Martial Inverse

Nine hundred and eighteenth chapter Shi Niang

Chapter 918

The moon stars are sparse, and the bright moonlight pours down, which is extraordinarily poignant and beautiful. There are many lovers who touch the scene and feel their emotions, and write a touching chapter.

At this time, Yu Ning's mind is undoubtedly complicated. Looking at the waning moon hanging high in the sky, her eyes are full of sadness.

Since she met that young man, her life has undergone earth-shaking changes. It can be said that at this time, she is already unique in the Holy Medical Domain, and her name has already spread throughout the Tianwu Continent.

This is something that many people dream of, but she, who holds the title of saintess, has not felt the slightest happiness. Therefore, for more than a year, she has been obsessed with medicine, and her insights into various spiritual medicines can even be used. The three old men were amazed.

But, so what, even, she didn't feel the slightest sense of accomplishment, some, only infinite melancholy.

Since ancient times, beauties have loved heroes. Every girl has such a dream in her heart, and she is no exception...

At the moment when he was in a desperate situation, his sudden appearance made her completely engrave his shadow in her heart, knowing that she already had her in his heart, but she was still moved for him.

However, he never returned...

"Don't tell me, have you forgotten me!"

She couldn't help but ask Yue Qing, the autumn water in her eyes.

She knows very well what she will face tomorrow, and she also knows very well what the hypocritical Alliance of Light will take on herself.

However, she had to go.

Not only the prestige of the Holy Land, but also to prevent more innocent people from being slaughtered for this.

"Maybe, only in the next life..."

She closed her eyes, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Saint, the three Supreme Elders please come over!"

A nice female voice came, which caught her attention.

"okay, I get it!"

She wiped away tears with her sleeves, adjusted her emotions, took a deep breath, and then stood up and followed the woman towards the residence of the three old people.

"Ha ha,..."

far away,

A burst of laughter came to her ears, making her stunned.

She heard it, it was the voice of the old man in gray.

Laughter, since being threatened by the Alliance of Light, this has become a luxury in the Holy Land of Holy Medicine, and she can't remember how long she hasn't heard such a cheerful laughter from the three masters.

"What happened!"

She couldn't understand what happened to the three masters, but the lotus steps under her feet sped up a lot.

Maybe things have turned around...

Sure enough, after she walked to the door, she saw a familiar figure.

"Feng Hao!"

Looking at the face that was much more mature than before, she only felt a sore nose, and tears flowed out, and all the grievances in her heart came to her heart at this moment.


Feng Hao stood up, the gentle voice made Yu Ning unable to bear it any longer, and flew into his arms, hugging him tightly with both hands, tears wet the clothes on his chest, and he couldn't stop whimpering. .

"It's alright, it's alright..."

Feng Hao was stunned for a moment, with a wry smile on the corner of his mouth, gently patted her back, comforting her softly.

He knew very well how much pressure she had been under these days.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing this scene, the three elders looked at each other with a smile in their eyes.

It seems that this saint was not wrong.

And Feng Zhentian was stunned for a moment, a little, but also suddenly.

A good person like Feng Hao would be a ghost if he didn't have a few confidantes.

On the contrary, if there is no beauty, that kind of person is not good enough.

And the attitude of the three supreme elders of the Medicine Master Guild to Feng Hao, who were usually arrogant, also made Feng Zhentian completely certain that Feng Hao was definitely the master of virtual martial arts of this generation.

He can already be sure.

Because, to a certain extent, the three old people in front of them are actually standing at the top of the world. Their status is absolutely noble, how could they be so polite to a junior.

Feng Zhentian couldn't help being excited when he thought of the various legends about the Lord of Void Martial Arts, but he was suppressed by him in such a scene.


Huang Tianyun sat there by himself, drinking good tea and smiling, very strange, if this guy hadn't come with Feng Hao, the three old men almost wanted to drive him out.

This guy is so rude.

At this moment, the silence is better than the sound, no one disturbs the pair of men and women, the bright moonlight falls down, and the pair of Bi people against the background are even more out of the dust.

Under Feng Hao's comfort, Yu Ning slowly recovered, but her delicate body stiffened, and the pretty face buried in Feng Hao's chest also flushed crimson, and she didn't dare to raise her head at all.

"Ha ha!"

Feeling the strangeness of the Yiren in his arms, Feng Hao knew what was going on, the corners of his mouth curved quietly, and then he took her little hand and came to Feng Zhentian's side, "This is the head of my Feng family. ...... This is the saint of the Holy Land of Holy Medicine, Yu Ning!"


Feng Zhentian smiled and narrowed his eyes happily.

How could he not be aware of the influence of the Medicine Master Guild?

At that time, when the Feng family was at the peak, they also wanted to win over them. However, the elders of the Medicine Master Guild at that time were also stubborn and stubborn. In a word, they recognized the code but not the person, and were not afraid of the power of the Feng family at that time.

However, this time is different from the past. At least, in the past two thousand years, the two families will be inseparable.

One or two thousand years is enough to change a lot of things.

"I've seen Patriarch Feng!"

Seeing that it was Feng Hao's elder, she mustered up her courage and owed her luggage.

"Master, why didn't you introduce me!"

Huang Tianyun, who was sitting on the side, was dissatisfied. He stood up with resentment on his face, and said to the shy Yu Ning with a pleasing smile, "Hello, teacher, I am the master's apprentice, Huang Tianyun!"

In a word, Yu Ning's face, who was already very thin-skinned, was flushed with shyness, and he got into Feng Hao's arms and refused to come out again, which immediately caused laughter from several old people.

For some reason, after seeing this young man, their uneasy mood suddenly calmed down. Although this young man's realm was not high at this time, they firmly believed that this young man could be firm in everything.

Because, in their hearts, the Lord of Void Martial Arts is omnipotent.

However, seeing Huang Tianyun calling Master Feng Hao short, they were also very puzzled. They didn't understand why Feng Hao accepted such an old apprentice, and it seemed that he was not a pharmacist...

"Tomorrow, I will go with Yu Ning!"

Thinking of tomorrow's events, Feng Hao's face froze, and he said seriously.

"Okay, let's go with the three old bones. I'm here to see what the Bright Alliance wants to do!"

The old man in white stood up and spoke loudly,

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