Martial Inverse

Chapter 1070: Ten Thousand Cold Swords

"Is she trying to provoke Brother Jiang Yuan on purpose?"

Hearing Qian Liuli's words, Jiang Liuyun and Jiang Liufeng glanced at each other. Apart from being surprised that people from the Qian family dared to be arrogant in front of them, they also had a playful look on their faces.

The strength displayed by Qian Liuli is indeed surprising, but the ability to hurt Jiang Yuan is related to the latter's carelessness, which does not mean that Qian Liuli can compete with Jiang Yuan.

"Today, none of you can escape!"

Sure enough, after Qian Liuli's voice fell, Jiang Yuan's face was already covered with fury.

The provocation by the strong Qian family had already made him want to kill, and the sharp sword in Qian Liuli's hand made him even more jealous. Therefore, no matter what, he will keep the Qian Family behind!


As Jiang Yuan's words fell, his figure rushed out, terrifying fluctuations surged around him, and a powerful pressure that made it difficult to breathe swept away.


The next moment, Jiang Yuan, who was in mid-air, punched out, a violent fist wind mixed with cold killing intent, and ruthlessly bombarded Qian Liuli.


Facing the murderous Jiang Yuan, Qian Liuli snorted coldly, her delicate body trembled, and a chilly sword light roared out, fiercely colliding with that berserk fist shadow.


A dull voice spread in mid-air, and then, a fierce wind swept away, and the fist shadow that could severely damage the Dao Ancestral Realm powerhouse was cut off by Qian Liuli's sword.


Qian Liuli narrowed her eyes slightly, and murmured in her mouth, originally she thought that Jiang Yuan was so strong that she couldn't compete with her. After all, when the latter broke through to surpass the Dao Ancestor, she was only halfway to the Dao Ancestor Realm. Among the strong ones who surpassed the Dao Ancestor Realm, they also had a not-so-weak reputation.

However, after two consecutive fights, Qian Liuli discovered that Jiang Yuan did not seem to be as strong as she imagined, and even, if she went all out, she was sure to kill the latter on the spot!

"It's just to test your strength, do you really take yourself seriously?"

Hearing Qian Liuli's murmur, Jiang Yuan couldn't help laughing angrily.

Regarding Qian Liuli's current strength,

He was indeed a little surprised, but did this guy really think that he would be able to compete with himself in this way?

Qian Liuli didn't argue about anything, she stared at Jiang Yuan with her clear beautiful eyes, and above the sharp sword in his jade hand, a gleam of blue light swam, vaguely, the space around the sharp sword couldn't help trembling, as if It is likely to be torn apart at any time.

"I'd like to see how much you weigh!"

Although Jiang Yuan was proud, he was not a reckless person. His face was full of ferocity, but he didn't lose his mind because of the anger in his heart.

From that sharp sword, Jiang Yuan already felt an extremely dangerous feeling, so he couldn't take it lightly.


However, compared to the furious Jiang Yuan, Qian Liuli seemed a little impatient, she moved her delicate body, and shot out with a sharp sword in her hand.

Now, nearly two hours have passed since Zheng Peng and his party were forced into the ruins. If they continue to spend time here, by the time the Qian family powerhouses can enter the ruins to support them, the Zheng family powerhouses may have already encountered disaster.

Therefore, the current battle must be resolved as soon as possible!


Qian Liuli's figure moved, and the ear-piercing sound of tearing space resounded immediately, and Jiang Yuan's eyes in mid-air also froze suddenly, and then, a vast spiritual energy surged out, and the mysterious avenue surged, directly enveloping the A vast aura condensed into a materialized mask around him.

Jiang Yuan could clearly see that Qian Liuli was more anxious than himself, so he became more patient, after all, the sharp sword in the latter's hand was not a joke.


A gloomy sword light tore open the space, and fell fiercely on the mask above Jiang Yuan, and there was a crisp sound immediately, with ripples, but the mask did not break away.

"Sure enough, it's even stronger than my Taoist soldiers!"

As the light surged, the light curtain around Jiang Yuan returned to its original state, and a shock flashed across his face, and immediately, the corner of his mouth curled into a sinister smile.

"I see you can catch me a few swords!"

Qian Liuli knew that the latter was deliberately draining her power, but at this moment, she had no other choice. With the sound of a clear drink, the world was suddenly filled with a terrifying and fierce aura.

In the next moment, the blue light surged between the sky and the earth, and sword shadows emerged one after another, and they were all sword shadows similar to the sharp sword in Qian Liuli's hand!

"Thousands of cold swords, broken!"

With the sound of a clear drink, the condensed blue light sword shadow pierced the space directly, roaring out, with an invincible momentum, and fiercely blasted towards Jiang Yuan who was wrapped in the light curtain in midair.


Seeing this scene, the faces of the Jiang family members changed drastically. Except for Jiang Liufeng and Jiang Liuyun, the faces of the Jiang family members were full of fear.

Any one of those sword glows exuding cold air is enough to pierce through their defenses. If the sword shadows all over the sky are taken at them, they will be in danger!

And even Jiang Liufeng and Jiang Liuyun had an unconcealable fear on their faces at this time, and immediately, they looked at the mask in midair.

Although Jiang Yuan is powerful, can he withstand such a fierce attack?

"How is this possible, her attainments in the Dao are even higher than mine?!"

But at this time, Jiang Yuan's face in the mask was ashen. Isn't he shocked?

The sharp sword in Qian Liuli's hand made him jealous, how long did it take for the latter to break through beyond the Dao Ancestor Realm? Why is the attainment of controlling the Dao so high?

You know, every cold sword in the shadow of swords in the sky is full of complete Dao fluctuations. Even if he goes all out, it will be difficult for him to unleash such an offensive!

What's more, among these sword shadows, there are not only great fluctuations, but also a trace of fierceness similar to the sharp sword in Qian Liuli's hand.

"Sky-powered body shield!"

In the next moment, sword shadows roared across the sky, Xiao Yuan finally came back to his senses, he yelled loudly, not daring to hold back at all, the terrifying fluctuations of the avenue swept out, on the light curtain around him, one after another was like The flow of small shield-like lines makes the entire light curtain look indestructible.

"Boom! Boom!"

The sword shadow roared, and the crisp sound kept ringing. Every sword shadow fell, causing ripples on the light curtain. However, Jiang Yuan is also worthy of being a veteran powerhouse who surpassed Daozu. He can control one side every time. The rune, like a shield, blocks under the shadow of the sword.

Therefore, although it seemed that there were continuous ripples on the mask, the mask did not burst instantly as others thought, but was supported by a series of surprised eyes.

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