Martial Inverse

Chapter 964 God Source

?Chapter 964 Divine Source

"According to legend, if the King of Origin Beasts breeds within the Origin Vein, there will definitely be a Peerless Divine Origin derived there!"

The words that came out of the Wuling tribe made Feng Hao's heart tremble violently, and there was also a surge of excitement in his eyes. -\u003c =""=""\u003e- .

"It turned out to be a divine source!"

Feng Hao's breathing immediately became a little faster, and with his temperament, it was difficult to suppress the excitement in his heart at this time, which was directly revealed on the surface.

Shen Yuan, at the beginning, Huang Tianyun just had a word with him.

"A piece of divine source can let an extraordinary force be passed on for several generations!"

This is Huang Tianyun's description of Shenyuan.

However, at that time Feng Hao didn't quite understand the meaning of this sentence, and the explanation behind Huang Tianyun made him directly put the goal of this source world above the source of God.

"The energy contained in a piece of divine source is enough for a new saint to be promoted to the first rank. If it is only used to supplement consumption, it can allow an extraordinary force to pass on for ten thousand years!"

It's vulgar and easy to understand, and you can understand it when you hear it.

Such a fetish, there are people in this world, can there be power to ignore its existence?

Before the saints, all they had to do in practice was to accumulate energy and temper their own bodies. Therefore, those extraordinary forces could rely on their own background to help the children of mediocre children to the realm of Emperor Wu.

It can also be said that before the saints, all they had to do in practice was to temper a good body and prepare for the supreme holy power in the future.

After reaching the realm of saints, what needs to be done is different. In addition to the accumulation of energy, one must also comprehend a more profound 'Dao'.

Therefore, it can also be said that before a saint, it is only the foundation, and only after being promoted to a saint can one pursue the supreme 'extreme'.

As for a piece of divine source, as long as it is refined, it is enough for a saint to directly accumulate a level of energy, which can save a saint a lot of time. It can be seen that the extraordinaryness of this divine source definitely surpasses the existence of holy objects.

A god-level treasure, a fetish-like existence.

"It turned out to be the source of the gods!"

Remember this time,

Feng Hao suddenly realized.

No wonder that group of rays of light will give him a feeling like a vast sea, no wonder, that Origin Beast will be promoted to the King of Origin Beasts.

All of this is because it is a piece of divine source.

At this point, Feng Hao made up his mind to take this piece of divine source.



The King of Origin Beasts stood there, a beast alone, blocking the numerous Wuling tribesmen, making it difficult for them to move forward.

However, soon, some powerful Wu Ling people also rushed over. Among those individuals, Feng Hao even saw the person named Wu Yi in the secret room.

Obviously, these people are all team leaders of a group, and their strength is extremely powerful. Although not all of them are of the body of a witch, their strength is much higher than that of ordinary people.

After looking at the dozens of corpses of the clansmen that were riddled with holes, their faces became ugly.

This is a huge loss. Except for conquering this source line, the Wu Ling family has never suffered such a big loss.

"It's really the King of Origin Beasts!"

After listening to the reports of the people present, their eyes were all on the King of Origin Beasts, strictly speaking, the ground under his feet.

There is no good fun around, but the place where the Origin Beast King is almost intact, plus it refuses to move, makes them even more directly sure that this is the Origin Beast King, And the ground beneath its feet contains a piece of divine origin.

This is also the reason why the King of Origin Beasts does not leave the same place, which is exactly the same as what is recorded in the ancient books.

Immediately, there were no more regretful expressions in their eyes, instead they were full of excitement, and even Wu Yi, who had been disturbed by that good thing, did not complain at all at this time.

They are all very clear about the value of the divine source.

This is absolutely priceless fetish.

"Back off!"

Wu Yi sighed and let out a loud cry. The sound resounded through the earth veins like a thunderbolt. All the Wu Ling people obeyed and backed away until they disappeared, leaving only the seven team leaders. Stand still.

This is also a rule within the Wu Ling family. As long as there is a problem with one branch line, the three on the left and right will come to support, so the people standing here are the seven group leader level people.


A sharp light flashed in Wu Yi's eyes, and he took the lead to shoot up, holding a dazzling spear in his hand, and swept directly towards the king of primordial beasts.


The six people around didn't hesitate, and they all exploded.


The King of Origin Beasts had a fierce look in his eyes, but he still didn't mean to leave the place. When they left, the piercing sound of breaking through the air, as if the space had been penetrated, shocked the seven people in cold sweat, and quickly turned the attack into the defense, dissolving the deadly rain of needles that filled the sky.

At this time, the King of Origin Beasts was even more powerful. In addition to the continuous burst of needle rain, it also spewed out a thick beam of light like a bucket from time to time, forcing the seven people to be in a hurry, and they were suddenly in a state of embarrassment. state.

This kind of attack is very unusual, even Feng Hao dare not fight hard, they will naturally not be much better, such an indiscriminate attack, forcing them not only to move forward, but also to retreat.

"It is actually supplementing its own consumption with divine source!"

Seeing that the King of Origin Beasts was able to consume so unscrupulously, Feng Hao lit up his purple eyes, and after a closer look, he found that there was a stream of energy flowing directly into its body, quickly replenishing it. consumption.

This could not help but make Feng Hao feel a pain in his flesh.

Heartache, this divine source is being wasted all the time.

Obviously, he has regarded Shenyuan as his own.

This point, Wu Yi and the other seven are also aware of this, so they are even more anxious.

"The four of you defend, the three of us attack, go all out, kill it and then talk about it!"

Wu Yi took a few steps back and roared.

After he roared like this, two people retreated, the first four were responsible for the defense, and the three of them attacked the King of Origin Beasts at the back, taking the opportunity to push forward continuously.

Such a tactic just worked. During the shocks, the King of Origin Beasts left a deep mark under his feet, and was pushed back continuously by the force of the shock.

Seeing this situation, the seven people all showed joy, and they increased the strength of their attacks.

However, it is not only the seven of them who are happy, there is also Feng Hao who is hiding in the dark.

[Five watch, Xiami's car at noon today will not be home until tomorrow morning, so there will be no updates in the early morning, you don't have to wait, there will be updates during the day, and it will not be in the fifth watch.] Watch the first release without advertisements Please go to -\u003c =""=""\u003e- .

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