Martial Inverse

Chapter 1076: The Decaying Army

"Do it!"

Qian Liuli murmured, and the sharp sword in her hand slashed forward, and suddenly, a huge sword energy swept out.


Under this sword energy, dozens of rotten warriors were torn apart in an instant, and the sword energy still did not stop, but continued to chop towards the rotten warriors behind.


However, at this moment, a rusty long spear suddenly pierced the sword energy, the spear shattered, and the sword energy was finally completely defeated.

Where the sword energy disappeared, a figure wrapped in armor stood tall. Although the armor on this figure was also rusty, compared with other decayed warriors, it was undoubtedly much better.

"A warrior who surpassed the Dao Ancestor Realm?"

When they saw that figure, the pupils of many strong men shrank suddenly, and the fluctuations emitted from their bodies were impressively beyond the level of Dao Ancestor Realm.

"call out!"

Qian Liuli didn't speak, her face was slightly cold, she moved her feet, her figure quickly swept away, and in an instant she came to the decayed warrior who surpassed the Dao ancestor.


In an instant, the two were fighting together. However, although the fluctuations in this decaying warrior surpassed the Dao Ancestor Realm, he had already lost consciousness, leaving only some fighting instincts. A sword pierced through the body, and the avenue fluctuated, directly causing it to be wiped out.

"So strong!"

Seeing Qian Liuli's actions, Zheng Peng and the rest of the Zheng family's powerhouses froze. At this moment, they finally believed that the Qian's powerhouses did not rely on Feng Hao at all, so they forced Jiang Yuan and the others to retreat.

Qian Liuli's strength is even stronger than before entering the land of the divine tomb!

And the moment Qian Liuli made a move, the decaying army also found the troops on both sides, and immediately, the decaying army roared out, fighting towards the crowd.

"Boom! Boom!"

The two sides fought, and violent fluctuations suddenly swept away.

However, in this fierce confrontation, although the Qian family and the Zheng family have far fewer strong men than the decadent army,

However, each of them is an elite strongman who has experienced many battles in his own family. During the rush, countless rotten armies were turned into powder one after another, and they did not cause much casualties.

And before the decaying warriors turned into ashes and disappeared, there seemed to be a smile of relief on those withered faces. It was not that they still had sanity, but a kind of relief from instinct.

However, in this kind of confrontation, everyone also discovered that among those corrupted strong men, there were many existences that surpassed the Taoist ancestors. Fortunately, Qian Liuli, Qian Yunshan, and Zheng Peng were sitting in the town. At that time, they all shot in time to minimize the damage of everyone.

After more than half an hour, the thousands of rotten troops were finally completely defeated.

Originally, everyone could completely break out a path from the decaying army, but they also wanted to let the heroic souls who died in this space be liberated and rest in peace, so they defeated the decaying army all the way.

Without the obstruction of the decaying army, the grand hall finally appeared in front of everyone.

"This is the depth of this ruin."

Looking at the great hall in front of them, everyone's breathing became a lot faster.

However, everyone did not act rashly. They stood in front of the hall, their bodies tensed up.


Qian Liuli murmured, and walked towards the main hall slowly, holding a few Wilderness Pills in her hand, the wilderness surged to protect her body.

And behind Qian Liuli, a group of strong men also became more cautious. They also held the wild pill in their hands and were on guard.

Soon, a group of people had already arrived at the door of the great hall. However, when they saw the scene inside the hall through the concealed door, the expressions of everyone suddenly changed, and there was a touch of deep shock in their eyes. color.


When seeing the scene in the hall clearly, Zheng Peng's face was also solemn, and after a while, he couldn't help but gasped.

In the hall, there are dozens of figures, they are like wooden stakes, standing motionless in the hall, they are also rotten warriors!

However, the armor on these rotten warriors is extremely intact, and there are extremely majestic fluctuations in those seemingly withered bodies. These figures are all powerful men beyond the Dao ancestor realm!

In the hall, there was silence, but everyone seemed to feel a silent chill!

In this hall, there are nearly a hundred strong men who surpassed the Dao ancestor realm!

It's not difficult to imagine how many powerful ancestors from the mysterious world died in that battle in order to resist the invasion of extraterrestrial demons.

"What to do, there are so many decayed warriors who surpass Daozu, if we rush in, I'm afraid..."

Qian Yunshan's complexion was a bit heavy. She already felt a little stressed when she was defending against those decaying warriors who had surpassed the Dao Ancestor Realm just now, but before her eyes, there were dozens of decaying warriors who were stronger than they had encountered before!

This is simply a dead end!

"This ruin, even among the second-level ruins, is definitely the top."

Zheng Peng said slowly, but couldn't help looking at Feng Hao. If the latter can make a move, these are not a problem at all.

However, what disappointed Zheng Peng was that Feng Hao just stood silently behind Qian Liuli, without any intention of making a move.

All the powerful members of the Qian family and the Zheng family looked extremely solemn at this moment. The scene in the hall made their scalps tingle. Fortunately, they didn't rush in rashly. Otherwise, the entire army might be wiped out end!

"Princess Liuli, do you have a solution?"

Zheng Peng asked Qian Liuli in a low voice.

If it's a one-on-one fight, Zheng Peng is completely worthy of those rotten warriors, but once they break into the hall, those rotten warriors will definitely notice it, and it is impossible to defeat them one by one!

"There is no way..."

Qian Liuli hesitated slightly, and suddenly looked behind her, at the piece of land where she had fought all the way.

On the way they came, white bone powder was everywhere, with dots of fluorescent light all over it.

"Senior, offended..."

Qian Liuli sighed softly, waved her jade hand, and a gust of wind suddenly rose. At this moment, the heroic spirit in the bone powder seemed to regain consciousness, and the bone powder surged up all over the place.


The bone meal roared, turned into a torrent, and rushed into the hall suddenly.


The gate of the palace collapsed suddenly, and the heads of dozens of figures in the hall suddenly lifted up, and all of them looked at the gate of the palace with sunken eye sockets. Fierce aura erupted suddenly.

"Take out all the wild pills!"

Seeing this scene, Qian Liuli let out a deep drink, waved her jade hand, and finally more than a hundred wild pills roared out, bursting open out of thin air.

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