Martial Inverse

Chapter 51: Qingniu Town

Chapter 51 Qingniu Town

The elixir is already in hand, Feng Hao is starting to think about the experience, the Warcraft Mountains, this must go, and it will take a long time, but what Feng Chen said is also very reasonable, especially in the Warcraft Mountains. , There are many people who seek money and kill people, but when dealing with pharmacists, no matter what kind of person, even if they are heinous people, they will definitely treat pharmacists with respect. 【Text first】

"Then go to Chiyang City first."

After making up his mind, Feng Hao sat down cross-legged and cultivated overnight. As the sky opened, he also opened his eyes.

This is a long-term habit, and Feng Hao will wake up naturally at this time.

When he got off the bed and opened the door, a loud noise came to his ears.

This is the voice of the junior Feng family in the morning exercise. After the last incident, the Feng family also suffered heavy losses, and the elite children lost more than half, which aroused the enthusiasm of the juniors, and they practiced even more desperately.

In addition, some juniors with extraordinary talent were selected to directly practice Tiger Movement Chapter, as the seed elite of the family.

Of course, this is not to say that the Feng family does not want all members to practice, but the individual's ability to bear and comprehend.

When cultivating the Tiger Movement, that kind of pain was not something that everyone could endure. At this time, those juniors realized how much pain Feng Hao was enduring that day.


Taking a long sip of the turbid air in his body, Feng Hao shook his head, feeling quite emotional.

If I hadn't chosen this path of martial adversity, maybe I would still be like those of the younger generation. After that, if I couldn't become a martial artist, I would have to be mediocre forever and spend my life in obscurity.

Looking back, how ridiculous my own thoughts were at that time!

In this cruel world, if there is no strength, then there is nothing, not even dignity. What is the point of living like that?

"I will definitely stand on the top of this world!"

Looking at the scorching sun rising slowly in the sky, the delicate young man's eyes became incomparably firm.

At this time, he has fully understood and understood the importance of strength. Only with strength can he survive, and only with strength can he have the dignity of being a human being!


On the long barren road, a figure slowly walks from far to near, this is Feng Hao who is on his way.

From Magnolia City to Chiyang City, there are tens of thousands of miles away, and it cannot be reached in a short time.

Now, he has been away from Magnolia City for five days, and along the way, he finds a cave at random, or just rests on the ground.

At night, Feng Hao finally saw the trace of a small town, and now he accelerated his pace. This was the first time he saw the existence of a town in five days.

This town is called 'Qingniu Town', and as soon as Feng Hao entered, he was shocked by the noise here.

Although this is a small town, its traffic is no less than that of Magnolia City. Feng Hao estimated that there were dozens of caravans on both sides of the street.

"How come there are so many caravans here?"


Feng Hao walked to the door of an inn, and after a while, he came out again.


I went to five or six inns in a row, and they all said that.

"Do you want to be open again?"

Feng Hao couldn't help laughing bitterly, wrinkling his nose slightly, and a peculiar smell was inhaled into his body.

Because of the rush, Feng Hao did not relax his cultivation along the way, sweating, it is absolute, after five days, the odor on his body can't stand even himself.

"What the hell is going on here?"

Looking at these caravan carriages parked around the inn, Feng Hao had doubts in his heart.

This phenomenon was too strange. He couldn't figure out why so many caravans would stop here, and according to the current situation, these people seemed to be used to it.

"Could it be..."

Thinking of a possibility, Feng Hao paused, glanced around, and saw the barren valley outside the town.

"I didn't expect to have reached the 'Hundred Thieves Domain'."

This 'Hundred Thieves Domain' is also very famous within Chiyang City. It is also the only way for more than a dozen cities in the southeast to go to Chiyang City. There are also thousands of miles. Such a long distance, if walking slowly or riding a horse, it would take five to six days.

The reason why this 'Hundred Thieves Domain' is famous for its fierce reputation is mainly because it has many robbers. It is rumored that there are hundreds of robber gangs in the 'Hundred Thieves Domain', which is thousands of miles away. Team, as long as the guards are not strong enough, or if the offerings are not enough, I am afraid that they will be directly robbed by these gangs of robbers, and they will end up in a miserable ending.

Of course, these robbers wouldn't do anything about killing chickens to get their eggs, so they generally robbed property at best and didn't kill people indiscriminately.

"Looks like I really need a day off."

Feng Hao sighed lightly.

He is not arrogant enough to think that he can pass through the famous 'Hundred Thieves Domain' alone. If he wants to pass safely, he can only form a team or follow these caravans. Of course, the latter The safety factor will be much higher. After all, as a caravan, they also deal with these gangs of robbers all the year round.

Thinking about it, he walked towards the location of the mercenary union.

Here, it is definitely the most focal place in Qingniu Town

Fang, Feng Hao also took a lot of effort to squeeze in.

Inside, there are all mercenaries of different shapes and strengths. Just taking a glance, Feng Hao saw that there are several mercenaries of the great martial master level, as well as dozens of martial master level mercenaries. Mercenaries, some caravan leaders are also negotiating prices with them.

After scanning around, he didn't see anyone forming a team, Feng Hao couldn't help but be a little disappointed.

He was a martial artist, and it was impossible for him to be hired by the caravan. Thinking about it, he walked out, thinking that he had to find another way.


A loud voice resounded, and Feng Hao heard the sound and saw a black-bearded mercenary at the level of a great martial artist walking in.

"My Huang Feng mercenary group received a single mission just now. Since the other party is three caravans, considering the shortage of manpower, I have come here to recruit 100 temporary members. Interested brothers can come to sign up. The mission is completed, and each has a thousand gold coins. reward!"

As soon as his voice fell, it caused some noise.

Thousands of gold coins, this is not a small amount for these mercenaries, and the head of this Huang Feng mercenary group is even a strong martial artist, and the safety factor is also very high. You can get this money in the process, and now, many people are moved.

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