Martial Inverse

Chapter 960 Tracking

?Chapter 960 Tracking

The Wuling family is born with the magic power that can attack the souls of others. Any race will suffer in this regard. If all the conditions are equal, they can suppress the Wuling family. Therefore, although the Wuling family has a small population, it is also one of the extraordinary races in the world. It stands above many races and is the pinnacle of existence. Not many races dare to touch its beards. -\u003c =""=""\u003e- .

And, it is precisely because the population of the Witch Spirit Race is small, but the resources obtained are not lower than that of any race. Therefore, their individual strength is far beyond that of other races. In terms of average strength, not to mention the previous Three, that is at least the existence of the top ten.

However, in terms of overall strength, the Wu Ling family couldn't make it into the top ten. The reason was also because their population was too small and their reproductive ability was too poor, so he couldn't afford it at all.

"If the Wuling clan starts a war against my human clan, he is just asking for trouble!"

Along the way, Haotian explained the situation of the Wuling Clan to Feng Hao, letting Feng Hao put down the last worry in his heart.

Indeed, the Human Race, which claims to be the most numerous race in the world, if a war is really launched, even with a heap, it can destroy the Witch Spirit Race.

However, the human race will not be able to get good results. All races have maintained their current status because of such a trade-off. Even if there is a conflict, they will never be promoted to the level of the race. That way, it is just for other races. Just create opportunities.


Feng Hao nodded and said, "You are here, I will crush Ziyu!"

"Brother Hao, don't worry!"

"Brother Feng, rest assured!"

Qiong Linger and Wan Xin responded obediently, Haotian also had a serious look, and Samsara nodded slightly.

"I'm leaving!"

Feng Hao took a deep look at the two women, and when they moved, they disappeared without a trace, without a trace.


The origin of the Wu Ling family is located on a flat ground, and there is no obstruction in the surrounding area for dozens of miles. They can see everything around them at a glance. Even if other clans attack, they can quickly find out, and Get ready to give the intruder a head-on blow.

However, according to legend, it was also a land of rolling mountains before.

However, after the Wu Lingzu got this source line, they cut the surrounding area flat, in order to save it from foreign sneak attacks.

However, all this is not a hindrance to Feng Hao, who has a talent for space. According to the map given by Haotian, at this time, he has already sneaked into the source vein.


A slight cracking sound resounded, Feng Hao appeared in a deserted corner, his eyes were purple, if there were purple flames burning, he glanced around, and he was slightly relieved.

"It seems that these places have already been mined..."

Looking at the pit marks on the surrounding walls, Feng Hao stretched out his hand, put it on it and sensed it a little, and then retracted his palm.




Suddenly, a violent roar came from the depths of the cave, along with some noisy sounds, and the surrounding ground shook slightly.

"It's the Origin Beast!"

Hearing these voices, Feng Hao was stunned for a moment, and then his figure flashed towards the depths of the cave.

When he came to the place where the sound came from, the fighting had stopped, he hid in the dark, his breath was restrained, and he watched the situation not far away.

The Origin Beast was already lying in a pool of blood, and the ground was full of blood. There were four or five Wuling people standing around its corpse. All of them had a strong aura, and their realm was obviously not low.


A Wuling clansman stepped forward and smashed the head of the Origin Beast to pieces with a single punch, bursting open like a watermelon. A crystal clear, shining Originium came.

"Hey, the Origin Beasts in the Origin Vein are different. Basically, there are five of ten with Originium Stone!"

There was an almost hideous smile on his pimple-covered face, he smiled, and respectfully handed the source stone to another person, "Boss, here!"


The Wuling tribe nodded slightly, "The four of you continue to tour, don't let the Origin Beast make trouble, I will come back to you when I hand in today's Origin Stone!"

"Don't worry, boss, there will be absolutely no problem with us!"

Those people patted their chests to assure.

Seeing the Wuling clansman known as the leader walking towards him, Feng Hao's thoughts moved, and he disappeared on the spot, not even picking up the dust. When he passed by, he even looked at this corner. He didn't even look at it, he just walked over.


Feng Hao reappeared on the spot again, and a purple flame ignited in his pupils again. He carefully followed behind the Wuling tribe, like a ghost, without making a sound.

Maybe he never thought that someone would be able to come to the source line silently, so he didn't pay attention to whether anyone was following him at all, but walked towards a place he was familiar with as usual. .

Not knowing how many turns he turned, he walked into an inconspicuous small gap in the source vein, and after walking for nearly a kilometer, he stopped.

"Dong dong!"

He stretched out his hand and knocked on the stone wall, and there was a hollow sound inside, which made Feng Hao's heart move.

Obviously, this stone wall must have been hollowed out later.


With a roar, the stone wall actually moved slowly, opening a passage that was two people wide, and there were some hilarious words. Looking at both sides, he lowered his head and walked in.


A little, a slight cracking sound resounded, Feng Hao flashed to the depths of this slit, and after finding a hidden foothold, the purple light in his eyes flowed, looking directly at the closed stone wall, It seems to have penetrated the nothingness and saw the situation inside.

Behind the stone wall is a large stone room, which is full of obscene language. Two enchanting women are trying their best to please a man who looks like a Wuling tribe sitting behind the table. They are like two water snakes. , wrapped around the burly man, even if they saw the Wuling clansman coming in, they didn't see it, the three of them still went their own way, as if he was air.

"Lord Wu Yi, this is all the gains for today!"

After walking in, he kept his head down and kept his eyes straight. When he came to the table, he took a ring from his hand, put it on the table, and respectfully called out, please come to see the first release without advertisement-\u003c =""=""\u003e- .

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