Martial Inverse

Chapter 980 Yan Mo

? Chapter 980 Yan Mo

Speaking of Yan Mo, he is not a simple person. In the source world, as far as the human race is concerned, his strength is not the first, but no one can beat him. -\u003c =""=""\u003e- .

This is Yan Mo, the first member of the younger generation of the Yan family.

Of course, this is on the bright side, and his strength is indeed not bad. At this time, he and Wu Meng were not at a disadvantage, and the two were evenly matched.

However, because he was dragged down, the people of the human race also fell into a heavy siege.

"Not good!"

Yan Mo's heart is impatient, but he has no choice. This Wu Meng is too difficult to deal with. His special magic power is not much worse than his own. Although Yan Mo has the confidence to defeat him, it will not work in a short time. .

"You can only abandon them!"

Looking at the elites of the human race who were caught in the bitter battle, Yan Mo sighed in his heart, and a look of sadness flashed in his eyes.

This is also something that can't be helped. If it is delayed, it will not benefit them at all, and they will all fall here.

So, must retreat.


He shouted loudly, and countless thunderbolts fell from the sky, all of which fell on the heads of the surrounding Wuling tribesmen, giving everyone time to take a breath. Then, he forced Wu Meng back with one move and swept away with all his strength. Go, Haotian and others did not love to fight, no longer cared about others, and concentrated on escaping.

"The humble human race even dares to provoke my Wuling family's divine might, leave them all for me...'Wujing Prison'!"

Wu Meng was furious, and his whole body was covered in incantations, like stripes. Following the incantations in his mouth, the incantations on his body spread out overwhelmingly, and the speed was extremely fast, except that Yan Mo opened a gap and escaped. , the others are all trapped in this spell world.

In less than half a moment, they were besieged again, and for a while, they were in a desperate situation.

"damn it!"

In less than a few minutes, more than a dozen people were killed on the spot, and even Haotian was struggling to resist.

"I said, you all have to die!"

Wu Meng's ugly face was full of grins,

Bullying towards Yan Mo, the words in his mouth are very proud.


Yan Mo snorted lightly, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Wu Ling clan, you guys are so clever, you actually used the King of Origin Beasts as a bait to lure the elites of the four clans into the bait, and thus attack... You are here. Challenge the patience of the four clans!"


He didn't say it, but Wu Meng suddenly became furious, and the pimples on his face were shaking, and he shouted, "Since you are all unwilling to admit it, then I can only Kill them all, and then slowly find them yourself!"

Although this tactic is indeed correct, the problem is that they haven't obtained the divine source yet, and according to Wu Yi's description, this divine source definitely falls into the hands of the four major races.


The incantation was densely covered, and Wu Meng, like a giant beast, raised a fist that was condensed from the incantation and was thicker than a water tank, and smashed it directly at Yan Mo.

"Bafang Tianlei!"

Yan Mo's eyes were full of lightning, and his whole body was covered with electric arcs. He pinched his handprints, the surrounding dark clouds rolled, and eight thunders condensed. Under his control, with an overwhelming aura of destruction, he successively fell towards Wu Meng. , so that he had to switch from offense to defense, and could only passively defend.

The power of the thunder attribute is too terrifying, and it has the effect of paralysis. If it is real, it can kill him in an instant.

And this Bafang Tianlei is one of the unique skills created by the ancestors of the Yan family with the advantage of the thunder attribute, and it is the peak martial skill of the sky.

The eight heavenly thunders came in different sequences, which made it hard to guard against.

Yan Mo's strength is not inferior to him. If it weren't for the fact that there were other Wuling people harassing Yan Mo, he would not be able to compete with Yan Mo at all.


While defending against the attacks of the twenty or so Wu Ling people around, Yan Mo condensed a large net and covered the Wu Ling people who were besieging the human race in the distance, trying to open a way for them to live.


Several screams resounded, and the four Wuling tribesmen were directly killed on the spot by the Tianluodi Net. The thunder and lightning filled with destructive aura shattered them on the spot, and the blood rained, and suddenly, an exit was revealed.


When Haotian and others saw this exit, they all rushed towards this side with all their strength. Although both sides suffered losses, they still rushed out more than a dozen people.

However, another extrovert, dozens of people from that race have fled, and the rest have been wiped out. The situation they saw here is all rushed over at a high speed...

"Quick retreat!"

Yan Mo couldn't take care of it anymore, he forced Wu Meng back again, and swept away into the distance without looking back.

He knew very well that if he waited for people from that side to come over, he would never be able to leave.

"Not one can escape!"

A gloomy voice resounded, and I saw a jet-black figure flashing from a distance, just like a black lightning. In an instant, it stopped Haotian and more than a dozen people, and the mantra was in prison. trap them in it.

This person is the second master of the Wu Ling family, Wu Li.

"It seems that there is still no escape from death!"

After being trapped, Haotian and the others had wry smiles all over their faces, their faces ashen.

This is a really desperate situation. With Wu Meng and Wu Li present, they have no chance of escaping.

"If you fight with them, even if you die, you will have to be buried with them!"

They looked at each other and saw the absoluteness in each other's eyes.

And their target is Wu Meng.

All of a sudden, all of them are surging their own energy frantically, all of them are attacking Wu Meng.

"You bastard, you dare to resist, you will all die!"

Wu Li and Wu Meng shot at the same time, the overwhelming incantation was like a sky, and it was pressed down, and the dull aura spread, making it difficult for people to even breathe.


A muffled sound resounded, and the blood burst open. Haotian and other more than a dozen human race powerhouses were suppressed, knocked down, crashed into the ground, all vomited blood, and two people died on the spot.

"Cowardly ants, dare to compete with my Wu Ling family for glory!"

Wu Li's ugly face was full of arrogance, and his tone was disdainful, which made Haotian and others even more ugly.

During this trip, Yan Mo was the only one who escaped, and almost all the elites were damaged. More than 200 people, including Haotian and others, there were only about 30 left at this time...

At this time, a deep regret rose in the hearts of the previously impulsive people.

If you act according to the plan, and you are a oriole, how can you fall into such a field.

"Grumbling, gurgling,..."

An extremely strange sound came from a distance, very fast, very quickly, everyone could see a swamp surging towards them, please come to see the first release without advertisement-\u003c =""=""\u003e- .

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