Look of the bully, smiled.

"Ming Shaoxia, how about borrowing the note you have?

"This? Of course.

Ming Fei really raised the note in Yang's hand and spit out his tongue.

"No way.

"Then Mo Yanzhuo was rude 7Ai \" =

Zhuo Fengru, who has always been calm, seems to have moved the real fire.

The left hand pinches a sword trick, and his shot is like electric lasing, but he draws a small circle for Ming Fei's right hand, and the first shot chokes the wrist first.

The whole person moves from extreme movement to extreme silence only in an instant, and falls into the eyes of Hua Feihua and other people, especially when the shadow of others is still at the door.

Zhuo Fengru's left hand was falling and his right palm was spinning at the same time. Palm to the door to attack the danger of the left hand, but the light accurately fell to the left hand of Mingfeizhen. It is a very clever method in martial arts to rescue Zhao with a series of eliminations. It is shocking that he almost did not want to do it.

And Mingfeizhen is still one-handed circle.

Since Zhuo Fengru left with his left hand, he gathered the fireworks, choked Zhuo Fengru's right wrist, took his right hand-and fell back to where he was, and then grabbed his left hand,

The order was clear. In the end, until Zhuo Fengru lost both hands to Ming Fei's one hand, he could not react at all, just like falling into a dream.

Mouth play

After all, Zhuo Fengru is not a fuel-saving lamp. He has seven successes with both hands at the same time. There are no more targets, but attacks are made indiscriminately. However, he only locked the splash area around Ming Feizhen. Seeing his anger, he was still reluctant to involve others.

Jian Jin hasn't formed yet, but feels that the strength of the soft water pushes himself backward. Zhuo Fengru involuntarily took seven steps back. Although his hands were free again, the distance was far away, and the attack was meaningless. There was only one sword wave that waved the luck together.

He can control Qicheng's internal force in an instant, and he can also say that he is scattered. Seeing the profound mystery of the inner family repair gradually.

Zhuo Fengru attacked twice without success, and flashed in his eyes-deepening his deep anger.

"Tai Chi Gong, you really are a descendant of Wudang!"

Ming Fei was actually smiling after sitting at the table. The crowd then reacted. The white-haired young man not only used one hand, but even didn't need to get up, he repelled the Confucian heroes who were famous for martial arts.

It is as if nothing happened to the boy. Under everyone's attention, the slip of paper was laid on the table, and it was slowly folded into a square victory, and put it in the arms and put it flat.

"Feifeng Sword, chasing deer palms, it is a well-deserved reputation. With these two sets of martial arts, they can break through famous halls.

But the separation of the sword palms cannot be my opponent. "

Zhuo Fengru face Shen Sishui: "What does Shao Mingxia want to say?

"I just want to meet the legendary martial arts for a while.

Ming Feizhen turned 5 laughs from the table (<

"Fei Zhuo Hua Shen Yin", if you don't need it, there will be no chance.

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