Martial Inverse

Chapter 1052: Xiao Lian

While Xiao Cheng and the others were terrified, Qian Zhong's expression on the side didn't reveal much, but he was equally astonished in his heart.

Qian Zhong had obviously heard about the supernatural power of the Xiao family, he really did not expect that Qian Yunshan could break through Xiao Lin's supernatural power so forcefully, defeating the latter in one fell swoop.

Moreover, this supernatural power was not inherited from their thousand families.

"Could it be the one who exists to teach Yun Shan?"

Suddenly, Qian Zhong seemed to think of something, startled in his heart, and glanced in the direction of Feng Hao out of the corner of his eyes.

For this, Feng Hao could only smile wryly.

In fact, he also knew that after entering Qian Mansion, he let the Emperor stay in Qian Mansion, and Qian Yunshan, the God Emperor who beat up Zheng Feng, can be said to be inseparable. To Feng Hao's surprise, he treated The emperor, who is extremely cold to outsiders, doesn't seem to be disgusted by this.

In fact, when the Emperor of God treated Qian Yunshan, he felt like he was giving all his money. This magical power can be said to be a magical skill that the Emperor devoted all his efforts to, and even asked him to point it out. It can be regarded as a magical skill specially created for Qian Yunshan!

With the experience of the God Emperor, coupled with the magical skills taught by Feng Hao, how can the magical skills of the Xiao family and townsmen be comparable?

There was already a difference in strength between the two, plus the difference in divine skills, Xiao Lin's defeat was naturally a matter of course.

"The Xiao family really had a bad start, and they were defeated by the Qian family."

"I heard that Xiao Lin is still a leader of the Xiao family's generation. This strength is really embarrassing. Could it be that the current Xiao family is not even as good as the Qian family?"

"It's too early to say, after all, Xiao Lian hasn't made a move yet."

"Indeed, if Xiao Lian makes a move, there will be no suspense."

Following Xiao Lin's defeat, there was a sound of sighing around the square, and there was a bit of doubt in the eyes that looked at Xiao Cheng one after another.

"Xiao Lian, you go!"

Facing the boos of the audience, Xiao Cheng suddenly felt that he couldn't hold back his face. With a gloomy face, he shouted.

"Patriarch, don't worry."

Xiao Lian bowed slightly, stepped a little, his figure leaped up like a dragon, and finally landed on the ground in an eye-catching way.

In the arena.

"As expected of Xiao Lian, even his body skills are so domineering!"

"Xiao Lian is a strong man beyond the Dao Ancestor Realm. It seems that the Qian Family's quota cannot be kept."

"The Qian family is really miserable. The actions of the Xiao family should have been acquiesced by General Zheng Feng."

Seeing Xiao Lian's appearance, there was an uproar in the square, and the expressions of many strong men were all wonderful.

Although Qian Yunshan's performance was astonishing, but facing Xiao Lian, no one felt that she had a chance of winning by chance. After all, the difference in strength between the two was too great.

Perhaps, after Qian Yunshan completely refines the energy of the Spiritual Fruit of Life and Death, she will be able to break through to surpass the Taoist ancestor, but it is definitely not now.

"Yun Shan, come back."

At this time, Qianzhong on the high platform finally spoke.


Hearing this, Qian Yunshan didn't linger, and she obviously understood that she was still no match for Xiao Lian, so she walked off the ring slowly.

"Has Qianjia given up?"

"It's quite interesting, after all, Qian Yunshan is not Xiao Lian's opponent."

"Hehe, let alone Qian Yunshan, even Qian Liuli can't be Xiao Lian's opponent."

"Is Qianjia going to make the same mistakes again?"

Seeing Qianjia's actions, there was a murmur of whispers in the square. Many forces knew very well that this competition for the number of places in the sacred tomb is extremely important to Qianjia. If they can get a place, maybe Qianjia is expected to continue The seat of the three major families.

It's a pity that the Xiao family obviously doesn't intend to let the Qian family get what they want.

"Liu Li..."

Qian Zhong looked at Qian Liuli and asked in a low voice.

"give it to me."

Qian Liuli smiled lightly, her beautiful face revealed an unquestionable confidence.


Amid fiery gazes, Qian Liuli and Qian Yunshan looked at each other, and then their delicate bodies moved, turning into a rainbow of light and landing on the ring.

"'s Qian Liuli, she is as glamorous as the rumors say!"

"Hey, how could Princess Liuli be so reckless? Xiao Lian doesn't know how to be compassionate and cherish jade."

"It seems that Princess Liuli also knows that the Qian family's situation is critical, so this is a helpless move, right?"

"I hope Xiao Lian can act more gently..."

Seeing Qian Liuli appearing on the stage, the countless strong men in the square were slightly taken aback, and immediately there was a commotion.

Everyone is no stranger to Qian Liuli. Although in the past ten years, Qian Liuli disappeared for a while because of hunting star beasts, but the battle on Lilong Mountain not long ago made people know that Qian Liuli's strength still remained at the level of Daozu. territory.

Although Qian Liuli's strength is higher than that of ordinary Taoist ancestors, Xiao Lian's status is not low. He also has a master of heaven, and more importantly, his strength is higher than that of Qian Liuli!

"Qian Liuli, you are not my opponent, if you retreat by yourself, you will not be humiliated."

Seeing the opposite figure, Xiao Lian frowned and said coldly.

As disciples of Tianzun, if it is not a family matter, he does not want to make the relationship between them too rigid. After all, his vision is not only in this region.

After all, even if he wins Qian Liuli openly in the arena, Zi Lei Tianzun will not say much, but if the latter uses Tianzun's relationship secretly, it is still very easy to stop him.

"How do you know if you don't try?"

To this, Qian Liuli only responded lightly, without any intention of stepping down from the ring.

"Since you insist on this, then don't blame senior brother for being merciless."

Xiao Lian frowned, and did not try to persuade him too much.


As his voice fell, a powerful aura burst out from his body, and his power beyond the Dao Ancestor Realm was undoubtedly revealed. Compared with Qian Yunshan and Xiao Lin, he was far stronger than Qian Yunshan and Xiao Lin. People, this is the real leader among the younger generation.

Even through the special enchantment of the arena, many strong men in the square still felt an almost suffocating oppressive force, and immediately, there was a look of horror in everyone's eyes.

Even on the high stage, the elite children of the three major families felt the oppressive force from the arena, and their expressions were extremely solemn.

Xiao Lian's strength is already comparable to the high-level powerhouses of the three major families. Now, only giants at the level of the patriarchs of the three major families can suppress Xiao Lian.

Looking at the younger generation, apart from Zheng Peng from the Zheng family, no one is likely to be Xiao Lian's opponent!

"Beyond Daozu, is it very strong?"

What is surprising is that under the oppression of this terrifying aura, Qian Liuli's pretty face did not change at all. Following a low murmur, an aura that was not inferior to Xiao Lian burst out from the ring .

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