Martial Inverse

Chapter 1011: The Messenger of the Demon God

The position of new domain lord fell on Chi You without any suspense. In this fight, not even a single person actually made a move.

However, the countless onlookers were very excited about it.

Although this universe is under the rule of the Demon God's Temple, there are also fierce conflicts between various domains.

Whether the domain master is strong or not is directly related to the rise and fall of a domain!

The stronger the domain master, the more confident they will be when competing with other domains.

Moreover, the strength of the domain master is also related to the resources given by the demon temple.

Therefore, after Chi You broke out, no one had any intention of challenging. This was not only because of Chi You's unparalleled combat power, but other competitors all understood the benefits of having a powerful domain master in Qingyun Domain.

Looking at the burly figure on the stone platform like a god of war, the whole square was plunged into a sea of ​​boiling water.

Seeing that nothing unexpected happened, Feng Hao quietly returned to Feng Zhou.

All he has to do now is to wait for the Demon God Temple to take the initiative to contact Chi You, and leave the rest to Chi You.

And Chi You did not disappoint Feng Hao, and soon brought news that the messenger of the Demon God Temple will arrive in three days!


Three days passed in a blink of an eye. During these few days, although Chi You didn't want to, he still went in and out of various places frequently, and kept his identity tight.

The day when the envoy from the Demon God Temple arrived finally arrived.

Qingyun City, Domain Lord's Mansion.

In a majestic hall, Chi You sat on the head, and below him stood a figure.

The people who can stand here are all powerful men with a reputation in Qingyun Domain, and their strength is generally at the level of lower gods and above! Of course, except for the leaders of several forces in Yinyuan City.

As time passed, the original compliments in the hall gradually quieted down.

"Master Territory Master, the messenger is about to arrive, please move."

Under the first place, the leader of a force in the middle god realm bowed his hand.

Hearing this, Chi You nodded slightly, slowly stood up from the first seat, and walked with hands behind their backs, while the other strong men followed behind with respectful faces.

In the center of the square outside the main hall of the Domain Lord's Mansion, there is a giant statue that is hundreds of feet tall.

A ray of righteousness and evil energy faintly lingered on the statue. Looking up, it was not difficult to find that this statue looked like the demon emperor who had fought with Feng Hao before.

And Chi You and his party finally stopped in front of the statue.

After a long time, a strange wave suddenly permeated the statue of the demon emperor, and that faint evil spirit turned into a substance, lingering around its body.

"Master Territory Master, the envoy is coming!"

Seeing this, there was a hint of fanaticism and piety in the eyes of many strong men. Seeing that Chi You hadn't saluted yet, one strong man hurriedly reminded in a low voice.

"Let me salute the defeated general of the boss?"

Seeing their appearance, the corner of Chi You's mouth twitched.

In the end, in order to avoid mistakes and the envoys from the Demon Temple suddenly stopped coming, Chi You could only regard the statue as Feng Hao, bowing his head with a frenzied expression.


Under everyone's gaze, the light above the statue was energized, and after a while, the light converged in front of the statue, and a figure emerged.

"Welcome, Lord Messenger!"

A voice full of frenzy resounded.


However, Chi You did not salute again, the figure that suddenly appeared in front of him was wearing golden armor and looked mighty and extraordinary, but when he saw him, Chi You couldn't help but grinned on his face.

Chi You was not because of the strength of this envoy,

Although the strength of the latter Dao Ancestral Realm is not weak, it does not surprise him too much.

His strange expression was really because this guy was one of the big monsters from outside the territory who narrowly escaped from him in the previous battle!

"Oops, why is the Master Territory Master not being polite? Don't offend the demon god's envoy!"

Seeing Chi You still froze and did not move, many leaders of the forces behind him were anxious.

Sure enough, after the narcissistic fart of the emissary of the demon god, he finally found out that someone was disrespectful, and when his eyes fell on Chi You, his expression changed drastically.

"Why is he here? Impossible, is it just the same appearance?"

Looking at that nightmare-like face, the demon god messenger shrank his pupils. However, he did not confirm Chi You's identity. In his opinion, it should be impossible for the latter to appear in this world.

And it's not impossible for them to look the same, after all, wouldn't the demon emperor and the guy who called himself Fengdi look exactly the same?

"Lord, the envoy is not happy. He represents His Majesty the Demon Emperor. Hurry up and salute and accept the canonization."

A strong man plucked up the courage to raise his head. When he saw the change in the face of the demon god messenger, his body trembled, and he quickly reminded Chi You in a low voice.


Hearing this, Chi You finally couldn't help laughing out loud.

"It's you?!"

When he felt the unruly aura of the latter, the messenger's expression suddenly changed. At this moment, he was finally sure that the latter was the fierce man who almost crushed him in that universe!

Even if he returns to this world, Chi You is still his nightmare!

Why did this guy come here? !

"Yu... the master of the domain and the envoy know each other?"

Hearing the envoy's voice of surprise, the strong men in the Qingyun Region behind Chi You were somewhat puzzled.

The envoy in front of him represents the Demon God Palace, the Demon God Palace, and it is an existence that directly connects with the Demon Emperor. Their new domain master even knows the people in the Demon God Palace?

Of course, how could they have guessed that in the recent battle, several powerful members of the Demon Temple died tragically at the hands of Chi You, and even the invincible Demon Emperor in their eyes was almost killed by Chi You's boss!

"You have a pretty good memory."

Chi You didn't care about the thoughts of those strong men in Qingyunyu, he grinned ferociously, since all the envoys from the Demon God Temple have come, his goal has been achieved, and there is no need to continue to hide.

" did you come here?"

Seeing that Chi You admitted without any concealment, the messenger's voice trembled a little.

"What's going on, Mr. Messenger seems... seems to be afraid of Mr. Territory Master?"

Seeing the appearance of the envoy, all the strong men in Qingyunyu couldn't help but look at each other.

The envoy representing the demon temple is actually afraid of their domain master?

There is such a thing?

"My boss asks, you answer it, otherwise..."

Chi You sneered, straight to the point, without any intention of procrastinating.


As Chi You's voice fell, a slender figure, like a ghost, suddenly appeared in front of him.


Seeing this scene, the pupils of many strong men shrank, because they didn't feel any spatial fluctuations. How did this figure appear here?

And when the eyes of these strong men fell on the face of that figure, their expressions were instantly dull.

"Demon... His Majesty the Demon Emperor?!"

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