Martial Inverse

Chapter 1059: Shang Family Shang Luo

"Oh? Can it still be like this?"

Feng Hao was a little surprised, no wonder the auras of those demons were huddled inside, it turned out that the barbaric aura had the power to suppress them.

"But the deeper you go into the battlefield, the demons there won't be able to be suppressed by relying on barbaric spirit."

Qian Liuli nodded, and said with some seriousness.

"Well, since that's the case, let's go there first. As for the Wild Pill, just leave it to me."

Feng Hao also understood that the great powers of both sides that fell in the middle of the battlefield must be stronger. That kind of existence, even after a long time, even a wisp of remnant soul has extremely terrifying power.

However, this area is still on the periphery of the land of the tomb, so they don't have to worry too much.

Under the leadership of Feng Hao, the group of people turned into streaks of light and flew across the sky.

And along the way, they didn't encounter strong men from other mysterious gate areas, so the journey seemed extremely safe.

Soon, he approached the place where the opportunity Feng Hao felt before.

However, as soon as they approached, the complexions of Qian Liuli and other Qianjia powerhouses could not help but froze slightly.

Because, at this time, there are already more than twenty figures standing there below them, and the barren air is rapidly gathering around them. Obviously, these strong men discovered this place first, and they are already condensing the barren pill at this time. Ready to explore it.

The arrival of the thousand family horses immediately aroused the vigilance of the strong men below.

The strong in the land of the tombs of the gods all understand that those who can enter the land of the tombs of the gods are by no means weak, and the power behind them should not be underestimated.

Judging by the posture of Qianjiama, it is obvious that they came here for this opportunity!

This kind of thing is actually extremely taboo in the land of the tomb!

Because, once two or more forces take a fancy to the same opportunity, it is very likely that a tragic war will break out.

Of course, if the strengths of the two parties are about the same and they are afraid of each other, they may explore peacefully. However, once there is an uneven distribution, this peace will be broken in an instant!

"Hey, isn't this a member of the Qian family? It's really surprising. I didn't expect the Qian family to be among the three major families.


"Strange, hasn't the Qian family not come to participate in the Shenling for several times? Given the strength of their family, how can they still be qualified to come in?"

"Could it be that they deliberately gave benefits to the Zheng family and the Xiao family in exchange for the quota?"

Among the strong men below, someone soon saw the identity of Qian Liuli and the others. Immediately, one after another mocking voices came from below harshly.

Obviously, the forces that arrived here first were not inferior to Qianjia in strength, and they also felt that even if Qianjia came, they could only retreat obediently when they saw them.

"It's Shangyun City, a member of the Shang family!"

Qian Yunshan's pretty face darkened, and she murmured solemnly.

The many Qianjia powerhouses behind him couldn't help showing fear in their eyes when they heard this name, and many of them had already retreated before they even tried it.

"The strength of the Shang family in Shangyun City is about the same as that of the Zheng family, and it is stronger than our Qian family. Moreover, among their team, there are two existences that surpass the Dao ancestor."

Qian Liuli explained to Feng Hao from the side.

"If you need my help, just say so."

Feng Hao nodded, obviously respecting Qian Liuli very much.

"Being not."

Qian Liuli smiled lightly, full of confidence in her smile.

They managed to win the place to enter the land of the God Tomb. Facing the opportunity, if they didn't even dare to fight for it, wouldn't it be a waste of this trip?

Moreover, although they knew that there was a big boss like Feng Hao, most of the Qianjia powerhouses never thought of asking Feng Hao for help. After all, they couldn't always hide under Feng Hao's wings.

For Qian Yunshan and other Qianjia powerhouses, their understanding of Tianzun is very vague, so their attitude towards Feng Hao is more of a respect for the sweetheart of Princess Liuli.


Qian Liuli murmured, and her figure fell straight down. Seeing this, Qian Yunshan and the others followed closely behind without hesitation.

"Qianjia, are you crazy?"

Seeing their movements, the strong men below all stood up immediately, looking vigilant.

"I said how dare people from thousands of families come to act wildly in front of me, Shang Luo. It turns out that you broke through to surpass the Taoist ancestor."

Among the powerful members of the Shang family, a young man in a white robe walked out slowly, looked directly at Qian Liuli, and said coldly.

"The opportunity of the land of the tomb does not belong to your Shang family."

Qian Liuli just responded lightly and said.

"It's interesting, let's go now, I don't care about your offense."

Shang Luo snorted coldly. In order to enter this place of opportunity, they are stepping up to refine the Wild Pill. If possible, they don't want to make extra troubles.

Today's Qian Liuli is no longer the innocent girl she was before. She has seen Xiao Lang's meanness and Xiao Cheng's shamelessness. Now she already understands that if she is not strong, she will only become a prey in the end.

Facing Shang Luo's threat, Qian Liuli smiled lightly and said, "What if I don't leave?"


As soon as Qian Liuli finished speaking, Shang Luo's complexion suddenly sank, and the powerful members of the Shang family behind him emitted powerful aura fluctuations. Obviously, they had already planned to strike at the slightest disagreement.

Although Qian Liuli is a strong person who surpassed the Dao ancestor, there are two existences in the Shang family who surpassed the Dao ancestor. No matter in terms of strength or background, it is impossible for the Shang family to be afraid of the Qian family!

"Qian Liuli, you have changed a lot."

Shang Luo stared at Qian Liuli closely, and after a while, he suddenly laughed and said.

"However, you are still so ignorant, in front of me, Shang Luo, do you have your rampant capital?"

Suddenly, Shang Luo's voice changed, and a terrifying breath burst out from his body.

Under this aura, the complexions of more than a dozen Qianjia powerhouses suddenly changed. This Shang Luo is even stronger than Xiao Lian!

"I just don't want to give up the opportunity I found."

However, to Shang Luo's surprise, under his threat, Qian Liuli still did not retreat in the slightest, instead showing a spirit that many men do not possess.

Seeing this side of Qian Liuli, Shang Luo was a little surprised, he really didn't expect that Qian Liuli's change would be so great.

It seems that during this period of time, Qian Liuli has indeed grown a lot.

However, surprise is nothing but surprise, and Shang Luo did not intend to be soft-handed if he dared to touch his own bread.


As soon as Qian Liuli finished speaking, the terrifying coercion pervading the world seemed to materialize, directly suppressing Qian Liuli.

Under this coercion, the air burst open, and the ground around Qian Liuli shattered.

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