Martial Inverse

Chapter 111001 Tenden Lord?


Seeing this scene, a cold light flashed in Qian Liuli's beautiful eyes.

The strong men of the four leaders couldn't help but gasp. It turns out that this is really a trap!

The four major forces and the strong men behind them trembled even more. Fortunately, they didn't step forward, otherwise, wouldn't they have fallen into this guy's trap?

There is no doubt about the power of Palace Master Mo Yuan. If they approached, they would probably be the same as those sitting cross-legged at this time.

While rejoicing, everyone couldn't help but cast a grateful look to Qian Liuli, thanks to her timely words to stop, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Hmph, devil, why don't you continue pretending?"

Mu Sen snorted coldly, with an angry expression on his face. Just now, he almost brought the strong family members forward.

The palace lord of "Mo Yuan" stared at Mu Sen with an evil look on his face, and said solemnly, "Small world realm? It's ridiculous, you are worthy of being presumptuous in front of me?"

Hearing this, Mu Sen's words froze.

For existences like Palace Master Mo Yuan, ordinary Heavenly Venerates can kill them, and existences like them whose small worlds have not been recognized by the Dao of the Universe are indeed like ants in front of the former.

Chen Bai and the other three looked at each other, although they were filled with anger, they did not dare to speak provocatively.

If this person in front of him was the demonized Palace Master Mo Yuan, he would definitely not be someone they could provoke.

"Pretending to be a ghost!"

Seeing that several team leaders were shocked by the monster's words, Qian Liuli frowned slightly, then sneered and said: "If you are really capable, you still need to lie to us?"

Hearing this, the eyes of Chen Bai and the others flashed.

Indeed, if this figure really possessed the strength of Palace Master Mo Yuan and could kill them with a wave of his hand, how could he still talk nonsense with them? Still painstakingly acting to trick them into coming forward?

"It's a little eye-catching."

"Mo Yuan" Palace Master Sen smiled coldly and said, "It is indeed the carrier that I fancy."


hear this,

Everyone's expressions changed, Qian Liuli's pretty face also turned slightly cold, and she couldn't help clenching her jade hands tightly.

Sure enough, did the evil gaze I felt come from this guy?

"However, even if you see through it, so what? Here, this god is the absolute master!"

The palace lord of "Mo Yuan" let out an evil laugh, and as his words fell, more than fifty figures sitting cross-legged around him were instantly swallowed by the devilish energy, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

At the same time, everyone could feel that under their feet, a terrifying devilish energy was quietly surging.

Everyone had no doubt that once this devilish energy erupted, it could completely devour them.

"Be obedient and become my carrier. After the god is reborn, he will let you stand at the top of this world!"

Palace Master "Mo Yuan" didn't care about the fearful faces of many strong men. He fixed his gaze on Qian Liuli, and his evil eyes were full of longing.

Facing this gaze, Qian Liuli's pretty face couldn't help showing a look of fear, and she couldn't help taking a step back.

But at this moment, a slender figure stood in front of her, and at the same time, a faint laugh sounded quietly in the hall: "A guy whose body and small world have been blown up, dare to Are you bragging here?"

Hearing this, not only the Palace Master "Mo Yuan", but also all the powerhouses of the four major forces were taken aback.

This guy, doesn't he feel the horror of the figure in front of him? Even dare to speak provocatively, isn't this asking for trouble?


Sure enough, upon hearing these words, Palace Master "Mo Yuan" was furious, and with a cold snort, a skyrocketing demonic energy burst out from under Feng Hao's feet, swallowing it up in an instant.

"So strong!"

Seeing this Mu, everyone's expressions were frozen, they wished to leave immediately, but they were worried that their actions would offend Palace Master "Mo Yuan", so they could only stand where they were.

"Aren't you afraid of embarrassing yourself with this trick?"

However, just as everyone was terrified, a faint laugh suddenly came out of the demonic energy, and immediately, the demonic energy that made even small-world powerhouses dread it seemed to be suppressed by an invisible force , instantly annihilated.

" it Tianzun?!"

Seeing this scene, the pupils of Mu Sen and the others shrank suddenly.

Even if they were in the Small World Realm, they were extremely afraid of the demonic energy just now. If they were careless and wrapped in the demonic energy, it would definitely be extremely difficult. Even if they could escape from it, it would not be so easy.

But after Feng Hao wiped out that devilish energy, it seemed that he just did a trivial thing.

This kind of magnanimity is definitely not comparable to those in the Small World Realm!

"Are you OK?"

Qian Liuli asked in a low voice with some worry.

Feng Hao just shook his head lightly. This kind of demonic energy is indeed a bit troublesome for the powerhouses of the Small World Realm, but it is not a threat to the powerhouses of the Cosmic Realm, let alone the ordinary Cosmic Realm powerhouses , How can you compare with him?


Seeing Feng Hao wipe out his methods so easily, "Mo Yuan" Tianzun also had some surprises in his eyes: "You are the guy who is making trouble in secret, aren't you?"

"Making trouble in secret?"

Feng Hao sneered and didn't bother to argue with him.

This guy secretly eroded Qian Liuli with devilish energy, so he couldn't just sit idly by when he saw it.

"Be smart, get out now, otherwise, don't blame me for killing you."

Feng Hao was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, so he snorted coldly and said.

"It's just a cosmic realm, and you dare to talk nonsense in front of this god. Do you know how many ants of your level this god ate back then?"

The face of the Palace Master "Mo Yuan" was pitch black, and there was an unconcealable anger in his cold voice.


Feng Hao was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head and smiled: "I really hope to meet you in your heyday, but unfortunately, you are vulnerable now."

"Bastard, do you really think I can't do anything to you?"

The Palace Master "Mo Yuan" was furious, and as his words fell, the entire palace trembled violently.


While trembling like this, monstrous devilish energy surged out from his body, and immediately gathered in front of him like a wave.

But in just a short moment, a burly figure appeared in front of Palace Master "Mo Yuan".

This figure looks mighty and extraordinary, and there is a red "sky" pattern on the center of his eyebrows.

"The Lord of the Temple of Heaven?!"

When she saw that figure, Qian Liuli's pupils shrank, and she couldn't help but exclaimed.

The strong men of the four major forces all looked solemn.

The most powerful of the ancient temples are the three main palace masters, and below them are the six main halls of heaven, heaven, earth, people, time, space, and law.

The strength of these six palace masters is second only to the three major palace masters!

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