Martial King’s Retired Life

Vol 7 Chapter 65: . This life is not easy, rare and affectionate (Part 2) [Part2 / 2]

Suddenly a little shake came out, then angrily.

"Stop! What are you talking about when the two of you are going to the land!

Alples said: "You can't be too happy. Your moves are slower than snails in my opinion. Even if you hold Alan, I can regain it within one stroke.

"A dog that can bite does not need to bark. Do you still need to tell me if you can shoot? Now you just need to bounce to rescue her, the ghost and power field immediately collapses, and you will die in prison.

This sentence will mute the words of Albania, but time is speechless.

"Bodhi.Aples, I give you two choices.-Is to withdraw the ghost and power field immediately to die. Second, it is also simple, Lao Tzu-the knife split your wife. See if you want to live.

Gaze--cold, there was no time for Alples to choose. At the moment of speaking, the long knife was diagonally printed on the edge of Alan's slender neck, which seemed to have cut the skin of the throat.

At this moment, the long sword's momentum rebounded directly.

Albania did not know when, and ingeniously, took Alain from his hand.

The whole process happened extremely quickly, but the ghost power field collapsed as Alples moved. Forty-five fire snakes walked out, and rushed to the location of forty-five explosives as if searching for prey. As the flames grew, Alpoli could no longer contain it. At the end of life, I was just a slight smile. It ’s the most special feeling without the frantic frenzy, without the fierce eyes, as if it was relieved.

CSF Fiction

But just before the explosives were about to erupt, Alples laughed suddenly.

"You didn't want to kill me at all, did you?

"You're worried that I will die in Nie Shao, Alan is not taken care of, and the ghosts--the rest of the brothers will also lose the last barrier in the world. So you have to keep my life.

I did n’t refute anything. I looked at Alples and Alain before leaving, and laughed: "See you next time, master, mother

Alpoli, who was already in a dead end, said something inexplicable, and suddenly he disappeared.

Underneath the secret room, an extremely violent shock suddenly occurred, as if the wine cellar was to be lifted-as strong as the wine jar shattered to the ground.


That's it.

The explosives that were enough to blow up the whole cellar did not perform as expected, and the bones of all the bombers were lost. On the contrary, it was dumb-like, more than forty explosive sources all stopped just by shaking. The power of the explosion was not even the ease with which the sound was leaked.

"I split it into forty-five small force fields with ghost power fields, each of which was wrapped with explosives. Even if it explodes, it can only break my force field. The power is considered to be offset."

He didn't understand what was happening at all, but just stared at him in tongues, "You, your injury.

"Naturally, it hasn't healed yet. But at least the seventh ghost nerve can already use Xiaoxu. Therefore, all three of us will be perfect.

Since it can't be blown out all at once, it can be broken up in small parts one by one. This is Alpoli's strategy, and he really does it.

Just the calm judgment and courage to gamble and the martial arts that have improved the level are indispensable. If it is not an avid gambler, it will never bet like this. He just won. Factory Mu J playing

Martial arts skills improved again before leaving,-step into the ghost nerve seventh.

"The amount of explosives here is not enough to kill me. You have used it once, and you won't be overwhelmed.

What you think is that I will do my best to protect Alan, and I will be seriously injured here. But with my martial arts, death will never die. You want me to be injured for three to five months. It's just you who is really going to be blown up.

Then Alan understood the meaning of the last word.

"I don't need to worry that I will die in injustice. I still have many stumbling blocks, and I have no plans to leave this world. You should not even die, you have many wonderful things in your life, etc. Keeping you. You shouldn't die here.

My aunt's face turned red for a while--anxiety, joy, and anxiety. I really didn't know what to do. She desperately wanted to do something for Alain. Don't let Albulus, who is incompetent, die in Injustice. The clinker raised him at this moment.

And those who prayed for death failed to die, but the desire to die was lightened.

"Of course, the risk of me doing this is not small. My martial arts has taken a lot of steps backwards. If the critical moment is not working, I can only ask my friends. Right, brother Ming?"

"How do you retreat yourself, didn't you find out?"

Someone whispered behind the wine rack.

魍 魉 Hold out your hand and look out-see, it is true.

It turned out that he had been here, and if something beyond his control happened, he could directly subdue it. Two supernatural powers came to deal with her one by one, which can be said to be a masterpiece of the peak in this life.

It was just that she was not satisfied.

"Wangbadan, smelly turtle grandson! Why are you peeping at Laozi here!"

Ming Fei dug his ears and said, "Is it what I want to hear? I'm here to enjoy the cold, you should come and let me listen for half a day, so I should charge

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