Martial King’s Retired Life

Vol 7 Chapter 109: .Mantis catching cicadas, carduelis in the back (below) [Part2 / 2]

Added fun. It has never been a worthwhile goal in life. The only difference is that even with the mentality of having fun, she played very well.

The Supreme Lord said lightly: "There are always people on the rivers and lakes who think that one step is enough to challenge the proof of magical powers. This is ridiculous. You know that there is only one magical power, unless you can get to the point where the wind passes the dragon court. Otherwise, you can only do one move. When the opponent ’s candlelight is quiet, you wo n’t have one move.

And do you know that the candlelight is faint and weak.

Before he finished speaking, the ice wind rose suddenly, and the strange light of dark gold covered his left arm.

From the perspective of light intensity, the two can hardly be compared.

The shadow lord's eyes are eagle-eyed, and his voice is loud.

"How do you fight me? I have figured out how many martial arts you are good at. You palm

Not as good as Hong Er, not as good as Sima San, as profound as even six, and the only sword technique that can be praised is broken by me. What other tricks are available?


The woman in white knew that the statement was true, and gritted her teeth and said.

"Kill, you don't have to use new tricks.

\ "SF Light Novel

The choice is still palm.

The long sleeves are like clouds, where the light and the shadows look like each other. This way of palming is the most intimate life in Ming Suwen's life, and it is still used in this decisive battle. However, unlike the past glorious past, today's palm is out, with a scorching martyr that dies with the enemy. The faint white light exerts far more power than the already weak internal force. Before the candlelight Youying assisted, even if it was shot with all its strength, this palm could not make such a sound anyway.

The Lord of the Shadows is simple-the palm is split, the dark golden color is like a blade,-it cuts through ten thousand ways, and wins its brilliance.

The white candlelight Youying was smashed and smashed, and the palm of the wind was scattered, and it also cut off the last strength of the woman's accumulation. She seemed like a string puppet who had broken her string, lost all her vitality, and fell straight forward.

--No palms, no swords, enough pouches.

When exactly did it start?

She began to practice martial arts seriously.

Thinking about this issue carefully, the mind is full of young people's faces.

For the first time, he devoured the culprit and almost died.

The second time, he went down into the mountains as a demon and washed the rivers and lakes.

The third ..-.. He Ziran-retired from the mountains, regardless of world affairs.

Every time, every time, she was not by his side.

She thought it was because she hadn't grown up late enough to catch up with the teenager. Later I learned that it was not that she was growing too slowly, but that he had endured too many and too heavy things too early.

He felt ashamed three years ago, and when she went to Shaolin alone, she thought she was really about to lose him.

She should stop tasting such regrets and such weakness. Whenever something happens to him, she can only regret it and run to him. Like if she was willing, he was really-it would be the same.

That year, she could not martial arts step by step and started practicing martial arts madly. mountain

What is Yufei Kite?


If I want to achieve it, who dare not give--

After splitting the air of Mingsu's question, the Lord of the Shadows turned back, but had a kind of uncomfortable feeling that was completely different from the coolness after the final battle. It seems to be entangled with something confusing, both unpleasant and difficult to explain.

What she couldn't figure out later, she always thought so. What should be done is to end the war here.

Looking to the other side, Ablestan was sitting on the ground and did not take the opportunity to adjust his interest, but stared at her desperately. On the other side, the old lord, too, had a knife on the ground and did not use his skills to fight against him, but just looked at her. Both held their breaths, looking at her like they didn't want to miss it instantly.

The Lord of the Shadows feels inexplicable.

"My husband advises you to turn back.

The Lord of the Eyes said slowly: "Otherwise, this situation is missed, but a lifetime regret. '

The covered woman hesitated-instantaneously, suddenly realized what it was, and then turned around eagerly, but it was too late. The sight she saw made her feel like a wave of hot coals, her regret was startled at the same time, and her body covered with tide.

She saw.

She was laughing, thrillingly.

The girl in white with blood on the corner of her mouth, Ren Feng, brushed her long hair in the night, and her slender fingers made a sword.

Killing, really don't have to use new tricks.

He once severed the extinction of the zi purple--the sword reappeared on earth, with infinite sword energy far superior to that time, and a grand light like a vast cloud.

Only then did I know that the two masters of supernatural powers stared at each other. What I didn't want to miss was the situation of a top warrior.

The unavoidable Shadow Lord, enduring the pain of being torn by the sword gas, still spoke this sentence hard.

"... the magical power?"

It's pretty boring. The girl who has never lost someone else smiles. It seems that the death just now is all deceiving.

The glorious naughty 5 in his eyes spat out his tongue mischievously.

"It was a year ago."

Sword, but still passed through the body of the Lord,

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