Martial Inverse

Chapter 935: The Will of Heaven and Earth

?Chapter 935 The Will of Heaven and Earth

In the streamer space, the wind swept the clouds, a scene of the end of the world, and the raging energy swept away in all directions like a tide. If it was placed in the Holy Medical Holy Land, half of the Holy Land would be destroyed. -\u003c =""=""\u003e- .

The power of God's punishment is so tyrannical.

Feng Hao's whole body is shining, like wearing armor, like a war god in shining armor. Behind him, a pair of crimson wings without any impurities fluttering slowly, rippling with a violent and terrifying breath, his right hand is ferocious and terrifying, It is full of scales, and it is extremely demonic, but it is this palm covered with scales that holds a disc, which is extremely dazzling, like a fetish, and it spreads and stuns people.

With the help of the swallowing dragon seal, he reluctantly resisted the punishment at this time, and it was relatively easy at this time.

The dragon vacated from the Dragon Seal of Swallowing Heaven is different from the one that is usually condensed with its own energy. It seems to have spirituality and knows how to use its own advantages. What surprised Feng Hao most was that this The big dragon seems to be able to devour the energy of thunder and lightning.

After each collision, the thunder column cracked, and the dragon would open his mouth, swallowing the surrounding thunder and lightning energy as if it were absorbing water.

"The energy of punishment can also be swallowed!"

Feng Hao was almost stunned at this moment, he couldn't believe his eyes.

This big dragon, as if it was alive, actually knew how strong it was. It didn't seem to be within Feng Hao's control at all. It had its own thoughts.

Feng Hao's energy clearly felt that this dragon was getting stronger.

However, there was no change in the swallowing dragon seal in his hand. It seemed that the devoured lightning energy did not pass into the disc at all.

"This day's punishment should also be in the scope of heaven and earth!"

Seeing the picture of the dragon happily swallowing the energy of thunder and lightning again, Feng Hao was startled, and a throbbing flashed in his heart.

He is heaven and earth, can complement each other with heaven and earth, strengthen himself with the power of heaven and earth, and then build a cycle to...

If it is said that the punishment of this day is also within the heaven and earth, it does not mean that he can also swallow the thunder and lightning of these punishments.

For a time, a shocking thought rose in his heart, a thought that even the Great Sage and even the Great Emperor could not imagine.

Since he is the world,

Then, it should be able to accommodate all the energy between heaven and earth.

This is what Feng Hao thought in his heart. Looking at the lightning flashing in the sky, a greedy look flashed in his eyes.

He knew very well that these lightning energies were not just lightning attributes or lightning pole energy, it should include other factors.

"Try it!"

Feng Hao held the Heaven-Swallowing Dragon Seal and sat down like this, closed his eyes, and touched the meaning of the 'Dao Core' orifice.

Immediately, he faintly had the illusion of merging with heaven and earth.

"What does he want to do,!"

Huang Tianyun and Xiao Qiuqiu were both confused and didn't understand what the hell he was doing.

"He doesn't mean to...!"

After a while, Huang Tianyun couldn't help taking a slight breath of cold air, and exclaimed, "Could it be that he wants to devour the energy of Heavenly Punishment!"


Xiao Qiuqiu also had a very humanized look on his face.

"This lunatic, how could the energy of divine punishment be swallowed up!"

Huang Tianyun couldn't help being a little angry and wanted to stop his actions, but it was too late.


The huge thunder column, like a world-destroying mad dragon, can devour everything, fell violently, collided with the dazzling dragon, and then burst with a bang, and thunderstorms poured down the sky. The dragon did not devour these energies.


Looking at the arc falling from the sky, Feng Hao closed his eyes, without it in his heart, and tried his best to evoke the mysterious meaning that came out of the orifice.

It was a bold attempt, and he himself did not consider the consequences of failure, but if he succeeded, he would reap huge benefits.


When this mysterious meaning was condensed, an inexplicable rhyme resounded from every corner of his body, like a burning sound, for a long time.

At this time, Feng Hao started to run the Yan Jue, just like absorbing the energy of heaven and earth, and began to absorb the lightning energy that fell around...

At this time, when he carried Yanjue, he seemed to become the center of a vortex, and all the lightning energy scattered around was attracted by him, and all penetrated into his body.

The originally extremely violent energy, after entering his body, slowly calmed down under the inexplicable sound of burning sound, just like the ordinary thunder attribute energy that permeates the sky and the earth, all of which are quiet in his body. Turning around, there is almost no difference compared to the ordinary power of heaven and earth, but it will cause a certain amount of damage before it recovers, but it is still within the tolerance range.

But, it's not over yet.

Under the adjustment of this burst of fire sound, a meaning that even Feng Hao himself was not aware of poured out from his body, and it spilled out from every pore in his body, forming a mysterious cycle with the outside world.


Huang Tianyun and Xiao Qiuqiu were both stunned and speechless.

The scene in front of them was almost beyond their comprehension.

You must know that the energy of punishment is not pure thunder attribute energy, it is the will of heaven and earth condensed by heaven and earth, but it is only manifested in the form of thunder and lightning.

This kind of energy, even if it is the swallowing dragon seal that can devour all kinds of energy in the world, cannot be swallowed for its own use, because it cannot accommodate the will of the world.

However, within their sensing range, they saw that the energy of the will of the world was swallowed up by Feng Hao.

Immediately, there was a roar in their minds like a bomb exploded, and they couldn't react at all.

They couldn't understand how Feng Hao did it.

You know, even that one doesn't seem to be able to swallow the will of heaven and earth.


After these lightning energies were integrated into Feng Hao's body, they did not merge into the Void Martial Vortex, but were directly involved in the Wu Yuan Vortex.

For a while, the Wu Yuan vortex in Feng Hao's body underwent an astonishing change. It was originally a colorless, attributeless Wu Yuan vortex. At this moment, it turned out to be flashing with lightning, as if it had the same physique with the lightning attribute.

Under the integration of the thunder and lightning energy of the will of heaven and earth, his Wu Yuan vortex unexpectedly changed, evolving from the Wu Yuan vortex with no attribute to the thunder attribute.

This is something that has never happened before in the world. There has never been such a change in the whirlpool in the human body, but at this moment, this unprecedented mutation has actually appeared on him. Please come to see the first release without advertisements-\u003c="=" "=""\u003e- .

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