Martial Inverse

Chapter 1072: Jiang Yuan backs down

"Brother Jiang Yuan!"

A few strong men from the Jiang family who were more angry looked angry, the members of the Qian family were deceiving too much!

Jiang Yuan's complexion was even more gloomy, his eyes gleamed with anger, if he hadn't been afraid of Qian Liuli, he would have driven these guys to death long ago!

Jiang Liufeng and Jiang Liuyun didn't say much, they both understood that Qian Yunshan's move was to take back from them the wild pill that was robbed by the strong Zheng family, and to prevent them from following into the ruins.

"Hmph, even if you don't give it, what can you do?"

Jiang Yuan snorted coldly, he had already made the biggest step back, and asked him to hand over the Wild Pill, dreaming!

Although Jiang Yuan knew that he was defeated by Qian Liuli, if he wanted to run away, the latter would not be able to keep him!

Moreover, in Jiang Yuan's view, Qian Liuli should be at the end of his battle, and it is impossible to unleash the overwhelming offensive just now.


Jiang Yuan let out a sigh, waved his arm, and flew away.


And just when the members of the Jiang family wanted to keep up, there was a crisp sound, and Jiang Yuan in front of them seemed to hit an invisible wall, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and several teeth were knocked out .

"This... what is this?!"

Jiang Liuyun and Jiang Liufeng stepped forward quickly. With Jiang Yuan's lessons learned from the past, they did not bump into it recklessly, but stretched out their palms forward.

The next moment, their expressions suddenly darkened. As expected, there was an invisible barrier not far ahead!

And Jiang Yuan's impact just now didn't shake it at all.

What's even more frightening is that they sensed that this barrier seemed to envelop the entire suspended island.

"What is this, is it the enchantment of the second-level relic?"

"Impossible, we never met when we came in."

"That's right, when the Qian family came over just now, wasn't there any obstacle?"

Seeing that the three people headed by Jiang Yuan didn't say a word,

A group of strong men from the Jiang family stepped forward one after another, and immediately, a sound of panic resounded.

Qian Liuli took a look at Feng Hao, and found that there was a faint smile on the corner of the latter's mouth. She immediately understood that Feng Hao should have done all of this.

"Hand over the Wild Pill, and I won't embarrass you."

Qian Liuli took a deep breath and said clearly.

Hearing this, Jiang Yuan and the others trembled, and there was a look of disbelief in their eyes. Could it be... Qian Liuli's handwriting? !

Without them noticing, they sealed off the entire floating island. With such strength, could it be said that Qian Liuli has cultivated her own small world? !

Jiang Yuan and the others naturally didn't know that among the thousands of families, there was an existence that even Tianzun feared.

"Brother Jiang Yuan, what should we do?"

All Jiang family members looked at Jiang Yuan. Although they didn't want to admit it, if Qian Liuli's handwriting was really from Qian Liuli, their Jiang family really didn't have the capital to contend with it. Perhaps Qian Liuli had shown mercy just now.

Under the watchful eyes of all Jiang family powerhouses, Jiang Yuan's expression was gloomy. After a long time, he sighed softly and said helplessly, "Give it to them."


Hearing Jiang Yuan's signal, although the strong members of the Jiang family were unwilling, they didn't dare to resist any more. Immediately, they all handed over the wild pill that had been hardened and condensed just now.

But for a moment, in front of the strong man of the Jiang family, there were already nearly a hundred wild pills exuding a strong wild air.

"If she didn't make this enchantment, when she comes to get the Wild Pill, we will try our best to keep it!"

Jiang Yuan stared at Qian Liuli with gloomy eyes, and secretly spoke to Jiang Liufeng and the two of them.

Hearing this, Jiang Liufeng and Jiang Liuyun showed embarrassment. In their current state, it was difficult for them to deliver their strongest blow, but they finally nodded silently.

If this enchantment was voluntarily emitted by the ruins, even if they surrendered the Wild Pill, they would still be unable to leave. Maybe they could only wait helplessly for Qianjia and Zheng Jiaqiang to return from the ruins. The situation is even more difficult for the powerhouses of the two factions of the Jia family and the Qian family.

Of course, if this enchantment really came from Qian Liuli, they would definitely not dare to provoke Qian Liuli again. After all, this enchantment can already explain many problems. Although they are angry, they are not too stupid to be overwhelmed .

Qian Liuli obviously also noticed the aura that Jiang Yuan and the other three were rapidly condensing, but she didn't show any fear, she moved slightly in lotus steps, and appeared directly in front of the wild pill, and immediately, with a wave of her sleeve robe, the nearly Put away all the hundred wild pills.


And the moment Qian Liuli put away the Wild Pill, there was a change in the world, Jiang Yuan and the others felt that the enchantment that originally sealed them in this space had disappeared.


Seeing this scene, Jiang Yuan and the others dare not have the slightest thought of attacking Qian Liuli. They all bowed their hands and saluted, and then flew away without looking back.

"Damn it, this is definitely the Small World Realm! Didn't Qian Liuli not even break through the Dao Ancestor Realm? How did it become so terrifying!"

When all the powerful members of the Jiang family flew so far that the island could no longer be seen, Jiang Yuan just stopped, with lingering fear on his face.

"Qian Liuli was accepted as an apprentice by Zilei Tianzun. Her talent is definitely not inferior to ours. I am afraid that she has been deliberately concealing her realm before."

Jiang Liufeng shook his head and smiled wryly.

They don't believe that Qian Liuli broke through during this period of time. After all, no one would believe such a rapid progress, and concealing her strength is the only plausible reason.

"Hmph, isn't it just a small world through cultivation? When I get out of the land of the tomb, I'd like to see what the Qian family can do against us!"

Jiang Yuan snorted unwillingly, although he was unwilling, he didn't dare to look back.

However, although they were defeated here, the background of the Jiang family was there. Even with the addition of Qian Liuli, an enemy who cultivated a small world, the gap between the two regions was still difficult to bridge!

When the time comes, they will get back the face they lost today with interest!

The other strong members of the Jiang family also looked angry. They were all unwilling to take away the second-level relics they had obtained. However, they can only wait for the land of the gods to take revenge. After all, relying on them, they can't Dare to challenge the thousands of families who have small world powerhouses.

And after the members of the Jiang family left, the eyes of Qian Liuli and the others also fell on the light curtain in the center of the island.

In the light curtain, a magnificent hall is looming, this is the second-level relic that makes countless powerhouses who surpassed Daozu jealous!

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