Martial Inverse

Nine hundred and thirtieth IX large arc promotion

?Chapter 939


In the originally clear streamer space, dark clouds are rolling in at this time. If there are monsters rolling in, surging layer by layer, constantly stacking up, there are also terrifying lightning flashes, each of which has a split. The aura of shattering the world is filled with the aura of destroying the world, giving people the illusion of suffocation. -\u003c =""=""\u003e- .

However, it was within these heavy dark clouds that some strands of golden light were transmitted, Zhuang Su, Shen Yun, as if there was a god.


If it was a thunder pillar like a world-destroying mad dragon, it pierced the world, swayed the space, and its might was fierce, and it fell straight to the golden figure, the figure inside the thunder cocoon.


The World-Destroying Crazy Dragon split the thunder cocoon and landed directly on the figure, and suddenly there was an explosion that pierced the sky and the ground, and then it exploded, frantically raging in all directions.

However, invisibly, there is a huge suction force. At the moment when it exploded, this suction force broke out, attracting these raging energies, all gathered in this golden light. Around the figure, and penetrated into his body at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Whoa, whoa,..."

Countless small streams converged into a river, and then merged into the vast vortex. During the rotation, the sound resounded like a sea tide.

And because Feng Hao used all the energy on the Chong orifice at this time, the energy increase in Wu Yuan's vortex is still not very big, but Yan Jue has reached the bottleneck position of the peak of the sky, and it is possible at any time. will break through to the peak.


Several shimmering energies, under the mobilization of Feng Hao, surged up from the Wuyuan vortex and soared up to the Jiuzhongtian, as if it were a poisonous dragon drill, violently impacting the second orifice above the 'Dao Core' hole, over and over again...

At this time, the barrier of the second orifice was already the last layer of invisibility, and it was only a little short of it, and it could be broken. Therefore, Feng Hao endured the severe pain and accelerated the impact. The number of times, and each time it hits a point. After I don't know how many times, within the range of Feng Hao's perception, he saw that at that point, there were already traces that were invisible to the naked eye.

"It's almost time!"

see this trace,

Feng Hao was overjoyed, dozens of poisonous dragon drills condensed into one under his control, with endless sharp edges, violently slammed into this trace.


If the sound of glass shattering resounded, and tiny cracks appeared, if a small spider web existed above the barrier, it seemed that the second orifice was about to be broken.

Feng Hao naturally wouldn't give up such a rare opportunity, he went all out and put all his energy on the impact, making these cracks wider and wider and more and more obvious. At that time, it finally broke apart, annihilated every inch, and turned into nothingness.


Looking at the two orifices that had been opened, Feng Hao felt an unparalleled joy in his heart. At the same time, all aspects of his body had been improved to varying degrees. Among them, the second orifice revealed that This kind of connotation makes the soul throbbing, and it makes the Wu Yuan vortex undergo a huge change.


Within the two orifices, the sound of the fire rang out, and the sky and the earth seemed to be connected to one another. It was this kind of meaning that made the Wu Yuan whirlpool violently shake, and suddenly, a burst of incomparable dazzling light erupted. The light made Feng Hao himself a little unclear about the situation inside.

"The peak of the sky!"

He could clearly feel the changes when running Yanjue. Moreover, the Wu Yuan vortex also expanded several times again in this dazzling light. Suddenly, he felt that the energy of the surrounding heavenly punishment was flowing in. The speed in the body has doubled.

The peak of the heavenly level, which originally had no secret of the rank, has already reached the peak of the heavenly level at this time, whether it will be higher, Feng Hao does not know, but the peak of the heavenly level is already the most peak in the range of cognition. exists.

At the same time, after the dazzling light passed, the surging energy in Wu Yuan's vortex brought him another surprise.

"This level has exceeded the power level of the power of thunder!"

Such a powerful energy is something Feng Hao has never felt before. He even believes that the existence of the divine punishment energy in the Wuyuan Vortex will never be inferior to the mysterious energy that appeared in the City of Divine Grace. The man, even, he felt that with this energy of punishment, he was able to compete with Yan Aotian of the same rank.

This is not his arrogance, but the confidence that the energy in his body brings to him.

"Isn't this energy a thunder attribute!"

Feng Hao was puzzled. It was clearly the energy of thunder and lightning, but it gave him a completely unacceptable feeling. It seemed that there was something in it, but he couldn't grasp the difference, but it seemed to be different from the one in the hole. The rippling connotations have a tendency to sympathize with each other.

This made him a little depressed, but what made him even more depressed was that these energies refused to enter the Void Martial Vortex. Even if he was forcibly mobilized, after entering, it would decompose again by itself and return to Within the Wu Yuan vortex.

This proves even more that it is not thunder attribute energy.

"It seems that it is impossible to cover up in the future!"

Looking at Lei Guangshuo's Wu Yuan whirlpool, Feng Hao only shook his head and smiled bitterly.

If it was Wu Yuan whirlpool, which had no attributes before, it would give the opponent a wrong judgment, which would make him underestimate the enemy and give him a chance to take advantage of it, but now that he is disturbed by the energy of these heavenly punishments, the body of the thunder is extremely, and some people may despise it. him.

"Never mind!"

Soon, Feng Hao saw it, because, with his current trump card, it can be said that within the same rank, he is not afraid of anyone.

"Only ask Huang Tianyun later..."

Seeing the energy surging in Wu Yuan's vortex, Feng Hao let out a slight breath.

He believed that the guy absolutely knew what it was.

"That's probably what he did!"

Seeing this layer of bright golden light all over his body, Feng Hao's eyes lit up.

This golden light is really too strong, although it looks ordinary, but the heavenly punishment that keeps falling on the top of the head can't move its silk pattern, and even no ripples appear, which is even more proof that it of sturdiness.

"There is such a baby!"

Feng Hao began to think in his heart. He must ask the guy for more when he goes out. In the future, he will no longer have to be afraid of the punishment. With this invincible golden mask, he will be immune to everything.

"Can't waste it!"

Glancing at the robbery cloud above his head, which has become much thinner, Feng Hao restrained his mind and absorbed the stray energy of the heavenly punishment wholeheartedly and madly. Please come to see the first episode without commercials -\u003c =""=""\u003e- .

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