Martial Inverse

Eight hundred and ninetieth chapters can not be ignored

?Chapter 896 The person who cannot be ignored

After a series of temptations, Yan Aotian, or the third elder, did not have the slightest intention to underestimate Feng Hao. Their hearts were full of shock. If this young man is really a descendant of the Great Emperor Xingchen, it should be in Tianwu Continent...

Compared with the Hongmeng Realm, the Tianwu Continent is very different in terms of resources. They are very clear that in the eyes of all the forces, the Tianwu Continent is a barren space. They don't bother to develop in such a low-level space. Just wasting their time. -\u003c =""=""\u003e- .

However, the young man who came out of that barren space in front of him made them have to look at him with admiration.

It can be said that the extraordinary talent displayed by Feng Hao at this time is no less than the core children cultivated by any extraordinary force with their background.

Possessing three different ultimate powers, possessing three heaven-defying secret skills, and more importantly, he may also have the inheritance of the battle intent of the Great Sage.

A peerless genius who came out of Tianwu Continent.

"The Feng family is lucky!"

A thought flashed through Yan Aotian's mind.

With such a peerless genius, the rise of the Feng family is only a matter of time. He even felt that this young man could reach the peak that he had never reached before.

Fighting together, this is a road that no one has traveled.

How many peerless geniuses, innate divine bodies, and with a determination to win, they all return disappointed in the end. No one knows what kind of inheritor the Great Sage Zhantian needs, or what kind of talents can practice Zhantian. Heaven's...

For endless years, all the extraordinary forces have been thinking about this issue, and they have also sent their children with extremely high talents to go there. In the end, after countless trials, the extraordinary forces have all given up, thinking that there is no Zhantian inheritance at all.

However, from the young man in front of him, he could feel the endless fighting spirit, indomitable, even facing himself, he did not have the slightest fear, dared to show his edge, dared to call war.

This is something that no extraordinary genius can do.

At this moment, Yan Aotian seemed to vaguely understand what kind of successor the Great Sage Zhantian needed.

Don't be afraid of everything.

Just ask,

Who in this world can be fearless.

It is a thought, an attitude, and a person's nature.

People will have things to fear, such as, talent is not as good as people, such as strength is not as good as people...

Unless there is absolute confidence to support it, it is not possible to do it at all.

"It seems that he was buried very deep..."

Yan Aotian's eyes gleamed with energy, and at the same time, the strength of his strike became heavier every time, because he wanted to force the young man to show more trump cards.

A person whose trump card is unknown is the most terrifying. The fact that he can suppress him now does not mean that he can suppress him in the future.

At this time, even he, the helm of an extraordinary force, did not have that absolute confidence.

There is no doubt that in his heart, Feng Hao will grow to the level that he can be compared with him.

Moreover, after he thought that the young man in front of him still had the inheritance of the Great Sage Zhantian...


Seeing the almost obsessed girl beside her, the third elder sighed softly.

It seems that the Yan family's baby bump may be abducted by outsiders...

What Yan Aotian thought of, he basically also thought that killing this young man would definitely mean killing Yan Qing. Even if this young man had an accident outside, maybe Yan Qing would think that they did it in secret and would not live alone. go down...

Thinking about it this way, it seems that the Yan family is still responsible for protecting the safety of this guy.

First, he was stunned, and then, there was a burst of resentment in his heart.

This is simply absurd, but it is something that may become a reality.

He was only depressed.

This can't help but make him feel angry and funny, and his dignified family has no way to be treated by a little kid whose hair has not grown evenly.


"Boom, boom,..."

Yan Aotian clicked his hands together, and one after another thunderstorm fell from the sky, hitting the top of Feng Hao's head.

"As expected, he is the head of the Yan family!"

Feeling the thunder that was heavier than the next, Feng Hao was full of shock.

I'm still far from myself.

Feng Hao also understood Yan Aotian's intentions very well, but at this time, he couldn't get rid of the current situation at all.

After all, although he had the power of the peak of the Emperor Wu at this time, it was with the help of the remains of the Phoenix God, not his own, and he couldn't use it as perfectly as his own strength, and he couldn't exert 100% of his power. .

The most important thing is that the thunder attribute possessed by Yan Aotian seems to be stronger than the power of the Phoenix God.

According to previous speculations, Yan Aotian possessed the thunder attribute, which was quite a combination of his own three-pole power, plus the power of fighting will.

"No wonder, these extraordinary forces have always been able to stand at the top of the world!"

Feng Hao was stunned.

This kind of background is something that ordinary people can't imagine at all.

You must know that the general Innate Holy Body is already a very remarkable existence. The body of the emperor, the power of the extreme, even if it is the ten major empires, it must be the existence of the background.

However, even if this is the case, it is still unable to enter the eyes of these extraordinary forces.

"Since you want to know my trump card so much, then I will fulfill you!"

A gleam of light flashed in Feng Hao's eyes.

He knew very well that Yan Aotian would still think that he still had his trump cards even if his trump cards were revealed at this time.


So suddenly, he disappeared in place without a trace.


Yan Aotian, the three elders, including Yan Qing, were all stunned.

After all, Yan Qing has never seen Feng Hao display his spatial talent.

"what happened!"

Yan Aotian glanced around and found no trace of Feng Hao. For a while, his head was full of questions, "Could it be a special hidden skill!"

His eyes lit up, endless thunder and lightning fell under his control like rain, and his eyes narrowed slightly, scanning every small change around him.

However, nothing unusual was found.

He could feel the vibration of every thunderbolt falling to the ground.


He thought of walking on the void, and immediately denied it directly, "This is impossible, he is only in the realm of Martial Sovereign, how can he walk on the void!"

"Sky-shattering handprints!"

With a loud bang, he saw a dark purple, agate-like shape with lightning flashes on the outside, covering the sky and falling towards him.


Yan Aotian's eyes widened, and an emergency electricity shot out from his eyes, and hit the palm that fell. Please go to -\u003c =""=""\u003e- .

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