Martial Inverse

Chapter 909 Return

Chapter 909 Return Now, the whole continent knows that the Light Alliance and the Feng family are incompatible, and the Feng family has also been labeled as a dark force. Once the Light Alliance completely controls the Holy Medical Holy Land, then the Feng family will hardly have any A chance to turn the tables, unless the entire civilian class of the continent is killed.

Although Feng Zhentian also wanted to send personnel to support the Holy Physician Holy Land at this time, the current situation does not allow him to do so. It can be said that outside at this time, the Bright Alliance will definitely cast a huge net, just wait for Feng Zhentian to do so. The family got into it!

Going out is tantamount to dying!

"It seems that the Holy Physician Holy Land will soon become a lonely place!"

As the patriarch of the Feng family, Feng Zhentian naturally saw the situation clearly.

Even if the Holy Physician Holy Land does not compromise, at this time, his prestige is constantly declining. As time goes by, his prestige will drop to the bottom. At that time, it will be just a lone army. The Light Alliance can do whatever he wants. How to move him, because he has lost the people's heart, and has no support from the people, or even the pharmacists in various places.

Although Feng Hao is very talented, I'm afraid it's too late...


Both of them sighed with helplessness in their eyes.


The imperial city is suspended high in the sky, like a divine city, with thousands of rays of light and halos falling, shrouding the entire divine grace within.

In the center of the imperial city, there is an antique palace, the gate is closed, and there is no plaque on it, it seems to be an empty hall with no one.

What exactly is this, only some ancient forces are qualified to know!

Inside this palace, it was pitch black and there was no light at all. However, there were four figures sitting inside, and a faint glow emanated from them. It could be seen that they were all old antiques. , Invisibly, the breath that showed up proved their extraordinaryness.

This is the person arranged by the four major forces in the Imperial City, one force and one representative.


Suddenly, a humming sound resounded in this quiet hall, arousing the attention of the four of them. They all opened their eyes, and their eyes spurted out of fine light, looking directly at the center of the palace, where , a large array was activated, and the lines slowly lit up, rippling with an inexplicable rhyme.

"what happened?"

They all stood up in unison,

There was surprise in his eyes.

"Could it be that someone from the Hongmeng Realm has come down?"

Thinking about it, their hearts trembled, and the old man in white didn't look very good.

They are all clear that the power to have the passage to the Tianwu Continent is not an ordinary power, and it is definitely only higher than themselves!

And this old man in white is even more aware that the power of the Hongmeng Realm with access is at least the level of the top ten empires!

The four people's thoughts turned around, and their eyes flickered, but they kept locked on the center of the big formation, wanting to see who came down.

"Shh! Shh!"

After two soft sounds, one young and one old, two figures appeared in the middle of the formation, and then the brilliance of the formation began to fade away slowly.

The two of them were dressed in ordinary clothes. The old one was even more ragged. The clothes, trousers, and shoes were all very old. There were holes in many places. It looked like it had been worn for thousands of years. .

Moreover, the cultivation base of the two was also smashed by the four at a glance.

The young one with no attribute physique, the realm of Wuhuang Yiqiao, the attribute, the realm of Wuzun?


Such two people suddenly let them stay for one, and some couldn't react.

Nothing else, the two are too ordinary, but it is because of their ordinaryness that the four of them can't react.

The materials for opening the channel are no trivial matter. Even if it is the four families in the imperial city, it will be painful for a long time. It is not absolutely necessary, and they will not open the channel at all.

For them, instead of going to the bottom of the Hongmeng world, it is better to stand at the peak of Tianwu and be admired by others.

So, how did these two ordinary people get the channel-opening materials?

"It's you!"

After carefully looking at the young man in front of him, the old man in white sank and said in shock, "Are you Feng Hao from the Feng family?!"

This old man in white is one of the elders standing beside the leader of the Guangming Alliance. At this time, Feng Hao did not change his appearance, so he recognized it.


Immediately, a cold gleam flashed in his eyes, a smirk hung on the corner of his mouth, and a white light lit up on one hand, and he slapped towards Feng Hao's chest.

If this palm is implemented, Feng Hao will definitely be smashed to pieces on the spot.

As it got closer, Feng Hao still had no response, which made the old man in white even more proud.

It can be said that the only thing that the Feng family makes the Bright Alliance fear is the young man in front of him.

Too monstrous!

In the last match in the City of Divine Grace, the talent he showed was impossible to ignore. If such a person was promoted to the Holy Rank, it would be even more incredible.

Especially at this time, it has only been less than a year, and he has been promoted from the realm of Wu Zun to the realm of Emperor Wu. With such a speed, he couldn't help but give birth to a creepy panic, and it was even more determined. No matter what, he was determined to kill Feng Hao.


His face was hideous, and with a wave of his fist, he was about to hit Feng Hao's chest. At this time, Huang Tianyun, who was standing behind Feng Hao, opened his eyes. In his eyes, the divine light was flowing, indifferent and ruthless, as if it were a god. Eyes, staring at the world, under the gaze of these eyes, the old man in white shuddered violently, and his figure suddenly stagnated, his eyes were full of horror, he felt that he was completely locked by the little old man in front of him, it seemed He could crush himself to death with a single finger at will. This feeling made him unable to resist at all. He was dripping with sweat, and the sweat flowed into a stream, and his clothes were all soaked.


It was just a blink of an eye, all the gods were restrained, and Huang Tianyun's eyes returned to normal, as if nothing had happened, he was replaced by a malicious smile, and then, he flashed like lightning. He took off the broken shoe on his right foot, and under the stunned gaze of the old man in white, he moved slightly, raised the broken shoe, and patted it directly on his left face.


With a muffled sound, the white-clothed old man was immediately swept away. His face was extremely deformed and extremely painful. Blood and molars spewed out of his mouth. However, there was still confusion and confusion in his eyes. On the wall of the palace, all the internal organs in the body seemed to be deformed by the impact, and a mouthful of blood was not restrained, and it spurted out again, rolled his eyes, and fainted.

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