Martial Inverse

Eight hundred and eightieth chapters failed to succeed

Faced with the question from the suzerain Cailian, Feng Hao shook his head after weighing it up and said: "There is no better way for the time being, let's discuss the matter of destroying the sun in the long run!"

These nine days of chaos are too dangerous, even Feng Hao can't guarantee that he can survive safely.

The emperors sighed.

Originally thought that with Feng Hao, this plan could be implemented perfectly, but who knew that the situation was more dangerous than tens of thousands of years ago.

"Okay, Sect Master Feng will make arrangements."

The emperors knew very well that only Feng Hao, in the nine-day chaotic world, only Feng Hao could protect them.

Even Luo Tian, ​​the master of the Great Luo Shenzong, almost lost his life, let alone them.

In addition, Feng Hao can also help Luo Tian reshape his Taoist body, which is even more terrifying. It seems that as long as he follows Feng Hao, it is difficult to die.

Afterwards, Feng Hao manipulated Feng Zhou and swept towards the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm.

At this time, Feng Zhou is still unable to appear in any place in the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm, and has to travel through the space.

Because in an imperfect situation, Feng Zhou is also affected by the power of this world.

But the extent of the impact is not large.


After leaving the Nine Heavens Chaos Realm, Feng Hao sent all the emperors out of Feng Zhou with a single thought.

Except Luo Tian.

Seeing the light of the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm again, the emperors sighed endlessly, as if they had lived again.

"Sect Master Feng!"

"Sect Master Feng, thanks to you this time, otherwise, we would have become a speck of dust."

The emperors clasped their hands together.

If it wasn't for Feng Hao's attack, it would be impossible for them to retreat unscathed.

Feng Hao replied: "You are welcome, when the time comes, we will discuss the daily affairs, everyone please come back!"

Feng Hao didn't dare to set foot in the Chaos Realm of the Nine Heavens, let alone these emperors.

So the plan to destroy the sun is a joke.

For the time being, it can only be put on hold.

The emperors of Shenzong all bid farewell and left one after another. Sect Master Luo Fu and Sect Master Huoyan expressed that they would like to invite Feng Hao to their Shenzong to have a talk.

Feng Hao nodded in agreement, and after agreeing on a time, the two masters of the neutral Shenzong also bid farewell and left.

At this time, only Feng Hao and Cai Lian, the suzerain of the Yuhua Emperor Sect, were left in the eighth heaven.

Feng Hao looked at Cailian and said with a wry smile: "Is this a failure? The first big mission of the Emerald Emperor Sect just failed..."

Cailian glanced at Feng Hao, her heart trembled for no reason, and she said absent-mindedly: "Personally, this plan was a bit reckless, and I acted rashly before I understood it clearly.

Time has passed, and the Nine Heavens Chaos Realm has become more dangerous. It is estimated that only Daozu can deal with it.


It doesn't matter if the mission fails, as long as the emperor who goes there doesn't suffer too much loss.

Just go up and investigate the situation.

Feng Hao nodded and said, "Let's go back to the sect first!"



Feng Hao and Cai Lian descended from the eighth heaven and landed in the Inner Sect of Yuhua Emperor Sect.

Daoist Baiyu and Chu Tiannan, who had received the news of their return, had been waiting in the inner suzerain hall early on, and Li Chongyang was sitting on the emperor's seat.

It's getting more and more like a venerable.

He was completely different from the one who was growing vegetables and flowers in the fenced yard before.

"Feng Hao!"


As soon as Feng Hao and Cai Lian entered the inner suzerain hall, Taoist Baiyu greeted them cordially, his eyes filled with anticipation.

Yuhua Shenzong was promoted to Emperor Sect, and urgently needed to successfully organize a big event to establish the position of Emperor Sect.

The Extinguishing Sun Plan is a very good method.

"How's the situation?"

Li Chongyang also asked with concern, Feng Hao and Cailian returned safe and sound, which shows that things are progressing, and it should be pretty good.

However, because it is night now, the moonlight is doubled, and the sun cannot be seen, so they cannot judge the specific situation.

Cailian looked at Feng Hao.

But Feng Hao signaled her to say it was fine, so Cai Lian smiled wryly: "Master Uncle, we have failed."




Li Chongyang, Taoist Bai Yu, and Chu Tiannan were stunned for a moment, and they failed.

This time, there were nineteen emperors, all of whom were the suzerain masters of the cabinet Shenzong. Together, they could overturn the Xuanxian ancestral realm, and it might not be impossible to do it.

But now, not even one sun can be extinguished.

If it goes on like this, the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm will end sooner or later.

And when they became Emperor Sect, they really let Baizong down. They couldn't do anything well, so how could they lead Baizong?

Feng Hao said: "In the Nine Heavens Chaotic Realm, there are dangers everywhere, and the half-step Taoist ancestor has gone, and there may be body rhyme if you are not careful.

Luo Tian, ​​the lord of the Great Luo, was almost annihilated after only staying in the Nine Heavens Chaos Realm for a quarter of an hour. "


Li Chongyang took a breath. Is the Nine Heavens Chaos Realm so dangerous?

"Then is he dead?"

Daoist Baiyu blinked his eyes, he didn't like Luo Tian, ​​and wished that Luo Tian would die now.

Feng Hao shook his head and said, "Not dead."

"That's a pity."

Daoist Baiyu sighed, this kind of guy didn't die, God really didn't open his eyes.

Li Chongyang said: "This mission failed, did those Shenzong representatives say anything?"

"No, I let them go back first. They have all witnessed the problems in the Nine Heavens Chaos Realm, and it is impossible to succeed."

Feng Hao said: "Maybe I will be able to solve this matter when I achieve the Dao Ancestor Realm."

Li Chongyang: "..."

Cailian: "..."

Daoist Bai Yu: "..."

Chu Tiannan: "..."

After hearing Feng Hao's words, the four of them were stunned for a moment, their eyes almost popped out, did they become Daozu?

They dare not even think about it, there is no one of 100,000 years or 80,000 years, and there is no chance at all.

But if the nine days are immortal, the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm may not last until then.

"That's the way it is."

Feng Hao saw that several people were shocked, but he didn't pay much attention to it. How could they know what kind of existence he was.

"If there is nothing else, I will go back to Neizong first. If there is anything that needs my help, just come to me then."

Feng Hao looked at Li Chongyang.

Li Chongyang smiled wryly and said: "Your seriousness makes it difficult for me to answer the question, you can go anywhere, wherever you want..."

Emperor Yuhua couldn't do without Feng Hao, if because of something, Fenghao felt that Emperor Yuhua's stay was boring, and if he left, it would be too late for them to cry.

Feng Hao cupped his hands and said, "Okay!"

Afterwards, Feng Hao's figure disappeared directly into the inner suzerain hall. This scene made Li Chongyang and others stunned.

However, it is not surprising.

When Feng Hao returned to the main peak of the inner sect, he swept away his spiritual sense and found that Monkey King, Bull Demon King, Ju Yi and others were still in retreat.

There has been a faint breakthrough in cultivation.

"According to this situation, they become kings... not far away."

Feng Hao smiled.

And the time for him to become Daozu seems... not long.

ps: Give away benefits! ! Fan pictures of Qingwu, Wanxin, and Xianer are all out! ! Want to know how beautiful Qingwu is? Want to know how handsome Cheng Nan is? Follow the WeChat public account "Just Little Xiami" to view historical news, or enter the name of a person, such as "Qingwu" to view related pictures and texts! !

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