Martial Inverse

Chapter nine hundred and forty-ninth the body of the sorcerer

?Chapter 949

The hearts of those who are not from our clan must be different. -\u003c =""=""\u003e- .

It's not just the human race who believe in this. All other races are the same. For people who are not of their own race, they want to get rid of them quickly.


Wan Xin's face turned pale, and she pulled Qiong Ling'er and fled into the distance.

It is clearly recorded in the classics that within the same rank, the Wuling family is almost an invincible existence, and the powerful and strange magic power is hard to guard against.

"Hehe, since you have come to the territory of my Wuling clan, then be obedient to me and stay!"

The gloomy laughter resounded, and the six Wulings all got up and chased after them, turning into afterimages, like ghosts, closely following the two women, as if they were competing for their prey.

Obviously, they didn't take the two women seriously at all. This stemmed from their trust in their magic power. They believed that within the same rank, they were invincible existences.

However, they didn't see it, the two women looked at each other and nodded secretly.

"Xuantian Art!"

Qiong Ling'er's figure suddenly stagnated, her pretty face was solemn, her purple clothes fluttered, and layers of colorless halos erupted all over her body. , she recited an ancient formula in her mouth, the rhyme spread, abruptly, her eyes were clear, her ten fingers were open, and she shouted, "Destroy the gods!"


A series of transparent beams burst out from between her delicate fingers, seemingly capable of piercing the heavens and the earth, with a peerless fierceness, screaming, and shooting towards the six witch spirits.

"Ice and snow!"

Wan Ling, who was on the side, didn't stop. She crossed her hands one by one with complicated handprints. Suddenly, an extremely cold energy burst out from her body. Suddenly, snowflakes floated in the surrounding space, and the space between heaven and earth was like As if it was frozen, the extremely cold energy swept towards the six people like a tidal wave.

"court death!"

"act recklessly!"

"Take your life!"

The six Wu Ling family members shouted and cursed one after another.

An invisible energy spread out from their bodies, with a disturbing aura, overwhelming the sky and attacking the two women.


A series of voices resounded, and the blood burst open, and a few people from the Wu Ling family who had been arrogant a second ago, stagnated in place at this moment, looking down at their Po Bo bleeding wounds, their eyes were full of With a stunned look, his mouth opened, as if he wanted to say something, but the look in his eyes quickly dimmed, and one by one, like wooden piers, fell from the air, shattering his body and shattering his bones. Leaving a pile of mud there.

"how can that be,!"

At this time, the leader of the Wuling clan was left. He was the same, with a stunned expression on his face, staring blankly at the two women who looked like a fairy in the distance and a goddess of frost, as if he was looking at some monster. , a little, he just reacted, his face that was full of pimples was even more ferocious, like a devil in hell, he scolded, "Humble human race, you dare to kill my noble Wuling people, I want Turn you into puppets, torment for eternity!"

He never imagined that the seemingly ordinary two girls had an existence with more than extreme energy. Therefore, under the panic, his five followers were directly killed on the spot.

This is a huge loss, there is no doubt about the power of the Wu Ling family, but at the same time they also have a fatal weakness, that is, the ability to reproduce is extremely poor, and five elites were wiped out at once, which made him completely mad , eyes are red.

He knew very well that even if he went back by himself, he would definitely be punished.

"Witch God Possessed!"

He shouted loudly, and read a spell that no one could understand. Suddenly, strange spells appeared from his body, slowly expanding, covering him, slowly It swelled up, and finally gathered into the shape of a three-meter-high terrifying giant beast.

"He can actually possess the witch god, he is a person of the witch vein of the Wuling family!"

Wan Xin exclaimed, looking at the Wuling clan who looked like a demon, a look of shock appeared in her eyes.

In fact, the people of the witch veins of the witch race are extremely rare, just like the emperor veins among the ordinary people of the human race. Each one is a treasure and can reach the peak of existence.


He was inside the cursed beast, roaring wildly with his mouth open, the strange aura spread, he moved violently, and rushed towards Qiong Linger frantically.

He could feel that this girl was the one who truly had the ability to threaten him.

"Xuantian Divine Light!"

Qiong Ling'er's face changed suddenly, suppressing the panic in her heart, her fingers crossed, and a bright beam of light burst out between her palms, directly hitting the rushing giant beast.

"Frost Palm!"

Wan Xin also restrained her emotions, and condensed a huge handprint of ice and snow, like a huge iceberg, with a shocking explosion, it moved towards him to suppress it.


The man of the Wuling Clan was full of violence at this time, and when he saw the beam of light coming, he didn't dodge at all, just raised his sturdy arm and smashed it suddenly.


The loud noise that shook the sky resounded, as if the sky and the earth burst open, a terrifying ripple swept out from the inside, and everything around was swept away, flying sand and stone.


While he was stunned, a handprint the size of an iceberg had landed on top of his head. He roared again and raised his fists like a fierce god, madly bombarding the iceberg. It cracked open one after another, burst open suddenly, splashed in all directions, and rushed with great force, he was also smashed down, submerged into the ground, and smashed a bottomless black hole.

It's a shame for him.

Who is he, the unparalleled genius of the Wuling family, the person with the Wumai vein, at this time, he was shocked by the cowardly human race that he had never looked down on. I can only imagine how he was feeling.

"Unforgivable, absolutely unforgivable!"

With his anger, the earth began to shake, and with the deep hole as the center, terrifying cracks spread in all directions, and the sky was full of dust.

"Humble human race, die for me!"

In the deep pit, he roared up to the sky, struck with both hands, shot two energy filled with incantations, and attacked the two women directly. Linger ran.


The two women cooperated with each other and kept pressing and beating him, smashing him back to the ground again and again. Please go to -\u003c =""=""\u003e- .

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