Martial Inverse

Chapter 405 Xiaojiabiyu

Chapter 405 Xiaojiabiyu

After half a month, Feng Hao had already left the territory of the Jin Dynasty. He ate and slept in the open all the way, and passed six extreme places, but he didn't even get a single strange crystal.

This made him feel that Yijing \u003catarget="_"\u003e is not so good.

First of all, there are endless strong people in the world, even if the foreign crystals are derived, they will be captured by the strong people early on, so Feng Hao is considered lucky.

After all, in the small kingdom, the general strong would not bother to go there.

It was already late at night, the clouds covered the stars and the moon, it was extraordinarily dark, the lights were lit up ahead, and a small town was in sight. He glanced at the few seasonings left in the ring, and strode forward.

Although his food requirements are not very high, it is always good to have some seasoning.

After all, you can't treat yourself too badly.

Coming closer, this place can only be regarded as a \u003catarget="_"\u003e small town. At this moment, most people have already fallen asleep, and only a few lights are still shining.

Feng Hao walked into the town, walked around a lot, and finally found a small shop that was not closed in a remote corner.

This is really a very small inn. There are only seven or eight tables inside. Those tables and chairs look old, and they are all polished and shiny. They look antique and very clean.

Uncle, do you have any seasoning?

Going forward, Feng Hao asked politely.

The shopkeeper is an old man with gray hair. The years have already left traces on his face, which is full of wrinkles.

Seeing such a quiet \u003catarget="_"\u003e young man walking around alone so late, the old man was somewhat surprised.

Naturally there are seasonings.

Although the old man was surprised why Feng Hao only asked for seasoning, he still responded politely.

Prepare \u003catarget="_"\u003e a hundred catties and take it away.


The old man stared at Feng Hao dumbfounded. After a while, he came back to his senses, and said with a wry smile, "Brother, I laughed, how could this small store have hundreds of catties of seasonings in stock?"


Feng Hao was stunned for a moment, and immediately looked around, \u003catarget="_"\u003eThis inn looks very old, it is indeed not comparable to those luxury inns in big cities.

Then bring some wine and food.

Then wait a moment and go get ready.

The inn is really too small, and the living conditions of the old man are not very good. He is not only the shopkeeper, but also a waiter and a cook.

Not long after, the fragrant roast chicken was brought up, smelling the aroma, Feng Hao's saliva almost flowed out, and the little ball that had been in his arms also popped out, and the big eyes were full of starlight flashing.


Before Feng Hao could make a move, Xiao Qiuqiu took a step ahead, holding the roast chicken on the plate, and then gnawed on the table, facing Feng Hao with his furry buttocks, focusing on the roast chicken in front of him, for It turned a blind eye to Feng Hao's angry eyes.


The corner of Feng Hao's mouth twitched, and he smiled coquettishly at the astonished old man, old man, that's all for nothing, how about going to trouble to get another one?


The old man was stunned for a moment, a look of embarrassment flashed across his face, and he said with a wry smile, to tell you the truth, the shop no longer has roast chicken.

there is none left?

Feng Hao was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, then just bring something, by the way, just bring some seasoning.


The old man responded and walked towards the back hall. After a while, he came over with some vegetarian dishes and some seasonings.

Thank you, old man!

Feng Hao said politely, and took out a large piece of animal meat from the ring, stretched out his palm, Wu Yuan gushed out, and with a little, the smell of the meat spread.

He is still a warrior!

Seeing Feng Hao rushing out of Wu Yuan, the old man seemed very surprised,

The gaze towards Feng Hao also changed a lot.

Grandpa, why haven't you closed the door yet?

At this moment, a \u003catarget="_"\u003e16-year-old\u003catarget="_"\u003e girl came out from the back room. Her clothes were also patched, and she was wearing very plain and simple clothes. Two shofar braids are very cute, and a pair of watery eyes are crystal clear.

\\u201 Let's go to bed first, we'll be closing in a while.

The young girl he saw came out, and the old man frowned \u003catarget="_"\u003e imperceptibly.

The girl looked at the barbecue in Feng Hao's hands, her big eyes couldn't take her eyes off, she swallowed quietly, nodded subconsciously, and agreed: Oh.

However, she couldn't move her footsteps.

What a pure person.

Feng Hao glanced casually, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

Although the girl is dressed in plain clothes, she is naturally beautiful, like a jasper, with a demure and tenacity like flowing water, a pair of conversing eyes, and a cleanness that is not stained by the world, interpreting her unique \u003catarget="_"\u003e beauty.

However, her eyes were staring directly at the barbecue in her hand without blinking, her salivating expression was revealed.

I'm really sorry, brother.

The old man hurried over and pulled the girl into the back room.

Yo, old lady Chen is willing to come out?

A careless voice came in from outside the inn. Such a voice made the old man turn pale. He pushed the girl into the room, closed the door, and greeted her with a forced smile.

Feng Hao also frowned, looked towards the door, and saw a young man with greasy hair and pink face, walked into the inn surrounded by several tall and burly guards.

The young man's eyes were fixed on the wooden door, obscenity flickered in his eyes, a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said to the old man, what's wrong? Come here to eat, not welcome?

Nothing, nothing.

The old man apologized with a smile.

Old thing, the young master is here, why don't you bring that Sisi girl out to serve?

A flesh-faced guard took a step forward, staring and scolding.

Obviously, these people came here for that girl, otherwise, given their clothes, they wouldn't \u003catarget="_"\u003e come to this old small inn to eat at all.

Old thing, is she not here this time?

Hurry up, it's too late to tear down this inn!

The damn old slicker dared to offend the young master again and again, he simply didn't want to live!

Several tall and stalwart guards yelled loudly, forcing the old man to retreat again and again, with a miserable expression on his face.

Seeing all of this \u003catarget="_"\u003e, the greasy-haired, pink-faced young man smiled even wider, pretending to reprimand, \\u201 what are you doing? It's not good to scare Miss Sisi later, be gentle, understand?

Yes, that's what the young master taught me.

hey-hey! It's still the young master who is more compassionate and sympathetic.

Several strong men nodded and bowed quickly, and flattering words spit out from their mouths again and again. ~

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