Martial King’s Retired Life

Vol 7 Chapter 64: . This life is not easy, rare and affectionate (middle) [Part1 / 2]

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The moment before the dagger and the body, the blue howling wind rose suddenly, like a piece of net, like a tide rising.

Ghost force field can be used to solve the dangers, especially the unpredictable ones. The trait of "offensive and defensive body" is often not the one most adversary jeopardizes. The most amazing thing is the four-character truth. This makes it possible to achieve a one-time defense that exceeds the reaction speed.

However, the force net stretched at the edge of the blade failed to stop the sharp paper-like thorn in time. Even this sudden obstruction was counted as three consecutive bursts of force at one point by the inner concubine for a moment,-to break the instantaneous defense of the ghost and spirit force field, and the knife stabbed in.

Not only was she familiar with Alpine's vigorous techniques and defensive habits, she had even seen the full text of the ghost nerves at the cow and ghost place-she always had an unexplainable enthusiasm for assassination of Alpoli. Naturally, he will not let go of his life, and she has an unattainable advantage in cracking the power field of ghosts and gods.

However, just as He is familiar with the martial arts of Alples, so is Alberus.

If thunder and thunder, take a step back, the mouth has already become popular. The short blade flew out of his hand and crashed into the wall without reaching the handle.

"Why are you crazy?

Alan slaps on the small face, and Bai Jing's face suddenly shows the maple leaf red palm shadow. She stepped into the middle of the two, although her attitude was fierce, the intention of helping each other was quite obvious.


"I was going to kill him. What's strange?

SF Light Novel

He spit out a **** sputum and stared hard at Alples.

"You're thoughtful about putting on soft armor in advance, otherwise you won't see blood-it must be me."

"I don't deny it, but do you think you can kill me?"

As he said, he pulled out the short knife in the wall, cut a piece of lamb leg, put it generously in his mouth, and laughed, "You didn't put enough poison.

Alan yelled, "What the **** are you thinking about? Alang has ignored the past, and you have uncovered all the things that killed your brethren. But what are you doing!"

"Anyway, he's going to die in Sin, and it's not clean to kill me.

I said, "I just want to ask what are you thinking? Isn't your husband suspected of being too long? Does it matter if someone kills a beast? It's also something he wants to do. You are crazy. Actually support him to shake.

Unexpectedly, Alan would be questioned in such a way that he could not speak for a while.

Among those who are about to attack Insidious Shake, the person who has no reason to interfere in Insidious Shake is Alples. Ming Fei really has a heavy responsibility for the school, his name is blood and deep hatred, and his blood is really king, and the blood is for the people of southern Xinjiang. Naples is more justified in participating in the annihilation of ferocious beasts.

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Saying compassion and compassion for the suffering of the people has never been the way of sneaky robbers. Ghostly: Although we have done many charitable actions to rob the rich and help the poor, they are not righteous people who use the right flag to replace the skywalk. Although it cannot be classified into the evil way, it is certain that Alples is definitely not the right man.

"Who says I have no reason.

Alepace quietly said: \ "Why would I forget who killed the Alan family?"

"Alang ..." ... Alan looked at Alples tearfully.

"Twenty years ago, Alan's parents were killed, and the people who ruined her country must be hiding in or related to it. To find the murderer, this battle is essential. Before I decided to marry When I was Alan, I decided to help her revenge. The man has no promises-how can he self-destruct.

He did not take a half step back because of his firmness, said calmly.

"It's very nice, but can you do it?"

What do you want to say? "

Desolately scorned: "I stabbed you just now. Before, you could control my hands and feet with ghosts and powers before I even stabbed three swords. Why do you have to rely on soft armor to protect you? What is your level of practice? How can you repair the already fallen state?

Since you lost to the abbot of Shaolin Temple, you are no longer the one you were before! "

These words hit the center of the head like a sunny thunderbolt, slightly distorting Alples's face.

After he came to the Central Plains, his defeat was not small. He was beaten by Luo Ming to the point of serious injury and died twice. Whale God Island encountered the incoming master and was taken away with the name of the sacred **** and the ten orders of the sacred god. Lost to Mingfei in South Xinjiang and lost daily. Even more distant, there was also the escape from the hands of the commander of the Unicorn Guardian when he went through the Central Plains. -There are no chances of victory.

But these failures all happened when he was in an incomplete state, or his opponent was too strong, even if he lost to the opponent, it was still not enough to cause an indelible psychological afterimage to him.

What really made him in a state of depression and hard to cheer up was the defeat in Shaolin.

It was an unbeatable duel, even he never imagined that such an opponent would appear. No matter how he moves, Abbot Shaolin can always break it down, and in a way he can't imagine. This is even true of the fact that he has done tricks with him every day.

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