Martial Inverse

Nine hundred and sixty seventh chapter blame

?Chapter 967

"It seems that it should be the King of Origin Beasts!"

After hearing Feng Hao's description of the King of Origin Beasts, Haotian said it decisively, his eyes were full of fiery heat, and he was about to rush directly to kill him. -\u003c =""=""\u003e- .

The temptation of Shenyuan is too great, and no one or any force can resist this temptation.

There is only reincarnation. After listening to Feng Hao, he gave Feng Hao a thoughtful look, and then lowered his head, without any gaffe reaction.

People who haven't been with Feng Hao don't know, but Samsara knows that he is a person who doesn't want to suffer. When encountering such a good thing, Feng Hao will never let it go. At this time, he said it generously, maybe, among them. a little more.

For example, Shenyuan has already been obtained by him.

Otherwise, why can he be so calm.

With the talent of space, in that case, it is not impossible to win the divine source.

"I'll go back and inform!"

Haotian was in a hurry, and he said that he wanted to leave and go back to the human race city to report.

He also understands that this matter is not something he can handle alone, and it is only possible to have a share of the pie with all the elites of the human race.

"Brother Haotian, wait!"

Feng Hao quickly stopped him.

The human race and the Wuling race are fighting for each other. This is not what he wants to see. If the time comes, he will be equivalent to offending the entire human race.

There will be no place for him at that time.


Haotian turned around and looked at him with some confusion.

"Cough, it's like this..."

Feng Hao coughed twice before saying, "I took a glance at the Wuling Clan. It is estimated that there are more than 5,000 people, and there are more than 80 team leaders. If they rushed over, maybe..."

At this time, Wu Yi and the others were already in a hurry. If only the human race rushed over and slammed into his anger, it would definitely be a battle.

"It is indeed!"

Haotian frowned and nodded.

It is absolutely impossible to share something like Shenyuan. If there is a war, the human race will definitely suffer, and it is very likely that the gains will outweigh the losses.

After all, in terms of strength, the Human Race is far worse than the Wu Spirit Race.

"Then what should I do, if it is really the king of Origin Beasts, then..."

Thinking of this, Haotian's heart felt a little down.

Shenyuan, although Xuantian Palace owned it, it was the most glorious time. Now, Shenyuan is a legendary thing for them.

"Ha ha!"

Feng Hao smiled slightly and suggested, "Brother Haotian, we can inform several other races like this and let them fight together, then it would be better for us fishermen to benefit!"

" it possible!"

Haotian frowned.

Offending one race is not a big deal, but if you offend several races at the same time, the human race will not be able to bear it.

This is not what he wants to see.


Feng Hao nodded and said, "We don't need to offend those races, as long as one race gets the source of the gods, we will come forward. Although we won the source of gods, it is also indirect. Out of anger for the other races, how could they possibly unite against my human race!"


After Feng Hao said this, Haotian's eyes lit up and he agreed with this point of view.

At that time, the people who got the source of the gods definitely offended those races, and the appearance of the human race can indeed be regarded as venting their anger.

"When we pass the letter, we do this... In this way, there will be no doubts for them!"

Feng Hao expressed his thoughts.

It is definitely not possible to go directly to another race to tell it directly. That way, if you don't say whether you believe it or not, even if you believe it, after suffering a loss, it may cause more trouble for the human race.

Therefore, it must be faked by others, or revealed inadvertently...


Haotian clapped his hands, and after being polite, he quickly swept away and hurriedly arranged to go.


Feng Hao breathed a sigh of relief, a flash of guilt flashed in his heart.

This is also a deception to a friend.

However, this is also the reason why he did not mention the source of the gods, the king of the source beasts, the source of the Wuling family does exist.

Moreover, this is just a letter, which can make several major races want to fight, and since then forge deeper grievances, which is beneficial to the human race.

"Pay him back later!"

In his heart, Haotian has been regarded as one of the people who can be deeply friends, so if there is a chance in the future, he will definitely help Haotian.

When he turned around, he saw the casual reincarnation on his face, and he knew in his heart that this guy must know that the source of the gods had been taken by him.

"Xiangtian Palace, the most mysterious supernatural force..."

Feng Hao actually understands that reincarnation follows his own purpose. It is not easy for him to be willing to do this.

All this is because he wants to be with Xueyan.

This true love is no less than oneself.

Although this seems to be purposeful, this guy just made it clear that I have a purpose, and then let you owe me, and then achieve my purpose.

Obviously, it was so obvious, but he succeeded.

"Brother Samsara, believe it or not, one day, my Feng family will surpass those extraordinary forces!"

He stood on a high place, looking at the sky, his words sounded casual, but he was extremely firm and confident.

"I believe!"

Samsara raised his head, looked at him flatly, and spoke lightly, his tone was a little hoarse, obviously caused by not speaking often.

"Ha ha,……"

Feng Hao laughed loudly, and laughed wildly, "The first step in the rise of my Feng family is within the source realm!"

No one dared to say this, or even think about it, but he could say it as an oath. In these words, whether it was Samsara or Qiong Linger and Wan Xin, All heard his determination.

For some reason, even the three people who knew the situation of the supernatural forces, at this time, they believed in what he said and what he could do.


Under Haotian's arrangement, soon, the three major races around this area learned from various channels that the King of Origin Beasts appeared in the origin of the Wuling Clan.

Suddenly, they all acted in secret.

Undoubtedly, in the eyes of everyone, the King of Origin Beasts is equivalent to Divine Origin.

At this stage of depletion of the source veins, the temptation of the divine source is even more unstoppable.

Therefore, these three clans sent their elites to rush to the origin of the Wuling clan.

"Sure enough, as in the rumors, the people of the Wu Ling family were driven out of the Origin Vein by the King of Origin Beasts!"

When they came to the Origin Vein area, the scene in the distance made them completely believe what the rumor said. Please go to -\u003c =""=""\u003e- .

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