Martial Inverse

Chapter 942 The difference between gods and emperors

?Chapter 942 The difference between gods and emperors

If Feng Hao did not have the energy of divine punishment, Feng Hao would not dare to say too much, but now, his fear of divine punishment has dropped to the lowest level. -\u003c =""=""\u003e- .

There is no other reason, it is because of his own 'Dao', which is different from others.

Although that kind of mysterious meaning is still blocked in the body and cannot spread out of the body, it definitely has a huge advantage in fighting against the punishment of heaven.

The most important thing is that he already has the power of divine punishment.

Even, Feng Hao is still looking forward to the coming of the punishment, because only by absorbing the energy of the punishment can the energy in the body evolve.

For his words, Huang Tianyun and Xiao Qiuqiu both chose to believe it.

This guy can even absorb the energy of punishment, there is nothing he can't do.

Thinking of this, their heavy hearts were suddenly relieved a lot.

They expected to see him perform miracles again.

The benefits of the eight orifices are self-evident, but what about the nine orifices?

Huang Tianyun is looking forward to it, and he also wants to know what the benefits of Jiuqiao are.

"Perhaps, his demonstration this time has something to do with Jiuqiao!"

This thought flashed through his mind.

No one can prove the Dao when the 'Dao Core' orifices are fully opened, not even the legendary gods, because it is impossible to communicate with the heaven and the earth, how to prove the Dao.

However, Feng Hao proved the Dao after opening one orifice, and the reason for all this should lie in the ninth orifice.

"The way of eternal life, can you really live forever!"

After being excited, Feng Hao still asked with some doubts, his words were full of disbelief.

If it is possible to live forever, where has the emperor gone, and where have the gods gone, there is no living being in this world that can prove the existence of eternal life.

"If you can achieve unity with the Tao, you will naturally be able to live forever!"

While speaking, Huang Tianyun's eyes flashed a long way.

"A single person who cultivates to the extreme is called the Great Emperor, and the way of immortality, if he cultivates to the extreme, is called by the world... a god!"

"Great Emperor, God..."

After his remarks, Feng Hao finally came to his senses and understood the difference between a great emperor and a god.

In ancient books, the Great Emperor is the representative of the extreme. He is already the ultimate, unsurpassed existence. The Great Emperor is only the ultimate. There is no rumor that the Great Emperor can live forever.


According to legend, the gods are immortal.

Although no one has been able to confirm it, the ancient books have been passed down like this, but the disappearance of the gods made this a mystery.

Because everyone thinks that the gods have also perished, so there is no such thing as eternal life in the world.

However, after what Huang Tianyun said, Feng Hao felt that what was recorded in the ancient books should be correct.

"God, does it still exist!"

During the questioning, Feng Hao locked him tightly, as if judging the truth of what he said.

"do not know!"

Huang Tianyun's body was stunned, and there was a hint of complexity in his eyes, and he shook his head.

However, Feng Hao knew that this guy was lying again.

He knew, but he wouldn't say it.

"Could it be that the gods really exist!"

Feng Hao couldn't help but wonder, and at the same time, with Huang Tianyun's expression, it seemed that the god was no longer there...

There seems to be a contradiction between this. Since the gods are immortal, why do they still die? Could it be that there are still existences in this world that can kill gods.

The Great Emperor is the ultimate of the single way, and the gods are the ultimate of the way of circulation. Is there any existence beyond the ultimate in this world?


Huang Tianyun exhaled heavily, an invisible sadness flashed in his eyes, but Feng Hao didn't see this, he adjusted his emotions, put on a calm face, and asked curiously, " Master, what kind of circulatory method did you understand!"

The way of circulation is about the degree of chimerism between one's own and the external attribute circulation. When practiced to the extreme, it can become one with the Dao and become a perfect circle, achieving immortality and immortality.

But Feng Hao's situation is a little different, because Huang Tianyun didn't find out which attribute he had a cycle with. Instead, there were some strange phenomena...

For example, it can absorb the energy of divine punishment.


Feng Hao was stunned for a moment, and then he asked in confusion, "Could it be that there are many ways to circulate!"

He really didn't know much about it.


Huang Tianyun was also a little dumbfounded, and then he explained it to him, and Feng Hao understood. It turned out that the single path and the circular path are actually only the difference between the single path and the double path.

"What kind of attribute did the master comprehend!"

Huang Tianyun and Xiao Qiuqiu both looked at him expectantly.


A look of confusion flashed in Feng Hao's eyes, he shook his head, and said blankly, "It seems that there is no attribute..."

When he realized the Dao, he did not consider a certain attribute, but fused himself with the heaven and the earth.

"No properties!"

Huang Tianyun and Xiao Qiuqiu were stunned for a moment, and they looked at each other. They both saw the doubts in their eyes. Huang Tianyun asked again, "Master, what is the way of your cycle?"

"Well,...with heaven and earth!"

Feng Hao pondered for a while, but still told the truth.

He felt that these two guys should not harm him, otherwise, with their abilities, he didn't know how many times he died, and this time the punishment could be counted again.

"Cycle with Heaven and Earth!"

Huang Tianyun and Xiao Qiuqiu were even more puzzled, as if they didn't understand what Feng Hao was saying.


Feng Hao nodded, a little, his face became solemn, in the brain domain, the four opened orifices of the 'Dao Core' resounded with mysterious burning sounds, and suddenly, in front of them, Feng Hao's entire The illusion of merging with the heavens and the earth appeared again, and they suddenly widened their eyes.

"Is it really a cycle with heaven and earth!"

They looked at each other and saw the stunned look in each other's eyes.

It seems that this is the only explanation, otherwise, why does this illusion occur, why is he able to devour the energy of punishment.

"this is okay too!"

They were extremely shocked. This guy was too bold. He dared to unite with the heavens and the earth.

There is no doubt that heaven and earth simply do not allow him to exist.

"This is a life-changing change!"

They all trembled in their hearts, and at the same time they couldn't help but feel a little lucky.

It is also fortunate that he was enlightened when he had one orifice. If he was enlightened when the eight orifices were opened, or at a higher level, then he would definitely be chopped to death by divine punishment.

Because, the golden mask was only prepared for him to open the eight orifices.

[It’s six o’clock, I wanted to code a chapter, but my back is sore, and my subscription score has dropped by half compared to the previous month... Please subscribe, subscription is the driving force for coding, my dears, Xiami is a professional , I don't want to starve to death, woo...] Please go to -\u003c =""=""\u003e- .

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