Martial King’s Retired Life

Vol 7 Chapter 111: .You You Shu Yu, the aunt behind [Part1 / 2]

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Nine Dragons have different products.

Youyu Shuyu is the only beast with no special ability among the dragons.

It has no other brothers calling for the wind and the rain, no fear of fire, and attracting nine days of thunder, to control the amazing powers of all beasts. There isn't even a thick and tough dragon scale body, and the vitality is not as tenacious as the other dragons. If they are severely hit like Qiu Zi, most of them will be three-pointed-it will be over. Measured by attack power, it is far inferior to Bai Dizi and other powers that can surpass masters of supernatural powers.

What it has is that it makes it different from the others.

Therefore you are timid with sparse feathers. Despite being a dragon, he is the one who dares not show up. I don't know if it is because of this, it still has a non-aggressive ability, but it is regarded as a huge threat.

The timid faint sparse feather can be integrated into the surrounding environment during the incubation period, making it impossible to find its existence. If it was holding its breath, it would become a dragon, and the remaining beasts with extremely developed sense of smell could not be found. Because of this, if it intentionally hides, no one can find it. It snipes enemies, which is different from the prestige identity of the dragon, closer to the beast. Wait for the opponent to lower their vigilance, reveal the flaws, and then expose the minions from the unpredictable hiding place, -kill them. If it misses one shot, it is far away immediately, leaving no counterattack for the enemy.

You Yu Shu Yu is an assassin among dragons.

When the holder of Luo Tian finally fell down due to lack of strength, the dragon who had been hiding in the dark for a long time finally unfolded his wings and flew for nine days.

In the eyes of Youyu Shuyu, the two who had cut off the head of Xiuzi had no movement, and this was the woman whose sword had severely damaged Qiuzi.

This eighth-ranked dragon is not unusually large, about four or five times the size of an ordinary hawk. When standing on the ground, it should be higher than the bear ape, but it is surprisingly small compared to Bai Dizi and so on. It has a sharp beak and no teeth, and it seems to have teeth between its jaws. The body is a bit similar to that of the purple dragon, but it is far worse than the purple dragon. Closer to the hybrid between dragon and snake. With wings on his back, he looks like a heron.

Lightning flew in front of Ming Su asked, and the blood basin opened his mouth and bite. At this moment the mud in the foot suddenly exploded-people, standing between Ming Suwen and Youyu Shuyu. But at this time, it was not a block, but almost stuck himself in Long Zi's mouth.

Youyu Shuyu swooped hard and couldn't stop, biting on the man in one bite. The mouth full of iron teeth wants to crush it into blood meal, and then lethal to the woman behind. I noticed something weird.

The teeth couldn't bite the man in his mouth.

It looks like there is a diamond in his mouth, with the bite force and iron teeth of the quiet and sparse feathers, he is completely bitten, and no trace of blood is returned.

at the same time-

"You finally came out, timid beast.

The white light swelled in front of the eyes, reflecting with the golden mang on the sword, and the sword's gas poured in all directions like a cloud. And the woman who was supposed to fall, at this time was very upright with a sword, bringing a sharp sword. Youyu Shuyu was not aware of it, but was dragged down by the man in her mouth-the take-off situation was greatly delayed.

With the pain in the abdomen, the sword that had severely wounded Zizi had drawn on it from the bottom up--a shocking bloodstain.

Youyu Shuyu screamed,-there was blood between the swords, and the man took off in surprise.

The man from Longzi's mouth \ 'the rest of the life after the calamity has no hair and looks plain,-his eyes are clear. After being swallowed into the middle of the dragon, it was safe and sound. Only Tianfeng Xuanyuan, who claims to be Da Luo, but not the small golden immortal, could do it. 0

The younger son was ordered by the master to accept the next glorious task. Hiding next to the ancestors is to prevent the sneak attack hiding in the dark because the younger son is able to endure hardships and work hard, and is not easy to move,-hiding in the soil under his feet. Shicai and the Lord of the Shadows are at war. If it were not for the uncle's ancestors, he would jump out early.

"Uncle Shi, are you okay?" I took two steps before asking a word.

Mingsu asked to kill Youyu Shuyu, and her frown suddenly frowned, and she vomited a bite of blood.

Close your eyes and try to control the internal wound with a unique approach. Based on her supernatural powers, it is still necessary to breathe smoothly after twenty breaths.

Ming Suwen slowly opened her eyes, and her white face was now paler, almost as white as plain paper. She smiled lightly.

"I'm okay, but I'm using it a bit harder."

Looking back, the magic eyes and throat were injured by the knife wind that Ming Suwen couldn't catch just now. His body was covered with blood, and it was almost a dangerous situation. Aleppo's injuries are similar, and they can't stand the same master-attack.

Ming Suwen asked the true cause of the battle with the Lord of the Shadows, which is that the Lord of the Shadows should take the bet too quickly. She couldn't kill anyone without asking, and Ming Su asked that once she had entered the Divine Realm, she had no chance of being knocked down. She had to kill--the way. She deceived her to know that Mingsu was not a killer.

The message given by the Lord's last round of fast knives is very obvious-even if I am injured, I still have the ability to kill them under your protection. I just disdain breaking the contract.

Mingsu asked a short breath. The palm that she just received hurt her badly. None of the blood that was spit out was false. How could there be any luck in the presence of the Lord. And the woman's last demonstrated strength is to make Ming Suwen more grateful for her choice, otherwise

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