Martial Inverse

Chapter 877: Nine Heavens of Chaos Realm

Luo Tian's timidity made Da Luo Daozu heartbroken.

He once handed over the Great Luo Shenzong to Luo Tian, ​​just for the sake of Luo Tian's decisiveness in dealing with the world.

Only then did Da Luo Shenzong be handed over to him with confidence.

However, today's Luo Tian has long since lost the arrogance he had back then, and he is timid, which greatly disappointed the Daoist Dao Luo.

Although Da Luo Daozu was disappointed, he still didn't say a word.

One word for five years.


After Feng Hao and the cabinet powerhouses of the Nine Great Divine Sects left the main hall of Emperor Yuhua, their figures shot straight out of the sky.

Since ancient times, the sky has not known how high it is and how thick the earth is.

Even the immortal gods have no way of knowing the most accurate information, the nine scorching suns are hanging in the nine heavens.

Nineteen emperors, almost half of the emperors from Xuanxian Ancestral Realm gathered, ascended to Nine Heavens at this time.

Feng Hao has been to the universe, and he is a little curious. The nine scorching suns in the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm are the same sun as the earth.

Still, just hanging above the nine days.

Not a fireball.

But a living object.

When everyone passed through the thunderclouds and flew above the nine heavens, they entered a chaotic area, and immediately after that, a pressure came one after another.

Everyone had a feeling at that time, as if there was a thousand gold weights on their bodies, it was very uncomfortable.

It is still possible to go up further, but the pressure doubles every time one meter rises, and that invisible pressure makes them only able to move in the Jiuchongtian.

In the chaos, there is nothingness, and the terrible dark matter wanders around.

"Be careful, everyone, don't let these dark matter touch your body."

The experienced emperor reminded him.



An emperor accidentally touched dark matter. At that time, his arm seemed to be cut off by someone.

Golden blood spilled.

The emperor quickly stopped the acupoints of his body, the golden blood stopped flowing, but there were bead-like beads of sweat on his forehead.

Seeing this scene, Feng Hao shook his head slightly and said, "Let me come!"


Following Feng Hao's thought, the nineteen people, who had no room to resist at that time, were sucked into Feng Zhou.

With Feng Hao's current cultivation base, even Da Luo Daozu, who is half-step Daozu, has been suppressed by the Dao of Heaven, not to mention the emperors who have not yet become Daozu.

In the universe.

Thanks to Feng Hao's breakthrough, Feng Zhou has been further improved, especially when Feng Hao comprehended the Dao spar.

After experiencing the state of spring and autumn, and integrating its laws into the universe, the current universe is no longer a constant day.

But there is a law of nature.

Spring, summer and autumn.

day and night.

As well as the thunder, lightning, and wind and rain that are naturally controlled by the sky and the earth, except...the most primitive life has not yet been bred.

Feng Zhou completely has the embryonic form of the universe.

"Where is this place?"

The emperor who had never entered Fengzhou showed a look of panic at that time, the unknown is the most terrifying thing.

Several emperors who were quite familiar with Feng Zhou showed a bit of helplessness, and said, "Here is the Feng Zhou of Sect Master Feng Hao, an independent space."

Cailian, the patriarch of the Yuhua Emperor Sect, was curious about all of this.

She had heard about Feng Zhou from Taoist Master Bai Yu and her master uncle Li Chongyang, but she had never entered it.

He had thought about it.

To be able to trap Dao Patriarch Li Chongyang, then Feng Zhou must be very powerful.

But now that she really entered Feng Zhou, Cailian understood why Li Chongyang couldn't get out of trouble.

Because, in this world, there is no law of the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm at all.

They lost all their cultivation.

It's no different from ordinary people, so naturally there's no way to leave.

Many emperors couldn't hide their shock and whispered, but Feng Hao directly displayed all the scenes of the Nine Heavens Chaos Realm in Feng Zhou.


Seeing the scene of the Nine Heavens Chaos Realm, everyone was surprised to find that they seemed to be walking in the Chaos Realm, but without the dangers of the Chaos Realm.

Everything, panoramic view.


Suddenly, an emperor raised his hand and pointed to the depths of the chaos.

Everyone followed the sound and saw that there was a huge fireball floating in the Chaos Realm.

The side is full of terrible dark matter.

Like black ribbons, tightly entwining the fireball.

At this time, Feng Hao said: "The distance is too far... at least hundreds of thousands of kilometers."

The fireball doesn't look that big, that's because they are still a terrifying distance away from the fireball.

However, what puzzled Feng Hao was why he saw only one fireball in the Chaos Realm.

But the other nine fireballs were not seen.

It stands to reason that the ten scorching suns are all about the same size, but they have already seen one of the scorching suns in the nine days.

Then, the other nine must be able to see.

But no matter how Feng Hao manipulates Feng Zhou and expands the visual range in all directions, there is still nothing.

In the Nine Heavens Chaos Realm, there is still only that one fireball.

"What's going on? Why are the other scorching suns gone? It's really a demon sun!"

"Why is this happening?"

All the emperors discussed with each other at that time, obviously no one was mentally prepared for this unexpected situation.

"A group of idiots, doesn't the sun in your Xuanxian ancestral world appear according to the time?"

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded, with a little carelessness and disdain.


The emperors frowned, looking displeased.

They turned their heads to look at the source of the voice, and then... their faces were ashen, unable to speak a word.

A giant several hundred meters tall was squatting in front of them, looking down at them as if looking at a bunch of ants.

This giant, this is Chi You, the demon god.

Feng Hao rubbed the center of his brows, looked up at Chi You, the demon god, and said, "Why don't you stay in this form all the time?"

"Hey, are you kidding me!"

The demon god Chi You shook his head hastily, his gesture was just to play tricks on these people.

But if, let him always be like this.

The million don't want to.

The demon god Chi You has returned to his normal body shape, but at 1.9 meters tall, he still stands out from the crowd beside the emperors.

"Sect Master Fenghao, who is he?"

When the emperor asked, the others were also very curious.

They have never seen this person before, and he is definitely not a strong person in the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm. Generally speaking... such a strong person is definitely not an unknown person in the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm.

Feng Hao said: "Chi You, he flew up with me, but don't worry about him."

"What he said just now, in the Chaos Realm, the scorching sun also appears according to the hour, is it true?"

The emperor said suspiciously.

Before they climbed to the Nine Heavens, they discovered that there were exactly ten scorching suns hanging above the Nine Heavens, that is to say...

After coming up, I saw a fireball, so the other nine fireballs should also appear.


Through Feng Zhou, an emperor suddenly saw... In the distant chaotic void, a halo began to slowly appear.

Like... the sun rising from the sea.

Author's words: Send benefits! ! Fan pictures of Qingwu, Wanxin, and Xianer are all out! ! Want to know how beautiful Qingwu is? Want to know how handsome Cheng Nan is? Follow the vx public account "Just Little Xiami" to view historical news, you can check it out! !

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