Martial Inverse

Chapter 1048: Xiao Cheng

Qingcheng area, Qingcheng.

It may not be the largest city among the nearby thousands of miles, but every ten years, the popularity here will show a sign of popularity.

Because there is the only teleportation array leading to the tomb of the gods in the Qingcheng area, so every time the tomb of the gods is opened, a large number of spectator forces gather here.

Although only the Zheng family, the Xiao family, and the Xiao family's three major forces are eligible to compete for places.

However, for the powerhouses of other forces, this is also an opportunity to witness the background of the three major forces, and even many forces that are second only to these three major families are eyeing each other to see if one of the three families will be eliminated. They are good to replace.

What surprised those onlookers even more was that in recent decades, the Qian family has lost their places to go to the Shenling for several times. In other words, the Qian family is very likely to be squeezed out by the Zheng family and Xiao family. out of the list.

For other forces, this may be an opportunity!

If the Qian family was really squeezed out by the Zheng family and the Xiao family, then either of them would hope to get the support of the Zheng family and the Xiao family to replace them. Perhaps their strength is a bit behind that of the Qian family, but as long as they get the support of the Zheng family and the Xiao family, they may not be unable to secure this position.

Of course, they didn't care about whether they would become puppets of the Zheng family and the Xiao family. As long as they can obtain the resources belonging to the Qian family, they will hopefully be able to break free from this control. After all, the relationship between the Xiao family and the Zheng family is not as harmonious as it seems on the surface.

Qingcheng is located in the center of the Qingcheng area.

In the center of the city, there is a huge square. Right in front of the square, two stone platforms about a thousand feet in size stand.

These two stone platforms represent two quotas for going to the God's Tomb, and whichever force can keep the ring will get a quota.

At this time, on the stone platform, the sound of battle rang out from time to time. Among them, there was a strong man belonging to the Zheng family and the Xiao family.

However, the strength of the people who fought among them was only at the level of the half-step ancestors. Obviously, the leaders of the younger generation of the Zheng family and the Xiao family have not yet made a move.

And this is also an opportunity for the Zheng family and the Xiao family to come and see the strength of the younger generation of other forces. In their view, there is no suspense about the ownership of the places. It will be three days before the opening of the Shenling. They have given other forces, Enough time to show your strength.

Before these two huge arenas,

There is a high platform.

On the high platform, stood several figures, these figures were obviously dominated by two people, one of them was Zheng Feng who had appeared in Lilong Mountain before, and the other stood side by side with Zheng Feng, with a vague expression on his face. The fluctuation of movement is not inferior to that of Zheng Feng.

This person is the head of the Xiao family... Xiao Cheng!

"General Zheng Feng, I heard that you were beaten up by the subordinates of the younger generation on Lilong Mountain? Is there such a thing?"

Xiao Cheng glanced at the fighting arena below, then withdrew his gaze immediately, and said to the people beside him with a half-smile.

"Junior? Patriarch Xiao is really arrogant. Even the existence of Tianzun is a junior in your eyes."

Zheng Feng's face darkened, and he sneered.

Is that a junior? Your juniors can call anyone out at random, and they can beat up this deity?

"General Zheng Feng, don't talk nonsense. I don't have such a big face. I only knew about this matter after hearing Xiao Yuan talk about it."

Hearing Zheng Feng buttoning his hat indiscriminately, Xiao Cheng's complexion also changed, and he quickly shouted.

He already knew what happened on Lilong Mountain, so he naturally understood that the person named Feng Hao was most likely a Celestial Venerable. Although Xiao Cheng was proud, he was not so arrogant that he dared to tease the Celestial Venerable at will.

After all, if such words reach Tianzun's ears, the Xiao family can't bear Tianzun's anger.

"Hmph, didn't your Xiao family suffer in the same way? We are just half a catty, so why bother to laugh at each other."

Seeing the change in Xiao Cheng's expression, Zheng Feng sneered and said.

In fact, Zheng Feng didn't want to quarrel with Xiao's family. After all, he knew about Yunxiao Tianzun's going to Qiancheng.

The Tianzun behind him lost contact inexplicably. At this time, Zheng Feng actually felt a little guilty.

"Haha, that's right!"

Although Xiao Cheng had received the news that Yunxiao Tianzun came to Qiancheng, he obviously didn't know what happened between the two Tianzun, his eyes flickered slightly, and suddenly lowered his voice, saying: "But, General Zheng Feng, don't you want to Out of anger?"


Hearing this, Zheng Feng's eyes flashed.

"Counting this time, the Qian family has already lost five places in the Shenling. According to the rules, shouldn't we join forces to suppress the Qian family?"

Xiao Cheng's eyes were also flickering with coldness, and his tone was even more cold.

Hearing that, Zheng Feng was also a little moved. In recent years, there have been many frictions between the three families. They naturally have a lot of hatred among each other, especially the death of Zheng Yunyuan and the trip to Lilong Mountain. For the Zheng family and the Xiao family , is not a small blow.

Zheng Feng also had no doubts that if it was their Zheng family who would lose their places in the Shenling several times in a row, they would also be jointly suppressed by the Xiao family and the Qian family.

As for the news that Feng Hao is a Celestial Venerable, although Xiao Cheng was a little apprehensive, it did not affect his plan at all.

After all, in their view, how proud Tianzun is, how could he lower his status to participate in the conflict of such forces.

However, what surprised Xiao Cheng was that Zheng Feng didn't answer his proposal.

This can't help but make Xiao Cheng feel puzzled. After all, as early as ten years ago, Zheng Feng revealed to him the meaning of suppressing the Qian family. At that time, if Zheng Yunyuan wanted to marry Qian Liuli, Zheng Feng would have been the first It's a shot, why is Zheng Feng still hesitating now?

Could it be that Zheng Feng is getting old because of the loss of his beloved son?

"Since that's the case, don't come to participate when you support one of the forces to take power."

Xiao Cheng sneered, and didn't care about Zheng Feng's attitude.

Lilongshan's loss of a strong man who surpassed the Dao ancestor is not a small loss for the Xiao family. As long as Zheng Feng doesn't make trouble, he will never let the Qian family continue to sit in that position!

"Idiot, this Tianzun is different from the Tianzun you know."

Regarding this, Zheng Feng just sneered in his heart, thinking about Feng Hao's attitude towards Qian Liuli, he vaguely felt that that existence would never sit idly by and ignore such things.

More importantly, the whereabouts of Yunxiao Tianzun is still unknown, that is to say, Feng Hao can never be just an ordinary Tianzun!

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