Martial King’s Retired Life

Vol 7 Chapter 16: . Ask yourself, all rivers and lakes [Part2 / 2]

And I'll say it again-all over? "

The figure father smiled happily in the sky: "My Majesty. You are compassionate and seeing us looting the villagers is naturally unbearable. But the brothers ca n’t eat enough, wear warm clothes, and naturally indulge. But in your Under the enlightenment, can't it be changed? Besides, the villagers are your people, are we not your people? Besides ...

Tu's father turned sharply and sneered.

"We have 6,000 men and women outside. These people are all very wicked. If you lose your constraints, you don't know what you will do. Do you want to kill them all? It's up to you-personally? Your martial arts It's really amazing, the old man has never seen such a martial arts figure in his life. But even for you, is there a way to fight the 6000 army? "

"You say those people outside." I played with my hair casually and laughed: "It is not difficult to solve."

Suddenly, a loud noise came from outside. The sound of the mountain forest is like a galloping horse. Immediately caught the attention of the leader here.

Someone asked what happened.

After a while, the younger brother with a summon suddenly came running, covered in mud and embarrassed: "Yes, it is a cavalry! It is a large number of cavalry, suddenly killed from the dense forest! Those who surrounded us! The number of them -Wanlai people ... Fully armed and well equipped, our first brother can't resist it.

Tu father immediately cut off and said, "Immediate surrender !! Tell everyone to surrender immediately! No resistance, no resistance !!"

I applaud.

"Good judgment. Qingshan is not worried about the lack of firewood. The so-called knowledgeable person is Junjie, and the old man is regarded as one-generation Junjiejie Zhongjie.

The father of the figure lowered his head with a sloppy face: "Your Majesty's absurd praise. I did not expect that Her Majesty had such a trick. It was the old man who completely exhausted the old man and he gave up.

"You just rely on this

Wen handed in, rebelled and devoured immediately after surrendering,-way to today? \ "

"Your Majesty must believe in the old 2pCEz Xiaozhi

Suddenly—a **** man rushed into the camp and planted it almost directly on the ground.

"Boss, please, please come back to your own camp, or you will be too late ...

"What did you say, didn't I say surrender!"

"No, you can't surrender!" The blood man's voice rose, hissing: "They won't accept surrender! They're here, they're here to kill!" They passed out after speaking.

This man was so troubled that all the other leaders panicked. But because I was afraid to leave without permission. Tu's father called someone to summon the soldiers to ask for it.

After a while someone came back and replied loudly.

"We said we were going to surrender, but those who entered didn't care about anything. Just kill someone when you see them! Brothers can't stand it!"

The father was shocked and furious, and reluctantly stabilized his emotions, "What cavalry is so powerful! Who is the leader!"

"That man is, that ...-Wanyu Guoguo.

Tu Tu's eyes widened and he yelled at me.

"You, you have privately confessed the army of Wan Yuguo! You are the leader of the shamanism, how can you join forces with Bosang's descendants! Don't you know that the shamanism was destroyed by Bossan! Forgotten thief starling!

"You are a human, why do you kill people?

You are committing adultery and wickedness, and you should have thought of this end. Ca n’t you eat enough? Are you warm? What is the relationship between adultering women and killing the whole family? Someone forced you with a knife? ”He finished his words, his eyes narrowed, and he fell slowly. His palm was out of breath.

"I have nothing to tell you. I am not a good person and I do not intend to be a bodhisattva for all sentient beings. But I don't expect you to correct it, and your actions are not worth a second chance. "

The leaders seemed to know the fate they were about to face, and they were all trembling.

Someone shouted: "He, he is fighting the momentum of Wan Yuguo! Go and call people back. If we have thousands of people, we wo n’t believe he ca n’t help him.

"you are wrong

I said lightly, and the tone of coldness surprised me a little.

"I have slaughtered the heroes of Sanchuan. I have killed more people and let out more blood than you put together. The reason for contacting the army is that it is more efficient." 2 Guang La Xiao Shen

The raised right hand swung and waved,-a small to invisible silk thread flew, and there were more than twenty dead bodies on the ground.

"If there is an afterlife, at least try to be a good person. Even if killed, you can die like a person, don't you?"


Looking at the cavalry team coming and going, and because of the chaos of the command system, the cavalry was stunned and the horse bandits ran away. Blood fell into the river under the trample of iron hoofs.

I reached out and touched the black knife on my waist, feeling the knife on it carefully. It was easy to stop the boiling intention.

Suddenly someone said behind it.

"Since that night, Gu Gu has been looking for opportunities to meet you. But under the checks and balances of the Great Sorcerer, there has been no good opportunity. Unexpectedly, you can create opportunities yourself."

"Farewell that night, it's been a long time since you disappeared. Your Majesty?

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