Martial Inverse

Chapter 912: Break open again

?Chapter 912 Breaking open again


Being watched by everyone, Huang Tianyun seemed to enjoy the feeling of being surrounded by stars and holding the moon. He opened his mouth wide and smiled smugly, causing Feng Hao to roll his eyes. -\u003c =""=""\u003e- .

Sometimes he really doesn't understand whether this guy is really crazy or fake. He clearly has a terrible cultivation base, but he doesn't want to show his true strength. He is really a weird person.

The names and attitudes of the two made everyone a little confused, and they were all confused, and they couldn't figure out what the relationship between the two was.

A person who can break the star curtain actually calls a young man who is the only one of the Emperor Wu as his master.

But they understood that perhaps, Feng Hao came back because there was such a strange person beside him.

"Patriarch, what is the situation in Tianwu now!"

Feng Hao took a deep breath and asked Feng Zhentian.

This time he came back for two purposes, first, to annihilate the Alliance of Light, and second, to conquer the Holy Land of Holy Medicine.

"Something's wrong..."

Feng Zhentian came back to his senses, sighed lightly, and said the information at hand.

"What!! The Bright Alliance dares to attack the Holy Physician Holy Land!"

When he heard it, Feng Hao's face changed drastically and he exclaimed.

The importance of the Holy Physician Holy Land. After he went to the Hongmeng Realm, he fully understood it. It can be said that if the Light Alliance controlled the Holy Physician Holy Land, it would not only be the Tianwu Continent, but the ten major empires of the Hongmeng Realm. It may be slowly annexed by him. At that time, there will be no forces that can check and balance the Bright Alliance.

Thinking about it, Feng Hao broke out in a cold sweat.

Fortunately, I came back early, otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable, and even if I had the ability to penetrate the sky, I would be helpless.

However, hearing that he cared so much, a glint of light flashed in the eyes of Feng Zhentian and the Great Elder.

The conjecture in their hearts was even more forthcoming.

"Hell Killer Organization..."

Feng Hao's eyes narrowed slightly.

It was full of stern glitters.

If such a thing happens again, he is almost certain that the Hell Killer Organization is absolutely inseparable from the Alliance of Light.

"That's right, and now the Hell Killer organization is more and more frequent..."

The Great Elder nodded, and there was a deep worry in his eyes.

"Old Ancestor, Patriarch, I will come when I go!"

Hearing this, Feng Hao couldn't hold back his anger immediately, with a sullen face, stood up, respectfully bowed to the ancestor of the Feng family, and walked outside with Huang Tianyun.

"and many more!"

The ancestor of the Feng family called out to him.

"Old Ancestor, don't worry, I'm just going to see the situation!"

While speaking, a killing intent burst out from Feng Hao.

He undoubtedly hated this Bright Alliance, and he also knew very well that if the Bright Alliance was not destroyed now, it would be even more difficult to destroy him in the future.

"I'll go with you!"

The ancestor of the Feng family stood up with a serious face, and his words could not be denied.

In his heart, he undoubtedly regarded Feng Hao as the only hope for the rise of the Feng family. He did not dare to gamble, for fear that Feng Hao would make a mistake.


The old man's words warmed Feng Hao's heart, "Ancestor, the Feng family still needs you to be in charge, otherwise, when the white-robed saint comes, no one in my Feng family can resist him..."


Hearing what he said, the ancestor of the Feng family frowned.

Indeed, if he left the base camp and the Bright Alliance attacked again, the consequences would be even more unimaginable.


Huang Tianyun smiled and said carelessly, "Don't worry, with my invincible artifact, no matter who it is, I can kill him with a shoehorn!"

Hearing what he said, a strange look flashed in everyone's eyes.

The strangest thing is that Feng Hao didn't refute him, but acquiesced to what he said.

"Feng Hao, I'll go with you!"

Feng Zhentian came out and came to Feng Hao's side.

They were still worried. At this time, the Bright Alliance outside had already cast a huge net, and they were waiting for the Feng family to go out to rescue the Holy Land of Holy Medicine.

"Thank you patriarch!"

Feng Hao saw that he couldn't refuse, and he didn't want to waste time, so he agreed.

To prove it, they saw a scene they will never forget...


Standing in front of the star screen, Huang Tianyun picked up his broken shoes and swiped it casually. The barrier that the imperial soldiers could not break was a long opening. Under the shocked eyes of everyone, the three of them broke through the air. .

"It turned out that he really broke the star curtain..."

Everyone's hearts were extremely shocked, and there was an incredible look in their eyes.

"Is that shoe really an artifact!"

The eyes of the ancestors of the Feng family were full of doubts.

The legendary artifacts are the weapons used by the gods. They are all made of supreme artifacts, and that is obviously just a broken shoe, and there are silk threads. Could this be those supreme artifacts? .

He was dubious, but he was truly relieved.

Being able to break the star curtain is enough to prove Huang Tianyun's extraordinaryness. With such a person by Feng Hao's side, he has nothing to worry about.

Moreover, Feng Hao is not a reckless person, and his temperament makes the ancestors of the Feng family feel a little inferior.

"Go ahead and prepare to fight!"

The ancestor of the Feng family breathed a sigh of relief and said in a deep voice to the elders around him.


They responded, and they all flew away, and they all went to make arrangements.

They knew that the time for a decisive battle with the Alliance of Light was coming.


Feng Zhentian's heart almost jumped out of his chest as he watched Huang Tianyun open the star screen with his broken shoes.

In the history of the Feng family, the number of times the star curtain has been opened is very small, and the number of times the star curtain has been broken is not at all. However, within this year, it has been broken several times in a row, and all It was easily broken, and it seemed that there was no effort at all.

This made Feng Zhentian completely understand what it means to have people outside the sky.

"The Alliance of Light..."

Feng Hao's eyes flashed fiercely.

After listening to Feng Zhentian talking about the situation of the Holy Physician Holy Land at this time, he was also worried.

At this time, because of the protection of the major pharmacist guilds by the Bright Alliance, the Bright Alliance has established a lot of prestige in the Holy Medical Holy Land, and it is not so easy to remove it.

Unless it can be proved, the Hell Killer Organization is a member of the Alliance of Light.

If it can be confirmed, all this will be self-defeating.

However, if you want to catch some clues, it's easier said than done. Over the years, the forces have not even been aware of where the headquarters of the Bright Alliance is, let alone track down the Hell Killer organization. Please come to see the first release without advertisements-\u003c =" "=""\u003e- .

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