Martial Inverse

Chapter 978 The shock of Yunqingshan

? Chapter 978 The shock of Yunqingshan

"Haha, Brother Yun doesn't believe it!"

Seeing their reactions, Feng Hao's smile grew even stronger, "If Brother Yun has time, let him show you how!"


Yun Qingshan still couldn't react directly. When he saw the mysterious smile on the corner of Feng Hao's mouth, his heart trembled violently. -\u003c =""=""\u003e- .

He remembered the riot of the Origin Beast just now...

Perhaps, the riots of those Origin Beasts are not necessarily related to the guy in front of him. After all, he is the only one who has entered, and it seems that he is just able to restrain the strange monsters like Ruo Ruo swamp.

"Could it be..."

He thought of a possibility, and then shook his head violently, very unwilling to believe the thought that flashed in his mind. If it was true, it would be terrifying.

And when he said this, Qiong Linger, Wan Xin, and Samsara three people already believed what he said.

It wasn't like a joke, and he didn't need to make such a joke.

"Grumbling, gurgling,..."

While they were still thinking, some strange but somewhat familiar voices rang in their ears, and all of them suddenly stood up, looking towards the voices, and they saw a familiar scene...

It was a swimming swamp, and it was also the strange monster in the Origin Beast Swamp.

"not good!"

Yun Qingshan is almost conditioned by reflex, pulling his sister back a few kilometers and shouting, "Brother Feng, go back, or it will be too late!"

Obviously, these bugs have left an almost indelible impression on his mind.

"Don't panic!"

Qiong Linger and the two daughters were about to pull Feng Hao away, but Feng Hao smiled and comforted them.

Next, everyone saw an incredible scene...

After this strange swamp landed in front of Feng Hao, it stagnated and wriggled slightly.

As if waiting for his order.

"how can that be,!"

Everyone was stunned and speechless, especially the Yun Qingshan brothers and sisters, who couldn't accept this fact.

This is nothing, could it be said that he has already subdued this strange monster.

If you look at the scene in front of you, this is indeed a fact, otherwise, this phenomenon cannot be explained.


Yun Qingshan couldn't help but sucked in a breath of cold air again, the shock in his eyes couldn't be suppressed, and it was revealed directly.

Sure enough, the conjecture that flashed in his mind was confirmed.

It seems that this is the only way, what Feng Hao said has an explanation for the turmoil just now.

Undoubtedly, in order to obtain the Origin Vein in the Origin Beast Swamp, two things must be done. First, to deal with the strange monster, and second, to kill all Origin Beasts.

However, if you can control that weird monster, you can already do what you need to do in two things.

At this time, even Samsara couldn't calm down.

He feels that since he knew this guy, he has been subverting his own cognition and doing what he thought was impossible.

Being able to control this strange monster deeply impacted his nerves that had become very fragile. At this moment, he completely showed a look of gaffe.

Whether it is Yun Qingshan or Samsara, they are very aware of the role and value of this strange monster.

This is within the source world, and it is simply immeasurable.

At that time, when robbing the source vein, as long as the monster is driven away, there is no reason why it can't be grabbed.

At this time, Yun Qingshan completely understood why Feng Hao did the previous transaction.

That's right, his personal source line, he can easily obtain the source line by virtue of himself.

Thinking of this, his mind still couldn't bear the ups and downs of excitement, and he couldn't use words to describe the thoughts in his heart now.

Although Yun Xiaoqi didn't understand much at first, but at this time, she also seemed to understand. Suddenly, her small mouth opened slightly, and her pretty face was full of surprise.

Only Qiong Linger and Wan Xin have only sweetness and pride in their hearts.

My brother Hao is always the best.

"Come on, let's go in and visit together!"

Feng Hao narrowed his eyes slightly and said to Yun Qingshan in the distance.


Yun Qingshan let out a breath and forcibly suppressed the shock in his heart. With a wry smile on his face, he pulled Yun Xiaoqi over and said, "No need, I believe that this source line already belongs to Brother Feng. !"

Needless to say, the previous riot of thousands of Origin Beasts must have been caused by him instructing this strange monster to drive away.

At this time, it doesn't really matter whether he goes or not. The important thing is that he understands that he has made friends with a very remarkable person.

It had only been a long time before he subdued the Origin Beast Swamp, and even the almost invincible existence in the Origin Realm.

In the future, this source world will be his world, and the place where he is will be the restricted area.

That half of the income is going to be high.

This is the gift.

Comparing his 10,000 Originium stones like this, he seemed a little unremarkable at all. In contrast, he seemed to be petty.

So, he secretly decided in his heart that he must make an effort at that time.

Just like this signing meeting, I believe that with the weight of their Qingyu clan, no one can ignore them.

Next, the two talked again, and the Yun Qingshan brothers and sisters left in a hurry because they were worried that the clan would come out to find them.

"Brother Hao is great!"

Qiong Ling'er pulled Feng Hao's arm, her big bright eyes narrowed into crescents, and she cried sweetly.

"My spirit is also great!"

Her charming and lovely appearance made Feng Hao unable to bear the fervor in his heart, he pulled him over and kissed her directly on the pretty face.

The reason why he exposed this trump card in front of Yun Qingshan was actually to make Yun Qingshan, or in other words, to make the Qingyu clan behind him pay attention to him.


As soon as they saw the three of them started again, Samsara didn't say a word and ran straight into the distance.

Because of his temperament, it is difficult to bear the ambiguous world of these three people, so it is better to slip away as soon as possible.

"Ha ha!"

Feng Hao didn't care. After dismissing the group of bugs, he walked towards the human city while talking to the two women.

He also had to contact Xuantian Palace, Yan Family, Xiangtian Palace, and the three extraordinary forces, and he had to negotiate good terms.

There is no free lunch in the world, and this share is just a reward and dowry for cultivating a few daughters for them.

After rushing with all their strength and deliberately bypassing those Origin Beast herds, they returned to the human race city in just over a day. However, not long after they walked, they got bad news from the mouths of pedestrians. Please go to -\u003c =""=""\u003e- .

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