Martial Inverse

Chapter 1055 Princess Liuli likes the little boy

"What if I don't want to?"

Qianzhong's eyes flickered with coldness, and he said coldly.

If there is no support from Feng Hao behind him, facing this situation, even if he is aggrieved, Qian Zhong will think long-term. However, Qian Zhong knows that Feng Hao cares about Qian Liuli very much. If the two families ignore the rules and put pressure on the Qian family, the latter Certainly not sitting idly by.

Just kidding, with the support of such an existence that even Yunxiao Tianzun subdued, he Qianzhong would still be afraid of Xiao and Zheng.

"If you don't want to..."

Xiao Cheng sneered, looked at Zheng Feng, the meaning was obvious, why didn't you express your opinion at this time?

"The weather is nice today, hehe..."

Facing the gazes of one after another, Zheng Feng had no intention of expressing his opinion at all. He looked left and right, and finally simply looked up at the sky, sighing to the drowsy sky.

"What the hell!"

Xiao Cheng roared in his heart, this Zheng Feng, is he planning to push his Xiao family out at a critical moment to protect himself?

No, the Xiao family has been preparing for it for decades, and secretly recruited more than ten forces. Today, even if Zheng Feng is not on the same front as him, he can still make the Qian family obediently hand over their quota.

As long as Zheng Feng does not stand on the side of Qianjia, this plan is still feasible.

Xiao Cheng believed that although Zheng Feng was unreliable, he was not stupid enough to stand in Qianjia's lineup.

As long as he suppressed the aura of the Qian family here, he would be able to carry out the next plan soon. At that time, it would not be impossible for the forces under his command to replace him.

"If you don't want to, in order for our region not to be invaded by other regions in the future, I can only take it by force."

Thinking of this, Xiao Cheng no longer hesitated on his face, and immediately sneered and said.


Following Xiao Cheng's words, more than ten figures rushed out from the square and landed around the arena where Qian Liuli was.

The auras of these strong men are all powerful, and the weakest one is also an existence beyond the Dao Ancestor Realm, and there are three auras among them, they are the strong men who have cultivated a small world!

This... is Xiao Cheng's trump card!

see this scene,

The atmosphere in the square suddenly became tense, and the square that was originally crowded with people fell into a dead silence.

Most of the powerhouses in the square are no strangers to those figures that suddenly stood up. These ten or so figures represent more than ten famous forces in this area!

Although the strength of these forces is not as good as compared with the three major families such as Qianjia, they are united, and they are definitely an existence that makes the three forces fearful!

No one expected that the Xiao family would secretly win over these forces. It seemed that he had planned for a long time to trouble the Qian family.

"This guy hides quite deeply..."

Rao Zheng Feng, seeing more than ten figures below, his complexion also changed a little.

The Xiao family teamed up with these forces, and even the Zheng family did not dare to provoke them easily. Unless they were forced to have no way out, Zheng Feng would not want to fight to the death with them.

"Xiao Cheng, are you trying to break the rules?"

Even though he knew there was someone behind him, Qian Zhong still couldn't help but feel a little palpitated. Without Feng Hao's support, their Qian family might really be in danger this time!

"Stop talking nonsense, do you take the initiative to give up the quota, or do you want me to do it?"

Xiao Cheng shouted loudly, his face full of arrogance, as if he had already won the victory.

This situation is not up to Qian Zhong to choose, if he insists on not surrendering his quota, Xiao Cheng doesn't mind using force to resolve it.


And at this moment, Qian Liuli pointed her toes, and her figure flew out of the ring, and under the gaze of countless eyes, she landed directly behind Qian Zhong.

"Niece Liuli is still sensible."

Seeing her actions, Xiao Cheng laughed loudly.

Since Qian Liuli voluntarily withdrew from the arena, it would save him a lot of effort, as he only needs to wait until the end of the mausoleum, and then slowly eat away at Qian's family.

"I didn't say that I would cede the spot, if you have the ability, let your Xiao family's children come to me to grab it."

However, just as Xiao Cheng finished speaking, Qian Liuli's words took him by surprise.

"Feng Hao, he wants to grab my quota by force..."

Before Xiao Cheng could get angry, in the next moment, Qian Liuli seemed to be a different person, with tenderness like water, and complained to the man in black beside her with an aggrieved face.

"What's the situation, Princess Liuli still looks like this?"

Seeing Qian Liuli's actions, countless powerful people in the square were amazed, and some admirers were even more heartbroken. They never expected that their cold goddess would have such a small woman's posture.

It seems that the high coldness of any goddess is only for others, and her tender side will only be revealed when facing her sweetheart.

"It really is him..."

When Zheng Feng heard the name "Feng Hao", his body trembled, and he shrank his neck tremblingly, not even daring to look in the direction of Qianjiama.

"Feng Hao?"

Xiao Cheng frowned, he was also surprised by Qian Liuli's strangeness, but the quota was easily available, so he didn't think too much about it.

"It's useless for you to call anyone now, obediently hand over the quota, maybe I will spare your life for the sake of Tianzun in the future."

Xiao Cheng made no secret of his intentions. In his opinion, the overall situation is now settled, and the decline of Qianjia is a foregone conclusion.

Facing the aggressive Xiao Cheng, Feng Hao, who had no intention of going out at all, finally couldn't hold back, and he walked out slowly from behind Qian Zhong.


Feng Hao lifted up slightly, and in the black robe, a handsome and young face appeared in everyone's sight.

"It's none of my business, it's none of my business... I didn't do anything."

Hearing that voice, the nightmare in Zheng Feng's heart seemed to reappear, he didn't even dare to look at it, his whole body trembled, and he couldn't help murmuring, like praying.

"Patriarch, what's the matter?"

Seeing Zheng Feng's gaffe, behind him, a young man couldn't help but frowned and asked.

This person is the leader of the younger generation of the Zheng family... Zheng Peng.

In his heart, Zheng Feng is a giant guarding the gates of the three-party mysterious world, no matter what kind of foreign race he faces, Zheng Feng never flinches.

But why did General Zheng Feng lose his composure in front of this man in black? It is more afraid than a mouse seeing a cat.

"My God, Princess Liuli really likes the little boy!"

"Ah... my goddess has a heart!"

"Hmph, if he wants to be a hero in front of a beauty, doesn't he know what he is going to face?"

When seeing the young face in the black robe, there was a sound of wailing in the square, and the only luck in the hearts of countless strong men who admired Qian Liuli was completely shattered.

Of course, in this wailing sound, there is also a lot of sour sarcasm.

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