Martial Inverse

Chapter 1033: The Insidious Xiao Lang


The sky and the earth trembled violently at this moment, and such a doomsday scene made people's expressions change drastically.

On the top of Lilong Mountain, except for the two huge magical powers that rumbled, there was a dead silence. Even the Taoist ancestors' faces were full of heart palpitations. It was hard for them to imagine that people in the Taoist ancestors could actually Being able to exert such terrifying power!

Qian Yunshan stared dumbfounded at the two confronting each other, her beautiful eyes were full of shock, she never thought that Qian Liuli would be so powerful now.

"Qian Liuli's strength, looking at the Dao Ancestor Realm, I am afraid it will be difficult for anyone to suppress her."

Even if Xiao Yuan didn't want to believe it, he couldn't help but take a deep breath at this moment, suppressing the shock in his heart forcibly.

And some strong men who originally planned to join Xiao Lang in attacking the Qian family felt even more remorse at this moment. If they knew that Qian Liuli had hidden such a terrifying strength after knowing Qian Liuli's beauty, they would definitely not stand in line easily.

"Boom! Boom!"

Under the gaze of countless eyes, the sword energy howled, and the light on the huge fierce spirit gradually dimmed.

"Xiao... Young Master Xiao Lang lost to Qian Liuli?!"

"Xiao Lang is about to lose!"

"Hiss...I didn't expect Princess Qianliuli to be so terrifying!"

Seeing this scene, the complexions of many strong men on the top of the mountain could not help but change drastically, and some people even suppressed the shock in their hearts and exclaimed.


The eyes of many strong members of the Xiao family were even more panic-stricken. They could tell that Xiao Lang had already fallen into a disadvantage, and his defeat was only a matter of time.

The strength Qian Liuli showed let them know that among the Xiao family's peers, the only one who can beat Qian Liuli by force is Xiao Lian of the Xiao family!

Although Xiao Lang is strong and ruthless enough, but in the face of absolute strength, he is obviously still no match for Qian Liuli.


Accompanied by the dimming of the light on the fierce spirit of the Blood Prison, the brilliance on the giant sword surrounded by purple thunder suddenly increased. Immediately, under the gaze of countless shocking eyes, a flash of light flashed in Qian Liuli's clear and beautiful eyes. Ruthless.


the next moment,

The huge sword shadow, like the sword lotus before, burst open suddenly, and the terrifying fierce sword energy almost tore the blood prison ominous spirit into pieces in an instant.


Xiao Lang, who was behind the evil spirit of the blood prison, spewed out a mouthful of blood as the evil spirit collapsed, and his aura also quickly weakened.

Although the blood prison spirit is fierce, once it is completely defeated, the backlash it will bring to Xiao Lang is also extremely huge!

At this time, although Qian Liuli's pretty face was a little pale, compared to Xiao Lang's, it was undoubtedly much better.

"call out!"

Qian Liuli stared closely at Xiao Lang with her beautiful eyes, and a ruthless look flashed in her eyes. Holding a three-foot sharp sword in her hand, she pierced through the space and stabbed at Xiao Lang with a terrifying aura.

"Liu Li won!"

Seeing this scene, Qian Yunshan exclaimed in joy.

The faces of the thousands of children behind her were even more proud.

However, regarding this, Mr. Pei's expression was unusually dignified. His experience was completely unmatched by the children of the ordinary Qian family. He could see that although Xiao Lang's case was settled, this kind of confrontation was not suitable until it was over. Jump to conclusions too early.

The life-and-death struggle that Xiao Lang has experienced is what Qian Liuli lacks.

At this moment, Old Pei could only hope that Qian Liuli would realize this and not be soft-hearted in the end.

"call out!"

The fierce sword light pierced through the space, Xiao Lang's face turned pale looking at such a fierce attack, but he surprisingly didn't dodge it. Immediately, a look of depression surged on his face, and he even stretched out his palm and grabbed at the sharp sword.

With that appearance, it seemed as if he was extremely helpless, making the last struggle.

Seeing this scene, Qian Liuli couldn't help but a look of unbearable flashed in her clear and beautiful eyes, and the terrifying and sharp aura originally contained in the sharp sword in her hand couldn't help but weaken a bit.

Her purpose was to defeat Xiao Lang and at the same time take the opportunity to sharpen herself.

Now, the goal has been achieved, Qian Liuli is not a bloodthirsty person, although Xiao Lang is hateful, but at this moment, she still can't bear it.

"It's really stupid..."

Feeling the weakening of the offensive, Feng Hao couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Qian Liuli's strength is indeed not weak, but her character lacks too much tempering, and being soft in the middle of the battle is undoubtedly giving the opponent a chance!


The three-foot sharp sword easily pierced through Xiao Lang's grasped palm, Qian Liuli's beautiful eyes felt a little unbearable, and then the sword slowed down.


But at this moment, Xiao Lang's face suddenly showed a smoldering look. He grabbed the sword with his backhand, completely ignoring the injury on his hand, and held the sharp sword with one hand. Facing the beautiful shadow on the opposite side, it blasted out violently.

This move was clearly planned for a long time!

Xiao Lang obviously knew that it was difficult to resist Qian Liuli in front of him, so in order to seize this opportunity, he actually used his injury as a bait!


"Xiao Lang, you are shameless, Princess Liuli kindly spared your life, and you dare to plot against me!"

"stop it!"

Seeing this scene, the smiles on the faces of the many children of the Qian family suddenly froze, and exclamations of surprise resounded.

"It's so naive, how can there be any conspiracy in this kind of battle?"

"It's ridiculous, whoever survives to the end is king!"

"Although Qian Liuli is powerful, she is kind-hearted and soft-hearted. I gave Xiao Lang a chance, so I can't blame others."

Facing the exclamation of the children of the Qian family, the Xiao family has not yet responded, and there is already a sound of ridicule on the top of the mountain.

This kind of battle, there is no point-and-shoot, and no one will look at the means when it comes to winning or losing. What people care about is who can survive to the end!

Obviously, Qian Liuli is powerless to follow up, and Xiao Lang will have the last laugh in this battle.


In Qian Liuli's unbelievably beautiful eyes, Xiao Lang's face was covered with a sinister smile, but the other palm was struck out like lightning.

Seeing this scene, Qian Yunshan couldn't help closing her eyes.

However, to her surprise, the expected sound didn't seem to appear?

"That is?"

After a long time, Qian Yunshan slowly opened her eyes. When she saw the scene on the battlefield, her little mouth couldn't help but open wide.

In the battlefield, blood was flowing in Xiao Lang's hand, but he was firmly holding the three-foot sword in his palm. However, at this time, his other palm failed to hit Qian Liuli's body, but was instead hit by a slender The figure held it gently.

The offensive that was enough to give Qian Liuli a fatal blow seemed to have no effect at all in the hands of this slender figure!

This slender figure had a handsome face, but at this moment, his face was covered with a layer of coldness.

This person is none other than Feng Hao!

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