Martial Inverse

Chapter 1014: The Gate of Mysterious Realm

Somewhere in the boundless universe, a huge portal is quietly suspended in the universe.

This portal is engraved with mysterious lines, and the light surges, so that even the turbulent energy in the universe can't get close.

And in front of the gate, four guards in golden armor stood tall, their auras were extremely powerful, and there was a faint fluctuation of the way of truth.

These four guards turned out to be strong in the half-step ancestral realm!

The half-step Dao ancestors, placed in the Xuanxian Ancestral Realm, are enough to sit on one side. Even the top ten gods have to respect such existences. However, the four half-step Dao ancestors right now seem to be just one The guards at the gate are average.

"The 100-year limit is approaching..."

"Haha, after we go back, we will be able to get advice from General Zheng Feng. It's really exciting!"

"I've been stuck at this step for three thousand years. The opportunity to guard the gate of the mysterious world has cost me half my life savings. I hope General Zheng Feng can clear up my confusion."

"With General Zheng Feng's experience, you will definitely be able to break through to the Dao Ancestor Realm in a natural way. At that time, don't forget our brothers."

The four guards chatted from time to time. In the vast universe, guarding a boundary gate, if not accompanied by someone, just a hundred years of loneliness is enough to drive people crazy.

From the conversations of several people, it is not difficult to see that being able to stay here is not a punishment for exile for them, but more like a rare opportunity.

This portal, named Xuanjiemen, is one of the nine hundred and ninety-nine portals in the Xuanjie.

To enter the Mysterious Realm, one must pass through the Mysterious Realm Gate, and their accusation is to guard this place and protect the Mysterious Realm Gate to prevent it from being destroyed by some unknown factors in the universe.

Even the high-level people in the mysterious world dare not say that they know everything about the vast universe.

In the vast universe, there are all kinds of daunting spatial turbulence, and, it is said, there are some innate gods and demons that even the top beings in the mysterious world are in awe of.

Hundreds of thousands of years have passed since the opening of the gates of the mysterious world, and in this long period of time, even if there are strong men in the mysterious world, nine hundred and ninety-nine gates of the mysterious world are enough. Nearly a hundred feet were destroyed!

And as long as one guards the gate of the Mysterious World for a hundred years, after returning to the Mysterious World, he will be able to obtain guidance on how to cultivate a small world powerhouse.

For these half-step ancestors, this is undoubtedly a great opportunity.

Otherwise, they wouldn't fight to the death and rush to guard the gate of the mysterious world.


While the four were talking, suddenly, a ray of light emerged from the dark depths of the universe.

"Hey, is someone here?"

"Is it Princess Liuli? Has she been out for ten years?"

"Get ready to welcome."

The moment the ray of light appeared, the faces of the four guards straightened up, and the laziness on their faces was also swept away.

Guarding the gate of the mysterious world, not only can get guidance after the end, guarding here, maybe you can also get to know some existences that they had never been in contact with in the past. This is also a good opportunity for them.


Just as the ray of light appeared in the sight of the four guards, the next moment, the space in front of the gate of the mysterious world distorted, and a slender figure appeared in front of the gate of the mysterious world like a ghost.

"It's not Princess Liuli!"

"He...he didn't even take a Zhouzhou boat? Could it be that he traveled through the universe alone?"

"Traveling through the universe alone, does the universe exist?!"

Seeing the sudden appearance, the eyes of the four guards were filled with astonishment, and immediately, their expressions became extremely respectful.

In the universe, there are innumerable dangers, even if they have cultivated a powerful existence in a small world, they would not dare to walk in the vast universe, unless they spend a lot of money to build a Zhouzhou!

And alone, coming out of the universe, his strength is naturally ready to be revealed.

"My lord, welcome back!"

The four guards were obviously extremely tactful, and after a brief absence, they all bowed and saluted, saying.

This figure is exactly Feng Hao, he followed the source of that power, walked alone in the vast universe for several months, finally, the feeling became stronger and stronger, looking at this ray of light With the flickering portal, he was almost certain that the target he was looking for was in the world behind this portal!

"Where is this?"

Feng Hao glanced slightly, and asked lightly.

"My lord, this is the twenty-third Dongxuan gate!"

Hearing Feng Hao's question, the four guards were even more certain that the slender young man in front of him must be an existence of the universe!

Seeing that these guards did not intend to interrogate him, he just nodded silently, and then walked directly to the huge portal.

"Open it for adults!"

Seeing his movements, one of the guards shouted quickly. Hearing this, the other three guards did not dare to neglect. With a movement of their palms, a mysterious handprint was formed. Immediately, the light patterns on the portal flowed, and the light curtain that originally permeated it gradually faded away. disappear.

"It really is here."

With the disappearance of the barrier on the portal, Feng Hao felt that the feeling coming from the light spot of the Demon Emperor Soul card became stronger and stronger. Obviously, he found the right place!

"Step aside!"

And just when Feng Hao was about to step into it, a shout suddenly exploded.


The next moment, the space trembled, and a gigantic boat tearing apart the space, appeared in front of the gate of the mysterious world.

"Princess Liuli!"

When they saw the logo on this boat, the four guards couldn't help shrinking their necks and bowing in salute.


And Feng Hao, who was about to enter the portal, stopped temporarily after hearing the shout, and seeing the respectful appearance of the four guards, he couldn't help but look at the huge boat that appeared suddenly .

On the boat, a majestic figure stood tall. It looked like it was only about 30 years old, but there was an unconcealable evil spirit on that resolute face.

At this time, his gaze was coldly looking at Feng Hao, obviously, the shout just now came from him.

"That...that's General Zheng Feng's son, Zheng Yunyuan!"

Seeing this majestic figure, the bodies of the four guards trembled slightly, and immediately lowered their heads, not daring to look directly at him.

Zheng Yunyuan is the youngest son of General Zheng Feng. He is deeply loved by General Zheng Feng. Among many brothers and sisters, although he is the youngest, his strength can be ranked among the best!

Moreover, perhaps because General Zheng Feng loved him too much, Zheng Yunyuan's character was extremely weird, and his temper was notoriously violent!

The person offended by Zheng Yuanyuan is unknown, but no one can punish him, because behind him is not only General Zheng Feng, but also a more terrifying existence!

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