Martial Inverse

Nine hundred and twentieth IX old friends

Chapter 929

At this time, with the strength of Feng Hao's first orifice, and with the help of the power of the emperor's remains, then it will definitely be better than the Innate Holy Body at the peak of the general Martial Emperor. However, the one sent to the source realm will definitely be Elites of all races, there is no doubt about this, otherwise, how to compete for Origin Stone.

Moreover, the major forces are definitely not only sending a few, but with his current strength, he can resist the attack of a few people.

Not enough, at least one must be able to completely control the strength of the Martial Emperor's peak, in order to be able to dominate the source realm, otherwise, even if a source vein is discovered, how can he be able to defend it with his strength.

Moreover, where there is a source vein, there are definitely tyrannical source beasts, and it is difficult for one person to solve it.

He needs help.


This was the first person he thought of.

This guy absolutely hides his amazing strength, otherwise, how can he sneak into the supernatural forces.

This alone is enough to prove his extraordinaryness.

"Get in touch with him as soon as possible!"

Before going to Hongmeng Realm, he originally planned to go directly to Xuantian Palace, so Samsara should go to Xuantian Palace.

"Linger, Xiner!"

In his mind, two pretty faces of national color and Tianxiang appeared, and the corners of his mouth also slightly curved into a shallow arc in his thoughts.

"You know how to get to Xuantian Palace!"

Feng Hao took a deep breath, suppressed all kinds of thoughts in his heart, and asked Huang Tianyun who was lying on the ground dozing beside him.


Huang Tianyun opened his eyes and looked at him with some doubts.

"Before I go to the source world, I must go to Xuantian Palace first!"

Feng Hao looked up at the stars in the sky, with infinite melancholy in his tone.

The two women were taken away by Xuantian Palace, which was their blessing, but this undoubtedly created another problem for him.

It is difficult to pick up the two girls.


A strange smile appeared on the corner of Huang Tianyun's mouth.

"Hey,...Master, you underestimate me. I know half of the things in the sky, and I know 90% of the things in the ground. How could I not know about this Xuantian Palace!"

"Well, after dealing with Tianwu, let's go to Xuantian Palace!"

Feng Hao nodded, then got up and walked towards a log cabin down the mountain.


"Haha, Feng Hao!"

In the early morning, a loud voice sounded outside the wooden house, awakening Feng Hao.

"Cheng Nan!"

Feng Hao was just stunned for a moment, and then there was a surprise in his eyes, he quickly got off the bed and walked out.

Sure enough, in front of the wooden house, Cheng Nan, Bai Yi, and Tong Chong were all standing there with excitement and joy on their faces.

It can be said that it is because of this young man that their lives have undergone earth-shaking changes. Without him, perhaps they and others would still be struggling in the Holy King Mountain of the Golden Dynasty.

And because it was his recommendation, after the three people came to the Holy Land of Holy Medicine, they all received attention and received a background that they could not have imagined before. In a short period of time, the three of them broke through Wu Zun successively and were promoted to the realm of Wu Wang that they had never dared to imagine before.

Among them, under the cultivation of the background, Bai Yi's progress was rapid, and he even surpassed Cheng Nan. Now, he is already the existence of the second floor of King Wu's realm. Moreover, he was identified by the three elders, and he should have the innate wood attribute physique. At that time, It really shocked the three old men, and now, Bai Yi is already a treasured existence in the Holy Land of Sacred Medicine. No accident, he will definitely become the trump card of the Holy Land in the future.

"Innate Holy Body!"

For some reason, Feng Hao always felt that this Bai Yi was a little weird. All of this was because when he was born, a piece of wood grew out of his belly button.

Haven't heard of any congenital holy body that has such a vision.

"Haha, your kid is finally here!"

Cheng Nan laughed, stepped forward and unceremoniously gave Feng Hao a punch, directly hitting his chest with a 'bang bang' sound, Feng Hao didn't feel any pain, on the contrary, his fist was numb and somewhat numb. He looked at Feng Hao in astonishment.

"What state is your boy now!"

Taking a closer look, he discovered that the young man in this realm had never caught up with him before, and his cultivation at this time had reached an unfathomable level.

That kind of faint oppressive force, he has only sensed the great powers in the Holy Land.

After he said it, Bai Yi and Tong Chong both looked at Feng Hao in shock, waiting for his answer.

"Not long ago, I broke through the realm of Emperor Wu's Aperture..."

Feng Hao touched his nose and said slowly with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.


Cheng Nan's eyes widened and he exclaimed in exclamation. His eyes revealed an extremely incredible look. Looking at the young man in front of him, it was as if he were looking at an inexplicable monster.


Bai Yi and Tong Chong were also dumbfounded, staring at him dumbfounded, unable to speak for a long time.

Especially Cheng Nan, when he met Feng Hao for the first time, Feng Hao had just broken through the realm of martial arts, and he didn't even know how to fly. It was only a few years ago.

The realm of Emperor Wu, this is the pinnacle of saints, and ordinary people call it the realm of great power.

In front of him, this is a 20-year-old boy, but he did it.

They who have reached the realm of Wu Yuan don't understand, how difficult it is to rush the pulse, how can he achieve both pulses in one or two years, and condense one breath, rush to one hole.

"You boy, you are indeed a monster!"

There was a wry smile on Cheng Nan's face, and a gloom flashed in his eyes.

The distance between myself and others is getting further and further away...

"Okay, personal opportunities are different!"

Feng Hao stepped forward and thumped him on the chest, all four of them laughed.

It is true that personal opportunities are different. They have also had opportunities before, far exceeding ordinary people, while Feng Hao only got higher opportunities.

Opportunities are earned by one's own efforts, they will not be delivered to the door by themselves.

After seeing Feng Hao again, they all decided to go out.

With the strength of their Martial King Realm, in this Tianwu Continent, there is absolutely no problem in self-protection.

Then, under the leadership of the three, Feng Hao came to Lu Song's residence.

His status in the Holy Land of Sacred Medicine is not low now, he has the title of the first master casting master, and, last year, he has successfully cast a psychic mortal soldier.

Those who can cast psychic treasures, even mortal soldiers, will be treated as worship-level elders in the major holy places.

He really didn't see the wrong person.

Looking at the red-faced old man in front of him, Feng Hao was full of joy.

He has a feeling that Lu Song's casting technique can definitely be improved by a large arc.

If a spirit soldier could be cast, then Lu Song's casting technique would be one of the few in the entire Tianwu Continent.

Seeing that several people have achieved remarkable achievements, Feng Hao is happy for them from the bottom of his heart, especially Bai Yi. He feels that Bai Yi is definitely not as simple as the Innate Holy Body.

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