Martial Inverse

Chapter 937 The world is shocked

?Chapter 937


Within the brain domain, there was a sound of burning sound, the 'Dao nucleus' trembled slightly, and the aperture that had been opened, if it was a skylight above the 'Dao nucleus', was extremely clear, from within, it seemed to lead to another world, incomparable. far away, without boundaries. -\u003c =""=""\u003e- .

And these burning sounds are resounding in this world, and they just swayed from the opened orifice. The meaning is extremely strange, as if it is the sound of the sky, and there is a strange commonality with the surrounding heaven and earth. Moan, although this kind of co-groaning is still relatively weak at this time, it can still affect a certain range.

Under Yan Jue's suction, most of the scattered energy that fell from the punishment was absorbed, forming a huge thunder cocoon, which Feng Hao slowly absorbed...

At this time, his whole body was dazzling with golden light and brilliance, which made people unable to look directly at him.

"Whoa, whoa,..."

At this time, in his body, a piece of electric light flickered, gathered into a river, merged into the vast Wu Yuan vortex, and there was a great rhyme spreading. The entire Wu Yuan vortex resounded with bursts of fire, as if it was a piece of the origin of the world. the same way.

Because of the continuous integration of these arcs, the silver-white color in the Wu Yuan vortex is also more beautiful, and the energy contained in it is slowly increasing.

According to Feng Hao's estimation, the energy in this vortex is about to surpass the power of the Thunder Force.

It is in this situation that Yan Jue, who was only promoted to the primary level of the sky, is also improving at an extremely fast speed, but in just an hour, he has been promoted to the middle level of the heaven, and it continues to be visible to the naked eye. The speed is heading towards the peak of the sky.

In Feng Hao's estimation, it is very likely that Yan Jue's promotion to the peak of the heaven level this time is more than enough.

The reason is because of the divine punishment energy, which is incomparable to the super-grade variant crystal.

And because of the improvement of Yan Jue, the Wu Yuan vortex is also slowly expanding, the force absorbed is getting stronger and stronger, and the scope of influence is getting bigger and bigger, and the thunder cocoon that wraps him is also layered upon.

"Chong orifice!"

Feeling the surging energy around him, Feng Hao's mind moved, and without much hesitation, he directly mobilized the energy and frantically began to hit the second orifice on the 'Dao Core'.


After the two veins of Ren and Du,

Condensing one breath, along the dragon, swaying up, if the tide-like divine punishment energy violently impacted on the orifice, bursting out the explosion of the world, making Feng Hao's mind a little dizzy, his face pale, and his body Painful convulsions.

However, the benefit of this energy impact made Feng Hao feel ecstatic.

However, after only one impact, he could clearly see that the film on the second orifice had thinned to a layer visible to the naked eye.

The power of this time is no less than the hundreds of thousands of impacts of the three ultimate powers.

Therefore, Feng Hao endured the severe pain in his brain, mobilized the surrounding divine punishment energy, and madly attacked the second orifice, because he did not know when the divine punishment would end. There are not many opportunities, he dare not waste a minute and a second.

Because, a current impact can be equivalent to his usual effect for several hours.

His actions all fell into the eyes of Huang Tianyun and Xiao Qiuqiu. With their eyesight, they could naturally see what he was doing.

Xiao Qiuqiu sank his shocking emotions and threw a proud glance at Huang Tianyun.

This guy was reluctant before, thinking that Feng Hao was no better, but now...



Huang Tianyun ignored its provocation, but let out a long breath, and there was still a touch of excitement in the depths of his eyes.

He doesn't know how many eccentrics, monsters, and amazing people he has seen. Therefore, Feng Hao's achievements have never been the best in his eyes. If it weren't for Feng Hao's inheritance, this level of genius would not be able to enter. in his eyes.

But at this time, even he had to sigh and sigh.

This is no longer the benefit that inheritance has brought to Feng Hao.

At this time, the three old people were even more shocked. They couldn't imagine what Huang Tianyun was throwing out. It was able to resist the punishment of heaven, and even the punishment of heaven couldn't shake it in the slightest.

Looking at Feng Hao who was under the punishment that day, they were speechless.

It is worthy of being the master of virtual martial arts.

This is the only emotion in their hearts.

Because, in their hearts, the Lord of Void Martial Arts is inherently omnipotent.

And just when Feng Hao crossed the calamity, the pattern of Tianwu Continent has undergone earth-shaking changes...

The first is the destruction of the Alliance of Light.

The tyrannical Bright Alliance, the pinnacle force that needs to be suppressed by the three major families of the Imperial City, has been annihilated overnight and ceased to exist.

When the news of what happened in the ancient city of the Holy Doctor spread, everyone had a thought and couldn't believe it, but when the announcement of the three families in the imperial city came, they had to believe it.

The Bright Alliance was destroyed by one person. I heard that the elders and even the leader were all used by one person with a broken shoe, and they were drained on the spot in the Pharmacist General Guild.

No one wants to believe this fact, but at that time, hundreds of thousands of people saw it with their own eyes, and the messengers of the three major families were also present at that time, and they all confirmed the authenticity of the matter.

Suddenly, no one was surprised. They couldn't imagine how strong this person was. Could it be that he was a god or an emperor?

What surprised them the most was that such a tyrannical person actually called Feng Hao, the younger generation of the Feng family, the master of the last Divine Grace Festival, which made everyone feel incredible, and at the same time I was even more shocked.

What kind of charm does this young man possess to attract such a peerless powerhouse to escort him.

No one can figure it out, and the three major families are not so stupid, they dare not say that Huang Tianyun was brought down from Hongmeng Realm by Feng Hao.

After the words of the leader of the Guangming Alliance were spread, everyone who heard it was shocked. While everyone was afraid, there was a monstrous anger in their hearts, especially those forces that were attacked and killed by the Hell Killer organization. They hated the Bright Alliance so much that they all joined the team to destroy the Bright Alliance, but in just a few days, all the forces of the Bright Alliance on the entire Tianwu Continent were pulled out, including the Beiman Holy Land, look. Please go to -\u003c =""=""\u003e- .

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