Martial Inverse

Chapter 988: The Miserable Jin Ji

"Boom! Boom!"

A series of fierce offensives roared out, and many experts of the Dragon Soul Alliance were terrified. It seems that these beautiful women in front of them are not some vases!

Under the unreserved guidance of Yuanshi Tianzun and other big bosses, the strength of these women is far stronger than that of monks of the same realm!

Of course, what is more shocking is not the strength displayed by the girls. Although their offensives are fierce, they can only pose a threat to people of the same level. It's right to be a powerful foreign monster like this.

However, the reality is quite the opposite.

For some reason, facing the attacks of the women, Jin Hao did not dodge at all. Not only that, every attack fell, as if it contained the power of the sky, and he, the powerhouse of the lower god, was knocked back endlessly.

But in just a short moment, the golden light on Jin Hao's body was dim, and his body was covered with cuts and bruises, looking extremely embarrassed.

"Master Jin Ji...what are you thinking?"

"Could it be that the weakness of these aborigines is just a superficial phenomenon? In fact, they are so strong that even Lord Jin Ji can't compete with them?"

"Impossible, that lord once said that the natives here will never threaten Lord Jin Ji!"

"Then... how to explain the current situation of Master Jin Ji?"

Many big monsters from outside the territory were also looking at each other at this time, voices of suspicion kept ringing out, and the eyes of many big monsters from outside the territory couldn't help but look at the black and white tigers, but the two tigers showed no sign of making a move. , so that they dare not move.


Following Liu Xiaofei's continuous palm strikes, Jin Ji, who was already in a panic, spat out a mouthful of blood again, and crashed headlong into the snow-capped mountains behind him, his breath sluggish.

"Let you bully our sisters!"

Seeing this scene, all the girls gave up angrily and came back facing many shocked eyes, their pretty faces couldn't help but a little more proud.

"Sister, we vented your anger on you, but are you satisfied?"

Xia Shilan smiled at Prometheus, and the girls also looked at Prometheus with smiles.


hear this,

Prometheus just recovered from the shock, she nodded a little dull, her heart was still turbulent.

Of course, Prometheus didn't know that, in fact, in the eyes of Liu Xiaofei and his daughters, this big monster named Jin Ji was really nothing.

One must know that the aura of any strong man they have seen in Feng Zhou is far beyond that of Jin Ji.

They have felt the master of the Tianshen Temple suppressed by the tower in Fengzhou, and that kind of breath is terrible. Moreover, like Monkey King, Bull Demon King, Yang Jian, even the roaring dog next to him, is more powerful than the breath of Jin Ji powerful!

And when these guys treat Feng Hao's confidante, they are all respectful. When they come out, they see a guy whose aura is far inferior to Roaring Sky Dog, who actually hurt Prometheus.

"Is this... is Jin Jing's true strength?"

"My God, these girls... No, these adults are so powerful!"

"That counts, win... win?!"

Looking at the women who were whispering, many strong men of the Dragon Soul Alliance did not come back to their senses for a while. After a long time, there were timid voices, and soon they turned into cheers that soared to the sky.

Jin Ji, but the most powerful foreign monster in the information of Dragon Soul Alliance!

The previous defeat of Prometheus almost made many Dragon Soul Alliance powerhouses despair. However, at the next moment, the situation turned upside down.

Under Feng Hao's offensive, the big monster from outside the territory who looked down on Wushuang was defeated without any power to fight back!

It can be said that it is vulnerable!

"This guy is too strong, right? What realm has he reached now?"

"Could it be that this is his true strength?"

Yuanshi Tianzun was also very excited in his heart, looking at Feng Hao, his eyes were full of curiosity, if it wasn't for the great enemy, he couldn't help but ask the bottom line.

"Jin... Lord Jin Ji..."

Compared with the cheering powerful members of the Dragon Soul Alliance, many big monsters from outside the territory remained silent. They could clearly feel that although Jin Jiong was not dead, his aura was extremely sluggish, and it was obvious that he had suffered quite a bit of trauma.

The eyes of the black and white tigers were fixed on Feng Hao, and the two pairs of eyes that were originally full of evil spirits were full of fear.

In the realm of lower gods, although they can't feel how terrifying Feng Hao is, their intuition tells them that Jin Hao's painful lesson is related to this mysterious man who suddenly appeared!

And Jin Ji, who was lying in the depths of the snow-capped mountain, had a look of lovelessness on his face. He couldn't understand how a few women who were nothing more than ants in his eyes could hurt themselves to such an extent!

Why do the rules here suppress him? Why even the power of body protection is compressed back!

After a long time, Jin Hao suddenly felt that the power of terrifying rules suppressing his whole body suddenly disappeared. At the same time, his mind moved, and the surging power gushed out. Almost in an instant, the injuries on the surface of his body completely recovered!

However, even though he regained control of the powerful force, Jin Xi was hesitating whether to go out or not.

If you go out now, will that terrifying power of rules restrain you again?

However, as the commander-in-chief of this group of big monsters from outside the territory, he couldn't just lie here and crash to death, right?

Now Jin Yin is very tangled!


And just when Jin Ji was struggling, several great monsters from outside the region suddenly landed on the edge of the snow mountain. With the surge of divine power, the snow was blown away, and pieces of rubble were forcibly moved away.


Jin Ji opened one eye, cursing inwardly.

"My lord, are you alright?"

Seeing that Jin Ji was still angry, those big monsters from outside the region immediately cheered. Immediately, as if trying to show off, they scrambled to lift Jin Ji and flew over the top of the snow-capped mountain.

"Haha, I knew Lord Jin Ji was brave and unparalleled, and he just let the water go on purpose just now!"

"That's right, you see, Lord Jin Ji doesn't even have a single scar on his body!"

"Master Jin Ji, don't pity the fragrance and cherish the jade, and kill all these ants!"

Under the suspicious eyes of many big monsters from outside the region, those big monsters from outside the region shouted with righteous expressions on their faces.

"Shut up!"

However, before the cheers of many big monsters from outside the region, Jin Hao finally couldn't take it anymore. With a wave of his arm, several big monsters from outside the region who were supporting him were directly blasted into the snow mountain.

"Golden hide?"

Black and White Shahu looked puzzled, what is going on?

"I'm too injured, withdraw!"

Jin Xi made a gesture and coughed dryly, as if it was difficult to suppress the injury in his body, he said weakly.

As soon as the words fell, he moved and plunged into the space channel on the top of the snow mountain. The astonishing speed made it impossible to associate him with the injury.

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