Martial Inverse

Chapter 1065: The Guardian God of the Mysterious Realm

"This senior has cultivated a small world before his death!"

Looking at the figure in mid-air, Qian Liuli said with a dignified expression.

Hearing this, the complexions of Qian Yunshan and the Qianjia powerhouses beside her also changed suddenly. They are all still in the realm of Dao ancestors, and they have not even broken through to surpass Dao ancestors. For them, the powerhouses who have cultivated a small world are simply It's not something you can compete with.

"It should not have that kind of strength now."

Although Qian Yunshan's pretty face was dignified, she still carefully noticed something strange, said.


However, as if in response to Qian Yunshan, a black light suddenly surged from the figure in midair, and a terrifying coercion gradually spread from his body.

"Oops, his strength is recovering?!"

Seeing this, the complexions of several Qianjia powerhouses suddenly changed.

"Shua! Shua!"

And at this moment, figures from all around came rushing towards him. Now, the other Qianjia powerhouses also noticed the abnormality here, and they all gave up searching and rushed to support.

In this kind of ruins, dangers are everywhere. If we don't unite, we may die at any time!


Looking at the figures exuding a mighty coercion in the midair, the complexions of many Qianjia powerhouses were extremely dignified.


Qian Liuli took a deep breath and said in a low voice.

The aura of this figure has already made her feel more pressured. If it is allowed to fully recover its strength, all the powerful members of the Qian Family will probably have to stay here.

Unless, Feng Hao makes a move!

However, whether it's Qian Liuli or the Qian Family's powerhouses, what they need is to face the crisis by themselves, instead of always hiding behind Feng Hao!


Hearing this, even though the group of Qianjia powerhouses were a little bit reluctant, they still didn't hesitate at all, they were all ready to retreat violently!



Just when everyone was about to evacuate, the black devilish energy above that figure had spread into the hall, and under this black devilish energy, a sudden explosion erupted from the neatly placed spirit cards on the floor of the hall. Bright light.

These spirit cards were transformed from the bones in the hall before, and under this demonic energy, they seemed to be frightened and enraged, and the light was full of grandeur.

"Chi Chi..."

With the surge of these rays of light, the black demonic energy that came into contact dissipated quickly like winter snow meeting a scorching sun, and the figure in midair let out a dry scream, the demonic energy on his body was being swept away. Rapid purification.

Seeing this scene, Qian Liuli and the others who were planning to evacuate were all stunned. They obviously didn't expect that the bones left by those strong men actually contained this kind of energy.

And under the bright light of the spirit cards, the devilish energy on the figure in mid-air became weaker and weaker, but in just a short moment, the devilish energy in his expression had completely disappeared.

And the ferocious look on that withered face also disappeared at this time, and the coldness before was no longer in the deep-set hollow eyes, and what was replaced was a kind of relief.

As the demon energy dissipated, the withered figure's complexion gradually returned to peace, and there seemed to be an ancient line faintly emerging between his brows.

"The ancient temple?!"

Seeing that pattern, Qian Liuli shrank her eyes and exclaimed in surprise.

"The ancient temple?"

Feng Hao frowned slightly, feeling a little puzzled in his heart. During this period of time, he knew something about some powerful forces in the mysterious world, but he didn't seem to have heard of the ancient temple.

"The temple is the most powerful force in our mysterious world. Compared with the current Zhouxing Pavilion, Misty Building, and the Barbarian Alliance, it is not inferior in the slightest. Moreover, if it is not for the demise of the Temple, it is estimated that there will be no Barbaric Alliance at all. Appear."

Qian Liuli did not forget to explain to Feng Hao.

"How could such a powerful force die?"

Hearing this, Feng Hao was even more puzzled. As far as he knew, among the three top powers, there were all strong men at the level of Lingzun, and there was more than one of them.

Come to think of it, this so-called temple should also have such a background!

With such a powerful force sitting in town, how could it still be annihilated in the long river of history? !

"The ancient temple, it is said that it is a party force, it is better to say that it is the protector of our mysterious world."

Qian Liuli took a deep breath, and said slowly: "Because, the existence of the temple does not intervene in the struggle of any forces, it just exists silently, guarding the Xuanjie Continent, whenever there is a strong enemy from outside the territory, the temple, A protective world will appear!"

"The land of the divine mausoleum is just a region left by the strongmen of the temple. Battlefields like this are not uncommon in the mysterious world."

"And the reason why the temple disappeared is because, in order to protect the mysterious world, all the gods in the temple fought hard against an innate god. In the end, although the god was severely injured and escaped, those ancestors..."

Hearing this, Feng Hao couldn't help but fell into silence, and couldn't help but look a little more respectful in the eyes of the figure in midair.

"I didn't expect that a world as powerful as Xuanjie would encounter such a crisis."

Feng Hao took a deep breath and sighed softly.

"Although the temple has become a thing of the past, today's three top powers can be regarded as inheriting the long-cherished wish of the ancient temple, and have been silently guarding the mysterious world."

Qian Liuli nodded and said.

Hearing this, Feng Hao finally understood why so many powerful people in the mysterious world would respect them from the bottom of their hearts when they mentioned these three forces.

It turns out that these three forces not only represent strength, but also the patron saint of their mysterious world!

Although there are still countless crises lurking outside the mysterious world, but with the Eternal Star Pavilion, Misty Building, the Barbarian Alliance, and those powerful Tianzun, it is by no means a simple matter for enemies from outside the territory to invade the mysterious world. thing.

When stepping into the mysterious world, Feng Hao also felt a few breaths sweeping over him, maybe he didn't feel the breath that belonged to the innate gods and demons, or it might be because Feng Hao didn't have any malice towards the mysterious world , So, until now, except for Yunxiao Tianzun, no one has come to trouble him.

It seems that those powerful beings in Xuanjie are not unaware of Feng Hao's existence, but because he did not bring crisis to Xuanjie, so they let him go free.

In fact, Feng Hao is not the only one in the mysterious world, he is from other star fields, but the high-level people in the mysterious world will not interfere with this strange and harmless space-level powerhouse.

After all, to be able to cultivate to the cosmic realm and gain the recognition of cosmic energy, the temperament and conduct of such a strong person, generally speaking, will not be much worse.

Moreover, it would actually be a blessing for the mysterious world if the powerful people in the universe outside the domain could have a sense of belonging to the mysterious world.

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