Martial Inverse

Nine hundred and fiftieth chapters open the killing ring

?Chapter 953

This scene will remain in everyone's memory forever. -\u003c =""=""\u003e- .

"Chill, lol,..."

The man with a scaly arm, he held a dark purple long sword and rushed into the Wuling people. Every time the sword was swung, it would take away a life. , The powerful physique, under this long sword, is like being made of tofu, it did not cause him any resistance, but it was just a face-to-face, and seven Wuling tribesmen died tragically under his sword.


It was Haotian, and he had to take a deep breath at this time. In his eyes, there was a look of shock. The stunned look and the trembling eyes showed that he couldn't accept the sight in front of him at all. the fact that happened.

what did he see.

It gave him a headache, and the helpless Wuling people were so vulnerable under the hands of this strange man of the Martial Emperor's four orifices, which made him, who was already a little arrogant, how could he accept it.

He did not understand why this strange man was able to ignore the influence of the Wu Ling family's magic power.

He is like this, and the five surviving Xuantian Palace disciples behind him are like looking at a monster, and their eyes are full of incredible expressions.

At this moment, they vaguely seemed to understand why Xuantian Shuangxian from Xuantian Palace had taken a fancy to this strange man.

Too monstrous, too defiant.

This is simply beyond their imagination.

At this time, they realized that it turned out that their own human race can also have such a strong person.

And Qiong Ling'er was the same, stunned to see the scene in front of her...

At this moment, in her heart, in front of him, there is only the existence of the tall figure, this person, who can support her in order to protect her from the wind and rain.

"Brother Hao..."

In her bright eyes, the autumn water ripples, a little blurred.

He really is the strongest, and he really won't lose to anyone.

At this moment, she is happy and excited, and her sweetheart is as she thought,

Still so powerful, still so outstanding, so extraordinary, so eye-catching.

He is invincible.

She really hoped that her sister Xin'er could also see this scene, but Wan Xin still didn't wake up, so she had to write down every scene clearly, and tell her Xin'er in detail in the future. Sister knows.

"The devil, he is the devil!"

After Feng Hao beheaded the ninth Wuling tribe, the remaining eight completely collapsed. In front of this cowardly human tribe, they collapsed.

At this moment, Wu Yun's order was gone in their hearts, and they only wanted to escape, because the bloody facts in front of them told them that against the human race in front of them, there was only one way to die.

"This... how is this possible,!"

Wu Yun was a little stunned, his thoughts couldn't react at all, he couldn't understand why each of the cowardly human race was so tyrannical, and they were more tyrannical than each other.

How is this going.

The appearance of Qiong Linger, the appearance of Haotian, the appearance of these two men in front of me...

All of this has subverted his understanding of the human race.

Are they really human?

He was a little suspicious, especially Feng Hao, who also had a monster arm like that. What he couldn't understand was why Wu Li had no negative influence on him.

"Damn, bring me back!"

However, when he saw the rest of the Wuling clan escaping and hiding, he finally woke up from the sluggishness, and suddenly he was a little furious and drank desperately, but to no avail.

Because, these Wuling people have been scared to death, and they are also dying, so it is better to give it a try.

However, the scene that made his eyes almost fall happened right in front of him...


Taking one step forward, Feng Hao disappeared without a trace, without picking up a bit of dust, just like a wisp of air, without the slightest clue.

It wasn't just him, the five disciples of Haotian and Xuantian Palace couldn't react.



The screams suddenly heard not far away aroused everyone's attention. I saw Feng Hao holding the dark purple giant sword and appearing in front of the Wuling clan who had escaped a few hundred meters. Row down, divided into two halves, left a scream, fell down, and fell into meat sauce.


Feng Hao's face was indifferent, he took a step, disappeared again, and appeared in another direction.

"Shit, scoff,..."

A sharp sound of breaking the air kept resounding, and each sound represented the end of a life. No matter how much they resisted, it didn't work at all. The deadly sword light flashed, and they could only make the last tragic sound. Call.

They were wronged to die, how did this guy have such a strange and fast speed.

"Walk on the void,!"

When Feng Hao disappeared for the second time, Wu Yun, Haotian, and the disciples of Xuantian Palace all exclaimed involuntarily, and there was a strong surprise in their voices.

Although they were very reluctant to believe it, the man in front of him was indeed walking on emptiness.

"Isn't he a saint?!"

They really wanted to regard him as a saint, but under their glances, the man's cultivation was clearly there.

The Four Apertures of Emperor Wu.

Think about it, how could there be a saint mixed into the source realm, and also use the step to walk, this should have been discovered long ago.

At this time, there has been no response, so it is more proof that he has not reached the Holy Rank, but a genuine Martial Emperor.

"Could it be... it turns out that the space talent is not enough,!"

They are all elites, and they quickly thought of this.

If there is no holy power, even a tyrannical race cannot break the space. This is absolute.

Only holy power can tear space apart.

In addition, there is only one situation, spatial talent.

The head of the five beasts, Qinglong's spatial talent.

"How could he have spatial talent? Could it be that he is a member of the Qinglong family?!"

They couldn't believe that a human race would have a talent for space. Isn't this too heaven-defying.

And, with that monstrous arm...

And the energy contained in the giant sword in his hand...

All shocked them.

This is not a man, this is a monster.

Whether it was Wu Yun or Haotian, their hearts were twitching.

Originally, in the eyes of others, they were already demon-like existences, but they found that compared with this man at this time, it seemed that they were not worth it at all.



In a short time, all the eight Wuling tribesmen who had fled in all directions were beheaded by Feng Hao, leaving no one behind. Please go to -\u003c =""=""\u003e- .

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