Martial Inverse

Nine hundred and twentieth chapters throw out

Chapter 926

In the eyes of ordinary temple members, even those who fail to perform their tasks will receive rewards when they return to the Holy Mountain of Light, and they are highly expected. He knew some of the rules well, and it was because of that that he was afraid.

There is no doubt that the Tianwu plan has failed. Perhaps, the saint in white has also been killed. If he is sent back to the Holy Mountain of Light at this time...

He shuddered again suddenly, and his face turned even paler.

"If I tell the truth, will it give me a good time!"

The leader of the Guangming Alliance raised his head and looked at the young man in front of him, and there was a meaning of prayer in his words.

Death is not scary for him at all. What is scary is that life is better than death. Those tortures in the temple, he has performed on others one by one, and he remembers every detail very clearly.

"As long as you explain the purpose of the existence of the Light Alliance, I promise, I will never send you back to the Holy Mountain of Light!"

Feng Hao pulled out a strange smile from the corner of his mouth and assured.

He couldn't help but laugh a little, why are the people in the Temple of Light so afraid to go back to the Holy Mountain of Light?

This is a good way to continue using it in the future.

"it is good!"

The leader of the Guangming Alliance took a deep look at Feng Hao, and after confirming that he had no trace of lying, he took a deep breath and slowly told the reason for everything.

"The purpose of the existence of the Bright Alliance is to control the entire Tianwu Continent... The Emperor City Feng Family is the first step, standing up, the second step is to annex the Holy Medical Holy Land, because as long as the Holy Medical Holy Land is annexed , it is already equivalent to controlling the entire Tianwu Continent... You guessed it right, the Hell Killer Organization was indeed established secretly by the Bright Alliance, in order to attack and kill the elite children of the major forces and let them go Defeated..."

As one reason after another came out from the mouth of the leader of the Guangming Alliance, there was a commotion in the audience, and the air-conditioning sounded, and everyone stared at him angrily. It's not that there are three old people in the hall, and they almost have to do it for fear of colliding with the old man.

What the Bright Alliance did, it simply wiped out humanity.

As for the three messengers, the expressions on their faces at this time were extremely difficult to see.

This is really scheming with the tiger.

Thinking of the ambitions and motives of the Bright Alliance, they were afraid for a while.

If the Light Alliance really controls the Holy Doctor and the Holy Maiden, the entire Tianwu Continent will be nibbled away by it sooner or later.

Fortunately, this young man appeared...

They couldn't help being a little fortunate. If he hadn't abolished the Bright Alliance, and the three families had not dared to fight against the Bright Alliance until now, then the consequences would be conceivable.

Especially the last one is unacceptable to everyone.

The Bright Alliance is slogan of salvation, but it is the founder of the most inhumane and bottomless hell killer organization.

And his purpose made everyone feel chills.

No wonder, the Hell Killer Organization specializes in intercepting those gifted people, regardless of any power.

All the mysteries were solved in the words of the leader of the Bright Alliance.

The Alliance of Light is the real messenger of demons, the source of evil.

"Kill him, kill him, kill him,..."

I don't know who shouted first. In the end, the entire ancient city of holy medicine was boiling.

This is, Feng Zhentian, the three old people, are relieved.

The process was thrilling, but it all came to an end.

I believe that once this news spreads, no one can tolerate the existence of the Light Alliance. Even if the Temple of Light sends people again, it will definitely be resisted by the forces of the entire continent, and he will be unable to move an inch.

"Now, can you kill me!"

The leader of the Guangming Alliance asked Feng Hao very weakly, and the words were full of prayers.

It seemed like an extravagant hope for him to be able to die happily. He never thought that he would end up like this.

How good would it be if you didn't mess with Feng's family and this young man...

He regretted it. With the foundation of the Bright Alliance, even if he faced the Li family, he was absolutely sure to eradicate it. However, in order to reduce losses, he chose the weakest Feng family at that time.

This drink and peck seems to have been arranged by God long ago, and it is destined that he will perish.

"kill you!"

Feng Hao glanced at him indifferently, then turned around and said to the guards of the Medicine Master Guild, "They are too dirty, let them out!"

"As ordered!"

Although they didn't understand the identity of this young man, the guards responded subconsciously, grabbing the Guangming people who fell to the ground and throwing them outside the hall.

This is no less than throwing Yang into the pack of wolves. These pharmacists, who were already full of rage, couldn't bear it any longer.

"No, you said to give me a happy one, you renegade villain!"

After being carried by a guard, the leader of the Bright Alliance struggled violently, with red eyes, and roared at Feng Hao.

The meridian and Wu Yuan vortex were destroyed, but he was the dignified leader of the bright alliance, but was carried by a guard like a chicken. This is really a great irony.

"I just said, I won't send you back to the Holy Mountain of Light!"

Feng Hao turned around and spoke lightly. There was no emotion in the words, and it was extremely cold, making the three messengers of the family tremble.

In their hearts, the titles of enchanting, ruthless, little fox, etc. have been placed on Feng Hao's head, and they are regarded as objects that are absolutely not to be provoked.

The Alliance of Light is the best example.

"Do not!!!"

The leader of the Guangming Alliance was stunned for a moment, and then he roared in a hoarse voice. After a little, it turned into a muffled sound, a whimper, and even a scream.

At this time, he suddenly hated his physique for being too strong, because it would make him die slowly in torture.

"Patriarch Feng!"

The envoys from the three families looked at each other, and they all stepped forward. The envoy from the Li family said, "This time, thanks to the Feng family, the conspiracy of the Bright Alliance was exposed. The three of us felt ashamed and did a lot of things that shouldn't be done. Patriarch Haihan..."

Such a strong alliance of light has all fallen down, what are they?

Only bowed.


Feng Zhentian also responded with a smile.

For these three families, he has no good feelings at all, but they did not help the Bright Alliance to deal with the Feng family, which still leaves a bottom line, otherwise, the Feng family would not survive.

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