Martial Inverse

Nine hundred and seventieth chapters can eat everything

?Chapter 970 Can Eat Everything

It's so weird that it's beyond common sense. It seems that all attacks are immune to this swamp. No matter how it is blown up or broken, it can be quickly reunited again, and then its power will remain undiminished, regardless of its strength. High or low, as long as it is swallowed by it, it will surely die. -\u003c =""=""\u003e- .


The handsome man's expression was much ugly again. Without hesitation, he took the woman's arm and swept away without looking back.

Even if he used the forbidden technique, he still couldn't kill this strange swamp.

Moreover, it was a blessing to be able to escape here.

"What it is,!"

It was just a glance, Feng Hao's attention was shifted from them to the swamp. Looking at it with his purple eyes, he found that this swamp, like living creatures, had the flow of life.

This is a strange creature.

Moreover, this swamp is not a monster, but a condensed of countless small insects, so even if they are blasted, they can quickly gather together again, and those swallowed guards, All of them were devoured, not even bones and scum were left.

In the eyes of ordinary people, those guards were nothing more than swallowed by the swamp, but under the gaze of Zitong, it was completely different.

The strength of this kind of worm is beyond Feng Hao's imagination. Under the bombardment of the guard and the handsome man, they can still avoid being bombarded. Moreover, their teeth are too sharp, it seems that there is no such thing in this world. What they can't gnaw, the defenses of those guards are ignored directly under their teeth.

Rao is Feng Hao, who has a talent for basalt defense. Seeing such a scene, he couldn't help but feel a chill down his spine.

Even if he was swallowed by the swamp-like worms, I'm afraid he wouldn't be any better than those guards.

A dead end.

If Feng Hao had doubts about this Origin Beast Swamp engulfing a racial elite before, now, after seeing these strange bugs, he no longer has the slightest doubt.

If there are more such creatures, not only the elites of one race can be swallowed up, even the entire source world can be swallowed up.

Nothing can resist.

"Someone is calling for help!"

Qiong Linger also heard the cry for help from inside, and immediately looked in that direction. From a distance, she saw that pair of handsome men and women were escaping in this direction. Behind them, The last guard was also swallowed by the swamp, and blood splashed out, but after the swamp rolled over, there was not a drop left.

"They are not human race, ignore them, hurry up!"

Feng Hao's expression changed, and he pulled the two girls and wanted to leave.

That group of bugs is not easy to provoke, even if it is him, he has no confidence to fight against it, and he may fall into it.

"The brothers in front, wait, as long as we can save us, I am willing to pay 10,000 Origin Stones as a reward!"

The handsome man also found Feng Hao and the four of them, and shouted loudly, offering a shocking temptation.

10,000 Originium Stones, this is an astronomical amount, no one can resist, even Feng Hao, his heart can not help but move.

With this source stone, the Holy Physician Holy Land can be moved to the Hongmeng Realm.

"You guys continue to step back, let me try!"

After explaining to the two women beside him, he stopped.

"Brother Hao, then you have to be careful!"

Wan Xin and Qiong Ling'er said a word, and they swept away hand in hand.

They vaguely understood that perhaps, this strange swamp was the rumored monster that engulfed an elite racial monster.

When they meet, it is undoubtedly a dead end, but Feng Hao is different. He has a talent for space. Even if he can't deal with it, there is no problem in escaping.

Obviously, no matter how strong these insects are, it is impossible to break the space.

"Thank you for this brother, as long as my brother and sister can escape, 10,000 Origin Stones will definitely be offered!"

Seeing that Feng Hao actually stopped, the handsome man was stunned for a moment, and then he shouted loudly.

"You better keep your promise!"

Feng Hao replied coldly, without much emotion.

He doesn't have a favorable impression of foreigners, and if it wasn't for this Myriad Origin Stone, he would never have taken action.


He stretched out his hands and opened his fingers slightly. A little, his pupils were a piece of silver-white electric light. Above his hands, the arcs flickered and gathered slowly.

That's his trump card against these bugs.

Punishment energy.

This is not ordinary lightning energy, but the energy condensed by the will of heaven and earth.

This kind of energy is a special kind of energy that the will of heaven and earth punishes all beings in heaven and earth. Everything is afraid and can destroy everything. Even Xuanwu, which respects defense, does not have much advantage in the face of divine punishment. Word.

The Xuanwu talent that can defend against everything will also be ignored in the face of divine punishment, "This brother, don't worry!"

When passing by Feng Hao, the handsome man said sincerely, and pulled the woman quickly towards Qiong Linger and others.


When the swamp was swept in, Feng Hao swiped with both hands, and a large net formed by the condensed energy of God's Punishment was punched out of his hand and bullied towards the swamp.


The special aura of destruction spread, and the swamp that was condensed by inexplicable insects suddenly became a mess, just like seeing a natural enemy, hurriedly scattered and fled towards it, not as one, that sharp The thin screams made the scalp numb and the heart tremble.

"how is this possible,!"

Hearing these strange voices, the handsome man who was escaping turned his head sharply. He saw the swamp that he couldn't kill no matter what, but at this time it burst on its own. After looking at the densely packed things, Only then did he feel that this should not be a simple swamp, but some unknown creature, and, most likely, it should not be one, but a group.

However, what he couldn't figure out was why these strange creatures were afraid of the lightning energy in the hands of this strange man.

The degree of failure of that energy seems to be not as good as what he can condense.

And the beautiful woman standing beside him also looked at Feng Hao in astonishment.

This made them flee for their lives, and the strange creatures that were immediately immune to everything were solved so easily.

This made her a little unable to believe her eyes. Please go to -\u003c =""=""\u003e- .

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