Martial Inverse

Chapter eight hundred and seventy seventh refining

Chapter 877

At this time, Yan Qing is really at ease. It seems that she thought of something, and her face turned red and pushed Feng Haojiao away. "Hey, I didn't say who is going to marry you."

She stubbornly kept her mouth shut because she lost that worry, and she returned to the savage attitude of the past

After all, that's her nature

"Hurry up and refine the different crystals, otherwise you will die after seven days. I can't send you out."

She supported the protective cover and pushed Feng Hao towards Leihu Lake


The sound of thunder and lightning hitting each other is extremely harsh. In the center of this thunder lake, a diamond-shaped abnormal crystal floats up and down, but it is the size of two thumb nails and is silver-white. Although it is small, the energy contained in it is shocking. It would be terrifying if this little alien crystal burst out and could annihilate the heavens and the earth.

"Sure enough, it already has the ultimate meaning..."

Feng Hao's eyes were filled with purple flames, and he saw a ray of meaning that made his heart tremble.

That's the ultimate power

Yan Qing increased the strength of the protective cover, but the thunder and lightning hit like rain did not affect her and brought Feng Hao to this alien crystal.

"This is the place where this super-grade variant crystal is derived from refining and refining. Only here can you comprehend the ultimate power..."

"it is good"

Feng Hao let out a deep breath in response, and adjusted the state of his body before sitting on the alien crystal before he opened his eyes.

"let's start"

As soon as his mind moved the unicorn arm, it was revealed. Feng Hao didn't hesitate to run the Yanjue. The scaled hand grasped the floating diamond-shaped abnormal crystal, and he touched his body. I just sprayed it out and my face was pale.


When Yan Qing was about to step forward to stop her, a humming sound made her stop, and a strange formation appeared from Feng Hao's chest, spreading all over the body, including his fingers.

"The defensive talent of the Xuanwu family..."

Yan Qing's eyes are full of excitement

If there is anything in this world that can defend against the thunder attribute, it must be the basalt formation.

In ancient times, Xuanwu's defense was unbreakable. Although its attack ability was not the strongest, with its defense, it was ranked among the top five extremely talented beasts.

It can be seen how powerful its defense is



The violent and destructive thunder property rushed over the arm and entered the body, and immediately collided with it, but Feng Hao had been prepared for the power of the stars and the blue energy within the Void Martial Vortex to be mobilized. Come out and add the Xuanwu defensive array layer by layer to wrap up these violent thunder attribute energy, control it within a range, and control it to flow towards the Wu Yuan vortex.


The Wu Yuan vortex, like a deep water vortex, has the sound of a wave. Waiting for the thunder attribute energy to come in, the vortex is as fast and slow as it has been frozen. The super-grade thunder attribute energy feels very difficult even to run Yan Jue, and it is almost impossible to run at all, but Feng Hao, who has several experiences, is not discouraged at all. swallow it


At this time, Feng Hao's whole body was covered with lightning flashes, and arcs of electric arcs were swaying around him. It seemed that countless whips were beating his body. His face was full of pain. no dry yarn


The little black dragon swept out of his clothes and hung there, and the small body was still trembling and there was a flash of fear in his eyes.

The lightning energy is too strong, even its tyrannical physique cannot resist it.

But soon, there was a flash of firmness in its eyes, and it bullied its body again, sticking to Feng Hao's constant fluttering and letting the arc's blow, although the dragon's body trembled, it still persisted there.

It also seems to be quenching the body with lightning, which is almost the same as the activation of the Fenghao Emperor veins last time.

"It should be fine"

Yan Qing stood there watching all this happen, her hands clenched tightly and very nervously watching Feng Hao's movements, it seemed that if something went wrong, she would take action

Although Feng Hao showed her a lot of extraordinary things, the thunder attribute is unusual. It is extremely violent and it is almost impossible to merge with other attributes.

However, although she was worried, she did not bother to disturb it. After all, the fusion of other attributes is impossible in itself, but it was done by Feng Hao.

"Must be successful"

Her eyes twinkled with anticipation

She expects this teenager to create more miracles for her


In a sea of ​​clouds, several peaks stand up, which is very imaginary.


Above the sea of ​​​​clouds, with a piercing sound of breaking through the sky, a terrifying mouth was cut open. An old man with a silver lightning symbol tattooed on his left chest walked out and stood there as if it were a legendary fairy.

"Who dares to trespass my Xiangtian Palace?"

A deep and mighty voice resounded through the heavens and the earth, and the calm sea of ​​clouds suddenly churned because of this shout.


An immortal middle-aged man flew out from among the many peaks. He stared straight at the old man with his eyes like a star. The vigilance on his face relaxed. "It turned out to be a member of the Yan family..."


The old man also replied with a polite smile.

"Then go down and sit down"

The middle-aged man invited with a gentle smile on his face

"Thank you for your kindness, Master"

The old man declined and asked under the doubtful eyes of the middle-aged man, "May I ask Master, Miss Yan's family, can I come here?"

"Miss Yan Qing"

The middle-aged man was startled and then shook his head, "No"


A hint of doubt flashed in the eyes of the old man, "Then may I ask Master Xueyan?"

"Didn't Master Xueyan go to Miss Yan Qing a dozen days ago? Shouldn't he be at Yan's house at this time?"

The middle-aged man also looked at him suspiciously.

"At Yan's House"

The middle-aged man didn't look like a fake old man and fell silent. He knew that Yan Qing was definitely not in Xiangtian Palace at this time.

"Are you really still at home?"

He couldn't help thinking suspiciously

"Thank you master for telling me"

After thanking him, he was polite again. The old man opened the space again and walked away.

[ps: I was very sleepy after a day of hanging acupuncture, I guess it’s almost enough to take a day off, Xiami sincerely thank everyone who cares about Xiami, thank Xiami, I won’t let you down]

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