Martial Inverse

Chapter 1029: Xiao Lang's Incitement


Facing Xiao Lang's questioning, Qian Liuli did not answer, she tapped her foot, and her figure floated out, back in front of the Qian family horse.

Then, she stretched out her jade hand, and in her palm, a gray-white fruit emerged.

"Life and death spirit fruit?!"

When they saw the spirit fruit, the atmosphere on the top of the mountain suddenly became tense, and the strong men were jealous, and the gray light made them even breathe a little harder.

There are only three spirit fruits of life and death, but Qian Liuli managed to get one!

Now, that spirit tree has disappeared without a trace, and no one knows whether Qian Liuli only took one spirit fruit, or whether she took all three of them.

The power of the wind and universe surged just now, and bystanders couldn't see what happened in the lake at all.

"Life and death spirit fruit..."

Xiao Lang's pupils also shrank suddenly, and he was overflowing with hostility, obviously unable to suppress the anger in his heart. It seems that Xiao Ci did not play any role at all, not only did not stop Qian Liuli, but on the contrary took his life Take it in.

The many strong men on the top of the mountain were breathing heavily, and their eyes were full of greed when they looked at the fruit of life and death. However, no one dared to show hostility right away. After all, the strength of the strong Qian family lies there. More importantly, they don't know how Qian Liuli survived, and even won the life and death spirit in front of Xiao Ci. fruit!

Xiao Ci's strength surpassed the realm of Dao Ancestor, and at that time Qian Liuli was also facing the attack of three Lilongs. In such a situation, in anyone's eyes, Qian Liuli had almost no hope of surviving.

However, the latter not only survived, but also got the fruit of life and death. From this, it can be seen that Qian Liuli must have a trump card that can make them feel horrified.

In the eyes of everyone, this hole card should be related to Qian Liuli's master, Zilei Tianzun.

After all, they really couldn't think of any reason to explain it except for the backhand left by Tianzun.

Although there are many strong people on the top of the mountain, if they join forces, they will naturally not be afraid of the children of the Qian family here, but none of them can guarantee whether Qian Liuli has that kind of trump card!

In case the latter still has the backhand left by Zilei Tianzun, wouldn't they go to seek their own death?

"Sister Yunshan,

Give you. "

Under the watchful gaze of one after another, Qian Liuli casually gave the Spiritual Fruit of Life and Death to Qian Yunshan.

After Qian Yunshan caught the fruit of life and death, she just took a deep breath and felt that the shackles of the realm were loosened. Thinking about it, if she could refine the fruit of life and death, she could completely break through the Taoist ancestor and become an existence beyond the Taoist ancestor !

However, Qian Liuli is also in the Dao Ancestral Realm, and the Spiritual Fruit of Life and Death will also have a great effect on her. Thinking of this, Qian Yunshan hesitated.

"Use it, I don't need this thing."

Qian Liuli seemed to see what Qian Yunshan was thinking, and said with a light smile, there was a hint of pride in her beautiful eyes.

Although the Spiritual Fruit of Life and Death can help the strong in the Dao Ancestral Realm break through the shackles, it is after all the product of the three Lilongs who experienced catastrophe, and it contains a trace of the power of the Dao in the small world of the Three Lilongs.

This ray of power of the Great Dao is of great help to the strong in the Dao Ancestral Realm, but if it goes beyond the Dao Ancestral Realm to break through the small world, it will become a huge roadblock.

Qian Liuli has already stood at the top level of Taoist ancestors, and she is only one step away from breaking through the shackles. She only needs to give her a period of time to break through the shackles!

Refining the fruit of life and death is not a good thing for her.


Qian Yun nodded slightly, and didn't say much thank you.

"Qian Yunshan, hand over the fruit of life and death!"

Seeing the fruit of life and death falling into Qian Yunshan's hands, Xiao Lang finally couldn't sit still, his face darkened, and he shouted coldly.

"Those treasures of heaven and earth are available to those who are capable. Your Xiao family has no ability to snatch them from the hands of the three Lilongs. Who can you blame?"

Qian Yunshan sneered, and directly put away the fruit of life and death, without any intention of handing it over.

Qian Liuli almost gave up the fruit of life and death in exchange for her life, how could she give it up to others? What's more, it's their enemy Xiao Lang!

"Those who are capable know? Then after I get rid of all the people from your thousands of families, it will prove that we are more capable!"

Xiao Lang grinned grimly, his eyes were icy cold.

"Only by you?"

Qian Yunshan is not afraid at all, if Xiao Ci is still there, maybe they will be a little more afraid, but now the strength of the two sides is almost the same, the children of their Qian family are not afraid of Xiao Lang!


Xiao Lang snorted coldly, he naturally knew that it was almost impossible to snatch the Spiritual Fruit of Life and Death from Qian Yunshan's hands as he wished, just with the Xiao family he brought along, but Xiao Lang was not the only one coveting life and death here. Spirit fruit.

"Everyone, I don't know if you are still interested in the fruit of life and death. If you are interested, you may wish to join hands with me."

Xiao Lang glanced around, and suddenly shouted.

Hearing this, the eyes of many powerhouses were a little moved. They also saw the Life and Death Spirit Fruit being put away by Qian Yunshan. It is impossible to say that they are not moved!

However, after Xiao Lang's words fell for a long time, only three or five groups of mediocre people stood behind the Xiao family crowd, and most of the strong people did not make any moves.

The eyes of these strong men flickered. They all knew how strong the Xiao family and the Qian family were. At present, the two sides seemed to be evenly matched. Everyone could see that Xiao Lang would not give up easily. They could definitely wait until the two sides fought to lose both sides before picking up the bargain. .

Anyway, it's not just one party who holds this attitude. Although the Xiao family is powerful, they can't take revenge on so many powerful people like them, right?

"These bastards, do you think you can be a fisherman?"

Seeing this scene, the sternness in Xiao Lang's eyes couldn't help but became more severe, and he could naturally see the thoughts of those who didn't express their views.

"Everyone, do you think we are all fools if you still want to take advantage of it at this time?"

"If you still hold this attitude, then just let him go. At worst, I will give up this opportunity. I, Xiao Lang, can't even afford to lose a life-death fruit!"

"However, if everyone is willing to make a move, I, Xiao Lang, only need one Life and Death Spirit Fruit. If there is only one, I will pay the price to satisfy everyone!"

Although Xiao Lang was extremely angry in his heart, he also understood that he now needed these strong men, otherwise, the Xiao family behind him alone would not be able to stop Qian Yunshan and the others.

After Xiao Lang's words fell, among the many people who were originally holding a wait-and-see attitude, there was a sound of whispering. Obviously, his words played a big role.

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