension, although it is year after year, day after day, it is all slide-like pictures.

I thought it was just a few hours.

Unexpectedly, it took quite a while to open and close the eyes.

Feng Hao and Baiyu Daoist first volleyed in the air, left the Inner Sovereign Peak, and stormed towards the Inner Sovereign Hall.

The two of them are like two beams of light, attracting many disciples of the Inner Sect.

Today, the disciples of the Yuhua Emperor Sect, as the sect was promoted to the Emperor Sect, their cultivation resources became more and more abundant.

Originally, it was the immortal land that several major sects must contend for, but now it is also owned by the Yuhua Emperor Sect.

Except for special occasions when it is open, at other times, they are all disciples of the Ascension Emperor Sect, who practice in it. This is the benefit of becoming the Emperor Sect.

Originally, Da Luo Shenzong was determined to win the position of Emperor Zong this time, but who knew that Cheng Yaojin, Feng Hao, was killed halfway, and all plans fell short.

Completed the Ascension Shenzong.

Luo Tian, ​​the lord of Daluo, also thought about launching a war change, and contacted many sects,

But those who really want to...

Except for two or three scattered sects, they couldn't find any allies.

In the words of those big crocodiles of the sect, Feng Hao...has been kind to them, and he has won the demon seed from the demon ancestor. The position of the Emperor Sect is the Yuhua Shenzong.

Luo Tian's dream was completely shattered.

But the hatred for Feng Hao in his heart is unprecedentedly high, he is afraid of Feng Hao's Feng Zhou, but...

He is not the only emperor in the Great Luo Sect, there is also a half-step ancestor of the Great Luo Sect in Tianmo Mountain.

At this moment, many emperors who participated in the extermination of the sun have gathered in the Suzerain Hall of Emperor Yuhua Sect, Sect Master Luofu and Sect Master Huoyan are impressively present.

Similarly, Luo Tian of the Great Luo Shenzong was also among them, and there was an old man beside him.

From the moment the old man appeared, he was always the focus of everyone.

The aura exuded from him seemed to be an existence beyond the emperor, not angry but majestic, watching the eagles and the wolves.

Even Li Chongyang, the master uncle of the Yuhua Emperor Sect, had a tendency to be aroused when facing this old man.

"Fenghao is here!"

Outside the main hall, a disciple informed.

After the words fell, Feng Hao and Taoist Bai Yu entered the main hall.

As soon as he entered, everyone's eyes fell on Feng Hao, most of them were full of respect.

"Sect Master Feng!"

"Sect Master Fenghao!"

All the big crocodiles of the sect smiled and cupped their hands.

However, the old man next to Luo Tian looked directly at Feng Hao with lightning-like eyes, and a monstrous coercion swept away.

Many Shenzong crocodiles, at the moment when this power came, their faces turned pale and they took several steps back.

The floor blocks in the main hall were cracked, as if a giant beast had stepped on it.

In the main hall, except for Li Chongyang, who was in a high position, who was indifferent, everyone else was impacted at different levels.

There was inexplicable horror in his eyes.


Following the old man next to Luo Tian, ​​he let out a small gasp, and everyone's eyes fell on Feng Hao.


There was an exclamation in the field.

Everyone felt their mouths were dry and their minds were shocked.

Feng Hao, under the coercion of the half-step Taoist ancestor, never retreated a little bit, and never even frowned.

From the beginning to the end, Feng Hao was smiling and standing with his hands behind his back.

"This, this, this..."

Luo Tian was speechless at the time, his whole face was full of shock, and even a little pale.

Da Luo Daozu's coercion just now was aimed at Feng Hao alone, and the coercion they received was only marginal coercion.

But it was only marginal coercion, they almost lost their minds, and Feng Hao, who was in the center of the coercive vortex, was unscathed.

What is this phenomenon?

Da Luo Daozu frowned slightly, looked at Feng Hao, and said, "Half-step Daozu?"

Feng Hao chuckled, nodded and said: "Since you are so interested in me, then... why don't you know more about me?"

call out!

After the words fell, Feng Hao's body flew into the air, and the five fingers of his right hand collapsed upwards, as if holding a bowl of water.

Just when everyone was puzzled, Feng Hao suddenly flipped his right hand over like a big bowl.


In the next second, before Da Luo Daozu could react, he was lying on the ground like a toad, unable to move.




In the main hall, there was deathly silence.

Li Chongyang stood up abruptly from the throne, his eyes were flickering, and there was a storm in his heart.

The half-step Taoist ancestor was beaten to the ground by Feng Hao in the air.

What kind of power is this?

Luo Tian of the Great Luo Shenzong saw this scene, his heart was about to burst, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He... felt a breath of death from Feng Hao.

He couldn't help thinking that if Feng Hao had targeted him just now, he might not have just been lying on the ground.

It may be possible to kill directly within one move.

"Zhuzi, let me get up!"

Da Luo Daozu buried his head deep in the floor, and uttered inarticulate words from the cracks in the floor.

Feng Hao sneered and said: "Aren't you very interested in me? As soon as I come up, you will give me a bad blow. Do you really think that this Xuanxian ancestral world is up to you?"


Feng Hao snorted coldly, and said, "Just lie on your stomach and come out after ten years!"

With the power of heaven, Feng Hao forcibly suppressed Da Luo Dao Patriarch in the main hall, and there was a ray of his divine sense.

The power of heaven will exert its power continuously, even if Da Luo Daozu struggles, it will be useless.

In the main hall, the frightened people couldn't help whispering at this moment.

"Sect Master Fenghao, it's really scary."

"How long has it been? From the number one middle god to the half-step Taoist ancestor, this is probably the fastest existence in the history of the Xuanxian ancestral world!"

"I am convinced!"

Everyone is convinced.

The half-step Taoist ancestor is almost invincible in the Xuanxian ancestor world, but the Taoist ancestor of the Daluo Shenzong.

He is a veteran Dao ancestor. Looking at the entire Xuanxian ancestor world, there are only a handful of people as strong as him.

However, no matter how powerful he is, he is no match for Feng Hao's half move.

Author's words: Send benefits! ! Fan pictures of Qingwu, Wanxin, and Xianer are all out! ! Want to know how beautiful Qingwu is? Want to know how handsome Cheng Nan is? Follow the vx public account "Just Little Xiami" to view historical news, you can check it out! !

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